Chapter 20

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Harry and Louis were back at their usual table during their break. The two were becoming fast friends, but they flirted a lot more than normal friends did. It was a competitive kind of flirting. Neither of them ever won, really. They would just shamelessly say flirtatious things to each other until one of them brought Liam up to piss the other one off. Their hate for Liam was a shared thing that was never brought up, especially on Harry's part, but it wasn't unnoticed by either of them. Louis would say passive-aggressive things about how much better he was than Liam and Harry would brag about how great Liam was. It wasn't exactly the most healthy relationship, but it brought them closer together, which is what they were really aiming for with their attacks.

"20 questions." Louis glanced up, mouth full of chocolate chip cookie. "Huh?" Harry grimaced as cookie crumbs fell out of the boy's mouth. "20 questions. You know, the thing where you ask each other questions?" Louis nodded. "Oh, sorry. I'm just really stupid. Do you want to go first?" Harry nodded and licked his fingers clean of brownie crumbs, making Louis shift uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly feeling too hot under his clothes. "Okay, umm, what's your favorite band?" Louis put a finger to his lips and thought for a minute. "I would probably say Green Day. Me next. How long have you and Liam been together?" Harry blanked. "I-uh, 8 months? I don't know." Louis nodded, knowing why he suddenly forgot.

"My turn again. Did you mean it when you said you weren't looking for a relationship?" Louis shook his head. "Nope. Actually, Zayn and I are together now. He asked me out at work and I just couldn't resist him. His tattoos are so hot." Louis licked his lips and Harry shifted, his hands in his laps. "Oh. Good for you guys, I guess." Louis grinned. "Thank you. Umm, what's your favorite position?" Harry choked on his latte, spitting it out all over the table. Louis walked over and patted his back as the boy spluttered and coughed, coffee dripping down his chin. "I, that's really personal." Louis winked.

"But I wanna know. So, are you a doggy-style guy? Or more of a rider?" Harry blushed even harder. "I guess I would say I'm a rider. My turn again. What's your favorite kind of tea?" Louis burst into laughter. "I ask you what your favorite sex position is and you ask me what kind of tea I like? You're so cute." He reached across the table and tousled the boy's curls. "But, to answer your question, I like Earl Grey. It has such a good, bitter taste." Harry made a disgusted face. "No. Absolutely not. Green tea all the way, mate. There's no other." Louis shook his head. "Nope, I don't like green tea. My question. How big is Liam?"

Thankfully, this time Harry could only choke on his spit since he had no food in his mouth. "I can't answer that." Louis pulled the boy closer. "C'mon, just between us." Harry shook his head no. "Fine, I'm just going to assume he's four inches, then." Harry gasped. "Four? Four? He's way bigger than four." Louis sighed. "Well if you don't tell me I won't know." Harry finally gave in. "Ten. He's ten." Louis was screaming inside but on the outside he was unfazed. "Bet he doesn't know how to use it, though." Harry huffed.

"That wasn't the question. You just asked me how big he was. You didn't ask me how good he was." Louis smirked. "I know what my next question is then." Harry stuck his tongue out at the boy childishly. Two could play at that game. "Okay, Louis, how big are you, if you're so unimpressed by Liam's size?" Harry grinned in triumph. He got Louis to shut up for once. "I'm a solid nine inches. But I know how to use it, unlike Lame." Harry scoffed at the childish name. "Seriously, Louis? What are you, five?" Louis grinned. "Nuh-uh, Hazza, it's my turn to ask. You have to wait." Harry groaned and banged his head on the table.

"Okay, Hazza, since you're so enthusiastic right now, here's my question. Are you loud?" Harry looked up at him confused. "Loud?" Louis rolled his eyes at how innocent he was. Of course he didn't know what Louis meant. "Loud, Hazzie. Like in bed. When Liam fucks you with his giant horse cock, are you loud or are you quiet?" Realization dawned on Harry and he sunk low in his chair, only the top of his messy curls visible. Louis could see how red the top of his forehead was and he smiled to himself. "Harry, love, just tell me. I'm pretty loud in bed, and that's not something you should be embarrassed to say. Just tell me."

Louis was fully whining but he didn't care. He just wanted to see Harry's beautiful face painted that deep shade of red. Harry slowly sat back up but didn't make eye contact. "C'mon, darling. Don't be shy. Let me see your lovely face." Harry looked up, unable to keep the large grin from his face. "There we go. We don't have to play this anymore if you're not comfortable. I was just teasing you." Harry nodded. "Just wanna talk. No more dirty stuff." Louis had to physically keep himself from cooing out loud at how soft the boy sounded. "Okay, love. Let's talk, then."

Harry perked up and took another sip of his latte, which was now getting cold. "How're the twins? I miss them." Louis smiled at the boy. "They're good. I think they miss you, too. Doris was asking about you this morning because I told her I was going to see you. Well, she asked about you with her eyes. And she sort of said your name. Well, she said 'Ree Ree' which I assume means Harry, but I'm not really fluent in Doris." Harry smiled to himself. "You seem like such a good brother. Those two love you." The younger boy looked at the tattooed boy with heart-eyes. He was such a softie for guys that were good with kids. "I really want them to have a bright future. They're already having a much better life than I did when I was their age because they actually have a good dad. I didn't."

Harry gave the boy a sympathetic smile. He was a child of divorce, too, but at least his dad was a pretty good guy. It must suck to know that the person who helped make you just ditched you for no reason. "I'm sorry. If you ever want to talk about that, I'm here. Or you can talk about anything. I'm not picky." Louis smiled at the boy. "Thanks, but I think I'm over it now. I've realized that my life is better without him and I am so much happier now." Harry reached across and held the boy's hand. This wasn't awkward. There was no sexual tension. They were just happy being there for each other.

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