Chapter 45

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"Hazzy? Are you in your room?" Louis opened the door to Harry's bedroom and smiled when he saw the boy sitting on his pink bean bag chair. Space Oddity was quietly playing from Harry's stereo system. "Hey, Major Tom." Harry looked up and grinned at his beautiful boyfriend. "Hey, Ground Control. What's up?" The younger lad stood up and gestured for Louis to take his seat. "Nothing much, baby. Just wanted to see you, spend a little time with you before I leave for vacation." A pout made its way onto Harry's mouth when Louis said the word 'vacation'. Louis frowned at the boy and held his hands out, telling him to join him on the bean bag chair.

Harry plopped himself down onto Louis, making the older lad groan at the weight. "Gee, Haz, could you be a little easier on me. Don't need you breaking my pelvis." Harry scoffed. "Are you calling me fat?" Louis kissed the boy's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. "You are the perfect size for me. Whatever size you are, you are the perfect size for me. As long as you're still Harry, I'll love you no matter what you look like." Harry smiled happily and leaned his head back on Louis.

"Daddy, let's do something." Louis hummed and rubbed circles into Harry's hips with his thumbs. "I don't know, baby. Maybe I wanna just sit here with you on my lap. I am the one leaving you, so I should get to pick what we do." Harry whined and twisted around, trying to look Louis in the eyes. "Sorry, baby, you're sad Bambi eyes aren't doing anything for me." Harry nuzzled into the boy's neck and licked at it, much like a cat would do to its owner. "Oh, wow. Does baby want to be a little kitten today? Hmm? Are you daddy's kitten?"

Harry moved around to the other side of Louis's neck, just lapping at the soft, tan skin. Louis sighed and stroked his messy curls, making the boy purr quietly. "You really are my little kitten, licking me and purring. What are you gonna do next, curl up on the window sill and take a little nap? Should I get you some little cat toys to play with, kitty?" Harry whined and nipped the boy's skin, feeling humiliated. "Oh, baby, are you embarrassed? Am I embarrassing the little kitten? Too bad, I am just enjoying this too much. Maybe I should get you a little cat tree to sharpen your kitty claws on?"

Harry whimpered and bounced on Louis's lap, hiding his bright red cheeks in Louis's neck. Louis shifted the boy to straddle him but stopped when he felt a tiny bulge rubbing against his stomach. Harry whined loudly at the sudden friction. "Oh, is baby hard? Do you like being humiliated by me? Kinky little kitten." Harry bit his lip and looked at the boy, eyes wet with tears of embarrassment. "Louisss." Harry rocked back and forth, completely desperate.

"Aww, baby, are you gonna get yourself off on me? Gonna get your panties all wet for me?" Harry sighed and rocked harder, his rhythm off but he just needed to get off. "C'mon, kitty, want you to make yourself cum for me." Harry nodded and tried to go faster, but it just wasn't right. "Louuu, need something else." Louis grabbed the boy's hips and lifted him up, setting him down on the floor on his knees. "Take your clothes off. Now. Don't want to keep daddy waiting, now do you?" Harry shook his head and tugged at the bottom of his cropped shirt, sliding it over his head.

He pulled his pants down to his ankles and stopped, looking at Louis as he slipped a finger into the waistband of his panties. "Yes, baby, I want you to take those off too." Harry breathed deeply and slipped the lacy undergarment down his legs, pooling them at his ankles with his sweats. "Okay, baby, I want you to look in your top bedside drawer and grab that wrapped box for me." Harry nearly tripped over the pants at his ankles when he went to go to the table. He kicked the clothes away, rushed to the table, and ripped open the door, grabbing the rectangular box wrapped in red wrapping paper.

Harry ran back over to Louis and handed it to him, standing in front of the older lad in a submissive position, hands clasped behind his back. Louis tore off the paper with quick fingers and opened the discreet cardboard box. Harry's eyes widened to the size of tea saucers when he saw what Louis pulled out of it. It was a vibrator. A ginormous vibrator, ten inches at least. It was thick, with huge veins running up the sides and a pair of silicone balls sat at the base. Harry licked his lips at the thought of how it would feel inside of him.

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