Chapter 50

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Louis was scared that something was wrong with his Hazza. He had vomited again before Louis had gotten him fully dressed, but he said he didn't feel sick anymore. Louis didn't know what could be wrong with him if he said he didn't feel sick. It could have just been some nausea or anxiety, but he looked so bad. And why had it come and gone so quickly? Harry had perked up significantly after the shower but then he had thrown up not even ten minutes after that. Louis thought the best thing to do was just take him to the emergency room and get a doctor to look at him.

5 minutes later, Harry was piled into the front seat of Louis's car with a small trash bin at his feet in case he threw up again. Louis pulled out of the parking spot and took off down the road, not caring how many laws he was breaking. They got to the hospital within a few minutes' time, coming to a screeching halt in front of the brick building. He pulled Harry out of the car and led him to the door of urgent care, making sure not to jostle him too much. Louis sat the boy down in one of the waiting room chairs and then went up to the reception desk to get the forms to fill out.

"Hello, sir, how may I help you?" Louis took a deep breath, still kind of frazzled from the day's previous events. "Uh, my boyfriend is throwing up a lot but he says he doesn't feel sick. He was standing up and he just started swaying on his feet and then he threw up everywhere. I don't know what to do. Do you think he'll be okay? Is he really sick?" The woman stopped him with a hand on his, which was tapping on the desk at a feverish pace. "Sir, I need you to calm down. I'm sure your boyfriend is fine, he may just have a touch of the flu or something. Please, take these forms and fill them out. You will be called as soon as we have an available space for you."

Louis took the clipboard from her and sat down next to Harry, heart pounding in his chest. "Haz, baby, do you think you could help me fill this out?" Harry smiled and took the form from him. "Of course. Maybe you should go splash some water on your face. You look a bit pale." Louis nodded, still slightly spaced out, and went to the restroom. He splashed some cool water on his face and then dried it, trying to take a few deep breaths before going back out. He really didn't want to scare Harry, who needed to stay calm. A stressed Harry was not an easy Harry to handle. He was very high maintenance.

When he got back out into the waiting area, Harry was just sitting calmly in one of the chairs, filling out the form with deep concentration. "How's the form going?" Harry looked up and waved with the blue pen in his hand. "It's going good. I think I'm mostly done with it." Louis nodded and kissed the boy's forehead before sitting down next to him. "How are you feeling?" Louis asked, rubbing the boy's thigh. "I'm good. Don't feel sick anymore and the anxiety has kind of worn off. I think it was just a lot going on at once and that's what freaked me out so much." Louis nodded in understanding.

"Could you take this up to the desk for me?" Harry handed the clipboard to Louis, who stood up and handed it to the nurse behind the desk. "We'll call you as soon as we get an opening, ok?" Louis shot her a thumbs up and went back to Harry. "She said that they'll call us as soon as a doctor opens up. The wait will probably be pretty long." Louis put his arm around the boy and pulled him close, trying to keep him cool and relaxed until someone could tell them what was happening to him.

Louis and Harry had only waited a half an hour before a doctor in a white lab coat walked into the room with a clipboard in his hand, a tall man with a bandage over his hand following him. "Make sure you clean those bandages every day, Luke, don't want that to get infected." The man thanked him in what sounded like an Australian accent and Harry sat up beside Louis, recognizing the man's voice. "Luke?" The man turned toward the two boys and smiled when he saw Harry. "Harry! Hey, mate, how ya doing?" Harry walked over to the boy and pulled him into a bear hug, careful to avoid the bandage on Luke's hand.

"What the fuck did you do to your hand, Luke?" Luke shrugged and rubbed Harry's shoulder. "Don't really know. I was pretty drunk when it happened, but the pain sure sobered me up." Harry rolled his eyes. Typical Luke. "How's Niall? I haven't seen him for a while." Luke smirked. "He's, uh, he's as annoying as ever. Always complaining about my height. I know how to shut him up, though." He bit his lip suggestively, making Harry grimace. "Gross. Uhm, I think the doctor wants me, so I gotta go. Don't wanna keep him waiting."

Luke looked Harry over, trying to find an injury. "What's wrong, H? Why are you in the ER?" Harry shrugged. "Umm, I threw up a lot out of nowhere and Louis just wanted to make sure that I'm not actually really sick. He's a little paranoid." Luke glanced over Harry's shoulder and waved at Louis, who waved back with a confused and jealous look on his face. "I think he's jealous of me," Luke teased, bumping Harry's shoulder. Harry blushed and turned to look at Louis, who had his arms crossed, feet tapping the floor. "I gotta go, Luke. See ya soon." Harry hugged the boy again and then gestured for Louis to come over.

Both boys walked over to the doctor and stopped in front of him, waiting for him to notice them. "Ah, yes, which one of you is, uh, Harry Styles?" Harry raised a hand sheepishly. "Okay. Good to know who my patient is. Let me take you back and we can figure out what's going on with you." The boys followed the man back to another room and went behind a curtain that he pulled aside for them. The doctor handed Harry a small package with what looked like a paper gown in it. "We're going to give you some privacy, so if you could just remove all of your clothing, put it in this bag," he handed Harry a small plastic bag. "And put that gown on." Harry nodded and both the doctor and Louis left the curtained area.

Once Harry put the scratchy paper gown on, he sat on the bed and called the doctor back in. Louis came in first, dashing to Harry's side and holding his hand, and the doctor followed him. "Alright, Harry, what seems to be the problem?" Louis tried to speak up but Harry shushed him, knowing it would be better if he spoke. "We were, uh, hanging out and I started to feel really nauseous. My head was swimming and I couldn't stand straight. And then I just threw up everywhere. Afterward, though, I felt completely fine. I threw up again, like, ten minutes later, but I still felt fine. I was just throwing up a lot. I'm not one to do that unless I'm hungover, but I hadn't drank anything."

The doctor nodded and noted something on the clipboard. "Well, Harry, what this sounds like to me is actually something almost impossible. I really have no idea what it could be. I want to get some blood and then maybe we can get an idea of what's happening with you. Ok?" Harry nodded and Louis went pale beside him. "Haz, are you gonna be ok with giving blood alone? Because I can't handle blood." Harry pulled the boy close and put a hand on his cheek. "It's okay, baby, I'll be fine. The doctor can call you back in when I'm done." Louis smiled and kissed the boy lightly once more before stepping out, taking deep breaths through his mouth.

The phlebotomist came in and drew two tubes of Harry's blood, giving him a cookie and some juice afterward. The doctor called Louis back in and Harry kissed him, whispering that everything was ok. "We'll probably have your results back in about fifteen minutes. I can leave you two alone while we wait." Louis crawled into the bed next to Harry after the man left and pulled the boy close to him. "I'm gonna care for you so much when we get back home. Cuddles, treats, movies. Whatever you want, you get." Harry giggled and kissed Louis's neck, cuddling close to him.

Their cuddles were interrupted when the doctor came back in about fifteen minutes later. He had another clipboard in hand and a strange look on his face. "Uhm, your results came back. Is it alright if he is in here to hear them?" The doctor gestured toward Louis and Harry nodded, laying a hand on Louis's knee. "Alright. So, just to preface, these tests are almost never wrong. Blood tests tell us everything. So, even if we do these tests again on a different day, the results will most likely not change." Harry looked at the doctor with concern. He was nervous. "Well, Harry, according to these tests, you're," he looked up at the boy. "You're pregnant."

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