Chapter 43

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"Harry, Louis, sit down." Both boys obeyed immediately and sat down at the table in the middle of the kitchen. Anne sat down on Harry's right and Dan sat down on Louis's left, separating the two boys from each other. Harry fiddled with his hands in his lap and gave Louis short side glances to see what he looked like. The other lad chewed on his thumbnail nervously, making it bleed slightly. Anne and Dan whispered quietly amongst themselves, too low for the boys to hear. The quiet in the room was deafening.

"I have not told Anne, Jay, or Dan what you boys are in trouble for yet. I expect you two to inform the other three what you were doing upstairs." Harry and Louis both hung their heads in shame. Louis finally took a deep breath and sat up, ready to speak for himself and Harry. "We were um, wrestling on the floor, with, uh, no, um, clothes on." Anne's eyes widened and Louis's parents shared a look. "Harry? Would you like to elaborate?" The boy desperately wanted to say no but he knew he couldn't.

"Louis pretty much summed it up. He was tickling me on the floor, and we were a little, uh, underdressed." Robin rolled his eyes and decided to press them for more information. "That's not the whole story, boys. We would like to know how you two ended up so underdressed in the first place." The boys glanced at each other shyly. "I think you guys already know what we were doing beforehand, so I doubt we have to explain all of the nitty-gritty stuff in great detail. You do know what we were doing, right?" Dan sighed and looked at Jay for help. "Loubear, we know what you were doing. We just want to know why you chose to do that here. Right before Robin got home. Do you boys have no control?"

Harry's eyes had small pricks of tears in them. Tears of embarrassment. Tears from feeling like his parents were disappointed in him. Tears for Louis. They were all at the breaking point, making his eyes wet and glassy, so close to streaming down his face. Louis looked at him, upset that he couldn't just reach over and touch him, hold him close and make all of his tears go away. His fingers twitched in his lap, begging to put his hands on the small boy. Not in a sexual way, though. He wanted to just have his skin against Harry's skin, feel Harry's smooth warmth under his fingers.

"We were just having fun. We weren't even thinking about when Robin would be home. Mum, we're sorry that we act like hormonal teenagers, but that's what we are. Haz and I didn't mean for anyone to walk in on us, and I know that Haz is really embarrassed by what happened. It was an accident." Harry looked at all of the parents, trying to see their emotions. Anne cleared her throat. "You boys need to be more careful. You are both practically adults, and I'm not trying to stop you from...fornicating. But we just don't want to see that. Or hear that." Jay nodded in agreement.

"Also, Louis, you have younger siblings that could easily walk in on you guys. You know that they don't like to knock, and they would have so many questions if they saw you two having sex. They are still innocent, Lou. Especially Phoebe and Daisy. Be a good example for them." Dan finally added in his own two cents. "I think the main issue here, boys, is your safety. I have read too many stories of gay boys getting STDs because they were never given the correct education on safe sex. I need to know that you boys are being safe. I don't want either of you getting hurt or even dying. STDs are no joke. Safe sex is no joke. I need you boys to promise me that you are doing all you can to prevent STDs."

He looked like he was going to start crying with how much his words were from his heart. He truly cared about his son and his son's boyfriend. "Dad, you know I would never have unprotected sex without getting tested first. Hazza's health is the most important thing to me. I care about him more than I care about myself. Also, Haz and Liam got tested about a month before they broke up and neither of them had sex with anyone else after that. We're both clean." Louis set a hand on his dad's older, more worn one. "Louis, you know I love you like my own son, and I do trust you, but you need to promise me that you will never have unprotected sex ever again. Even when you think you are clean, things can still go wrong."

Louis sighed and shook his head. "I know you think that you're telling me what's best, but you're not. I know Haz is clean. I know I'm clean. Just because we're having anal sex does not mean that we are at a higher risk for contracting STDs out of nowhere. Dad, you were taught sex ed in a time where being gay was frowned upon and everyone thought that all gay people had AIDs. That only gay people could get AIDs. But that's not true, dad. I have just as high of a risk of getting an STD from Harry as you do with mum. We're smart. We're monogamous. We're faithful to each other. That is the safest we can be without practicing abstinence."

Dan nodded at the boy and rubbed his hand. "I know, son. I know I'm old. Thank you for being so understanding. I trust you boys, and I know that you boys are being smart. I just don't want my boy to grow up. I've barely gotten to know you and you're already a senior in high school with a long-term boyfriend that you regularly have sex with. It's just so hard to wrap around my head, and I know that the other parents in the room feel the same way. Please be safe, and take care of each other." Louis teared up at the man's thoughtful words. "Louis, my boy, can I speak with you in the other room?" Robin's voice cut through the emotional silence.

Louis stood up and followed the older man out of the room. Robin took him to the living room and stopped right in front of the fireplace. "Do you see the pictures on this mantle?" Louis looked at the framed photos. "I took almost all of them. I've always been the one taking the photos. Never had a want to be in them. You can see that in the few photos I'm in, I'm with Harry. He's my son. Not biologically, but by choice. When I joined this family, he immediately attached himself to me. That little six-year-old threw himself into my arms and hung off of me for weeks when I got back from a week-long business trip. He means the world to me, and he's so fragile. He was always an emotional boy, but at the end of Liam, it got worse."

Louis waited patiently for Robin to wipe his eyes. "He, uh, he became closed off. I knew that Liam wasn't treating him right. I knew that he was the reason my boy cried himself to sleep every night. I don't know how he did it, but that prick broke my boy down until he was just a pile of splintered...Harry. You didn't know him before Liam, so you can't understand how much he's changed, but I know that you were close with him, and even encouraged Harry to break up with him. I cannot thank you enough for that. But I need you-" He was broken off by a small sniffle, his voice cracking slightly.

He cleared his throat and started again. "I need you to promise me that you won't hurt him. He has been through so much, and I know that he must think that certain things are okay when they're not. Liam was his first boyfriend, and he had Harry convinced that the way he was treating him was normal, good. It wasn't. Promise me that you won't do that to him?" Robin pleaded, hands crossed in front of him like he was praying. Louis put a hand on the man's firm shoulder and nodded.

"I promise. I care about him. I care about him so much. He's so beautiful and pure, and I want to preserve that. I would never do anything to hurt him. He's baby. My Harry. And I love him." Robin nodded and cleared his throat, leading the boy back into the kitchen. "Did we miss anything good?" He inquired once they got back in. The three adults shook their heads and Harry just sat there, all pink cheeks and sex hair, His hands were folded neatly in his lap. "Well, I think that the boys have learned their lesson, and I think that if any one of us ever walks in on them, we have to just leave them alone and...put in some noise-canceling earplugs." Louis sent a wink to Harry at that last part.

"Louis, I caught that." "Sorry, Anne. I promise I'll be good." Anne shook her head at the teen. "Alright, meeting is over. You are all dismissed." Jay and Dan stood up, walking over to the front door. Jay turned to look at her son. "I assume you'll be back home later, darling?" Louis bit back a smile. "Well, see you at home, baby. You boys be good. And quiet. Don't disturb Anne and Robin." The couple walked out the door, leaving the four of them in the kitchen.

"You boys can go back up to Harry's room. Anne and I are going to go to the grocery store. Please don't do anything while we're gone, unless you make it quick." The boys sent a pointed nod toward Robin and waved bye as they left. Harry immediately leaped out of his chair and onto Louis, smothering his face with wet kisses. "Haz, Haz, calm down." Harry ground down onto the boy's crotch making him moan. He shrugged and pulled the boy closer. "Well, they just said be fast."

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