Chapter 40

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"Ni-Ni!" Harry leaped with joy and ran over to his blonde-haired best friend. Niall barked out a laugh and caught the small boy in his arms, spinning him around in a hug. "Oh, Harrybear, how I've missed you. America was absolutely dreadful. Neither you nor my ridiculously tall asshole of a boyfriend were there, so I had no fun. Would you believe that I got so horny while I was there that I considered asking the concierge for the number to an escort company? I was willing to pay somebody to fuck me, H!" Harry laughed and squeezed the boy tighter around the middle.

"I'm sorry America got you all horned up but you understand I can't fix that, right?" Niall reached down and pinched Harry's bum making him squawk loudly. "Maybe you can." Harry detached himself from the Irishman and smacked him harshly. "I'm telling Louis that you touched my bum." Niall stuck his tongue out at the boy. "Shut up. I'll tell him that you prompted it." Harry groaned and took off down the sidewalk, not waiting for the blonde to catch up to him. "So, Harryberry, what are we doing today?" Harry slid his hand into Niall's as they walked down the sidewalk to downtown.

"I don't know. Food? Shopping?" Niall nodded to both and pulled Harry along to his favorite diner. They walked in and slid into the booth beside the door, making a waitress sigh and stomp over to them. "Seriously, boys? I know you're regulars here but you can't just wait one minute for me to seat you?" Both boys shrugged at each other. "Fine, let me grab some menus. Unless you already know what you want?" Niall nodded but looked at Harry. "Umm, I'll have a Coke and a veggie burger, no mayo. Niall?" Niall tapped his chin for a second.

"I'm gonna have a Fanta, some chili chips, regular chips for him, two spicy chicken sandwiches, and two fried pickles." Harry shook his head. "I don't want chips or a fried pickle." Niall flipped him off. "You always steal my chips and the other pickle isn't for you, it's for me. Jesus, greedy much." The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away from the two, handing their order slip to the chef through the kitchen window.

"So, Ni-Ni, other than the extreme horniness, how were the states?" Niall gave him a thumbs down. "No fun. It was so crowded the whole time. Also, the hotel room smelled like a dirty vagina." Harry giggled into his palm. "How do you know what that smells like, Niall? You're gay." Niall rolled his eyes. "It smelled like what I assume a dirty pussy smells like. So, what did you do while I was gone? Get fucked a lot by Louis, I assume?" Harry blushed at that. "Yeah," he said quietly. Niall sat up and crossed his arms on the table. "Tell me. What's he like in the sack. Luke is still in Australia so I can't get fucked by him until next week and I need something to ease my mind."

Harry bit his lip. There were so many things that he could say about Louis. "He's just...amazing. Everything about him. He's so caring. Every time we do stuff, he always makes sure that I'm comfortable. But it doesn't ruin the mood. He just lets me know that I'm in good hands. And his dick." Harry practically started salivating. "It's so good. He knows how to use it so well. Hits my prostate almost every time. Fuck." Harry sighed thinking about him. "Harry, I love you, but please don't get hard. I don't want to have to deal with that. He sounds great, though. It's good that he's treating you right." Harry leaned forward.

"He's so good, Niall. You know how much I want to get pregnant?" Niall reached out and pet Harry's hand in agreement. "Well, I talked to him about it and he was so sweet. I kind of went crazy on him and started begging him to get me prego, but he took care of me. He didn't make me feel bad at all." Niall smiled. This boy was even better to his Harry than he thought. He would have to thank him sometime.

"That's so great, bud. Oooh, our food is here." He rubbed his hands together and smacked his lips as the waitress laid their food and drinks out on the table. "Let me know if you boys need anything." Harry waved to her as Niall immediately dug into his sandwich. The boy shook his head at how rude his friend was. "Oh my God, how I've missed this place." Harry grimaced as Niall spoke through a mouthful of food. "Did you know that in the states they call chips 'fries'? I ordered a side of chips with my burger at this diner we went to and they gave me a packet of crisps. I told them they made a mistake and they got all snooty with me so I told the waiter to shove my 'chips' up his arse. We got kicked out and later that evening I found out that what I wanted were 'fries' and Americans are just uncultured swine."

Harry sighed at the boy. Only Niall could get himself kicked out of a burger joint for telling a waiter to shove a bag of crisps up his ass. "Did you seriously have to attack the waiter? I think you might be the one at fault here." Niall groaned. "That's exactly what my mum said. You know, every day you sound more and more like her. I may have to stop hanging out with you because of it." Harry snorted and stole one of Niall's chili chips. "Hey, that's exactly what I meant when I said you steal my food. Eat your own damn chips."

Harry shook his head, chewing loudly. "Nuh-uh, you got me the wrong kind. What I wanted were chili chips. You got me plain." Niall groaned and switched the baskets of chips, taking the plain ones for himself. Harry noticeably perked up at that and chewed his food happily while humming softly under his breath.

"Where do you wanna go after this, Ni?" Niall shrugged and swallowed his pickle. "I don't know. Wanna maybe go shopping for new clothes? I ripped my favorite pair of shorts while we were at the giant pig farm we call the states." Harry nodded at that. "I wanna get some new panties because Louis keeps ripping all of mine." Niall gagged loudly. "Ugh, I did not want to know that." Harry winked and ate a chip. "Just saying why I needed new ones. And some more skirts, since Louis likes those so much."

The boys ate the rest of their meal, chatting about what they were going to buy. Once they finished, Niall covered the bill and led Harry out, the boy's small hand held tight in his larger one. "Okay, you stay with me. You do not let go of my hand unless we are in a store or we need to separate for some reason. Stay in my sight in stores, I don't need to lose you on my first day back." Harry nodded and held onto Niall, not wanting to get lost. They walked into the first shop and Harry tugged on the boy's arm, pointing to a rack full of skirts. The lad nodded and Harry dashed off to look through all of the pretty, colorful things that were sure to make his boyfriend explode.

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