Chapter 48

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Liam woke up to a loud pounding on his bedroom door. "What do you want?" He yelled loudly, too grumpy to even see who it was. He quickly found out who the culprit of the knocking was when his door banged open and a tall, raven-haired boy burst into the room. "Liam, why are you asleep? It's like one in the aft- Oh." He stopped his rant when he saw the boy lying next to Liam. "Look, Zee, it's not what you think. He-" Zayn cut him off with his hand. "He what, Liam? He needed to borrow something and he just passed out naked in your bed? Hmm? There is no reasonable explanation for this, Liam. I know what this is. You fucking hurt Harry and now you're going to hurt him again. How could you do this with him?"

Liam growled and stood up, tugging on some boxers. "Just shut up, Zayn, and let me fucking talk." Zayn rolled his eyes but gestured for him to go on. "He...he sought me out. I didn't ask him to come here. I didn't tell him to sleep with me. He just showed up at the door earlier, in tears, and told me that he needed me." Zayn shook his head in confusion. "Why would he do that? He and Louis are, like, totally in love." Liam looked at the boy sleeping peacefully on the bed beside him. "He and Louis went on a break." Shock flooded Zayn's face.

"Why? Who initiated it?" Liam stood up and went to his closet, wanting to have this conversation with real clothes on. "Louis initiated it," He said from inside the closet, voice slightly muffled. Zayn moved into the closet with him. "Harry and I have been talking for the last two weeks and we've been texting a lot. Nothing too serious, just texting each other every now and then, we met up a few times. It was completely innocent. Louis was over at Harry's house and I texted him, I guess Louis got to the phone first and he read our texts. I guess to the untrained eye, it looked like Harry and I were sleeping together but we weren't."

Liam paused to take a deep breath and continued. "Harry was completely devoted to Louis. I knew he was completely devoted to Louis. He talked about him all the time. Louis and Harry fought, Louis told Harry he wanted them to go on a break, next thing I know Harry is sobbing on my front steps. I had to take him in. He was so hopeless. I promise I had no bad intentions. But he begged me, Zee. He begged me to fuck him. How was I supposed to say no to that sad little puppy face? He was crying, and hugging me, and he curled himself into me. It felt so right, Zayn. That asshole doesn't deserve him."

Liam stopped himself from almost punching a hole in the wall. He was absolutely pissed at Louis. "Look, Li, I know that you've been improving yourself, and I'm so proud of how much better you are now than you were before. I know that you have started to focus on other people than yourself. You really do care for others and want to help them. But you can't just sleep with Harry whenever you want." Liam protested. "Hey, he asked me to fuck him, not the other way around!" Zayn settled a calming hand on Liam's broad shoulder.

"I know that Li, but you have to learn to practice self-control. When some emotional young boy shows up at your front door, begging you to put your horse cock in his ass, you need to learn how to say no. You took advantage of Harry when he was in a very vulnerable situation. He was not in the right mind to give you consent. You should have just comforted him without sleeping with him. If he ever does that again, promise me you will give him a hot cocoa and turn on Pingu for him, not pound him into your matt-"

"Li?" Both boys turned to stare at the small, naked boy standing in the doorway to the walk-in. "Harrybear, you're up. C'mere." Harry sleepily walked over to the older lad, letting himself melt into Liam's hold. "Hey, H. How've you been?" Harry mumbled something into Liam's flannel, not up to turning all the way back around to look at Zayn. "Harry? When do you want me to take you home?" Harry looked up at the boy and bit his lip. "I don't wanna go home. Wanna stay here." Liam rubbed the boy's back. "Baby, your parents are probably wondering where you are. You need to go back home."

Harry whined and just buried his nose into the dark chest hair peeking out of the top of his flannel where Liam hadn't buttoned yet. "I'm driving you home once I get some yummy food in you. C'mon, baby, I'll get you dressed, and then we can go down to the kitchen for a snack. Zayn, you can join us if you want." Liam grabbed a large flannel and some sweats from his closet, helping the lost-looking boy put them on. "Okay, pumpkin, let's go downstairs. Zee, you eating here, or are you going back home?"

Zayn looked at the semi-happy, mostly-sleepy couple and sighed. "I'm gonna head out. I gotta get to work. If I'm late again dad'll kill me. Get better, H, ok? Maybe I'll talk to Louis for you." Zayn kissed the boy's temple and rubbed his back gently before walking out the door. Liam led the small boy down the stairs and into the kitchen where the new head chef, Carol, was working on some grilled cheeses. "Boys, your food will be done in just a second." Liam nodded at her and settled Harry into a seat at the table.

He sat down next to the boy and put an arm on the back of his chair, wanting to stay as close to him as possible. "Here you are, boys. If you need anything, I'll be in the stock room making a grocery list." Carol left the room and Liam dug into his sandwich. Energetic sex, or sex of any kind really, always got him really hungry. Harry just sat and stared at his plate. "Baby? You gotta eat, ok? Need to get some food in your system." Harry lifted the greasy sandwich and took a bite, chewing it slowly and carefully. He swallowed and cleared his throat.

"I want Louis. I miss him." Liam kissed the boy's cheek in a desperate attempt to comfort him. "I know, baby, but isn't he on vacation?" Harry nodded sadly and tears formed in his eyes. "Finish your sandwich and then I'll take you home." Harry continued eating his food, both boys sitting in silence until they were done. "Ok, let me get my keys and we can go."

Ten minutes later they were inside Liam's Mercedes Benz, Harry just staring straight forward. Liam drove the two back to Harry's place, the radio the only noise in the car. The car pulled into Harry's driveway and Harry unbuckled. "Baby, be careful, okay? If you need anything, call me. I don't want you getting hurt. Just remember, though, I can't sleep with you again unless you are single. No more of this while you and Louis are on a 'break'." Harry smiled and leaned forward, embracing Liam before opening his door, stepping out of the car. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a familiar brunette sitting on the steps of his front porch, a large bouquet of roses sitting next to him.

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