Chapter 21

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Harry was in the midst of a crisis. He didn't exactly believe Louis when he said that he and Zayn were together, but now they were all going out on a double date. How the fuck did he get into this situation? He just remembers sitting with Louis at their usual table and he brought something up about a double date and now Harry was sprawled out on his floor with just boxers on, crying over what he should wear. He wanted to impress Louis but not attract Liam too much. Of course, anything he wore would be endearing to Liam, so that was a lost cause. But he also thought that he might rile Louis up a little bit if Liam was all over him on the date. They were going out to a burger joint near Harry and Louis's street, so it's not like he had to dress fancy. He just wanted Louis to notice him.

"Hey, mate, you called? What emergency is it this time?" Harry turned and saw the feet of his favorite Irishman right in front of his face. "H, what the fuck are you doing on the floor? Get up." Niall reached down and grabbed Harry's small hands and pulled him to his feet. As soon as the boy was up he enveloped the blonde in a hug, holding him with a vice-like grip. "Love, I care about you and all, but I need air." Harry let go and reached out for the boy, putting his hands on his cheeks. "Love you, Ni-Ni." He leaned forward and kissed the boy's nose lightly. Niall turned him around and wrapped his arm around the boy's bare waist. "So, what are we freaking out over this time?" Harry sighed and leaned into Niall's touch.

"Louis and I are double-dating with Liam and Zayn tonight and I have nothing to wear." The blonde pulled away from the brunette. "What do you mean, you and Louis? Are you and Liam not together anymore?" Harry shook his head hurriedly. "No, that came out wrong. Liam and I are going on a double date with the new couple, Zayn and Louis." Niall laughed and pecked the side of the boy's head. "Sounds like you don't like this new couple, huh?" Harry shrugged. "I don't know. Sometimes I think it's just because I'm mad at Liam and then Louis and I hang out and I'm just...happy. He makes me feel good inside."

"Well, then, I guess we need to get you dressed to impress for your new boy. Let me see what you have. You stay there." Harry stood in the middle of the room, shivering slightly from the air conditioning. Niall roamed through Harry's closet, flipping through things and going, "No. No. No. Oh, God no. H, what the fuck was going through your head when you bought this? Nope. Never in a million years. Oh, fuck yeah. This is the one, babe." Niall turned around with a hanger in his hand. He gave it to the half-naked boy and the boy gasped. "I forgot I owned this. Wow." Harry ran his hands over the fabric, feeling the soft material under his fingers. "Yeah. I need to wear this. Do you think Liam will hate it?" Niall shrugged. "That's not really the person you're trying to impress, now is it?" Harry shook his head absentmindedly as he stared at the outfit in his small hands.

"Go on then, try it on. We need to see how you look." Harry pulled the outfit on and then twirled for Niall. "D'you like it?" Niall nodded enthusiastically as he raked his eyes over Harry's body. "Fuck. Harry, you look hot. You should wear this more often. Not gonna lie, I would hit that." He smacked Harry's ass, which made a satisfying sound at the contact. "Fuck, yeah, Harry. All three of those guys are gonna cream their pants when you walk in there" Harry walked over to the full-length mirror on his closet door and examined himself.

"Are you sure it's not too much, Ni? Maybe I should change into something a little more casual." Harry was about to pull off his top when he felt a firm grip on his arm. "No. Keep it on. Believe me, you have never looked better. You need to wear more of these kinds of clothes. They suit your figure nicely." Harry giggled into his hand. "That's just code for 'it makes your bum look good'." Niall shrugged and slapped the boy's ass again. He just couldn't get enough of it. "Am I wrong? Look at yourself." Harry smiled and covered his bum. "No more slapping my ass. No matter whose this is, it will never be yours." Niall rolled his eyes and put an arm around the boy. "Shut up. Let's get you to that restaurant."

Niall led his best mate out to his car and opened the passenger side door for him. "M'lady." Harry smacked the boy and slid into his seat. Niall's not-so-subtle peek at Harry's ass did not go unnoticed by the curly-haired lad, but he kept his mouth shut. "Tell me where you guys are eating again?" Harry groaned. "I told you. I forgot the name, but it's the one that's just around the corner." Niall grabbed the boy's wrist before he could get a hit in. "Hey, no hitting the driver. You're lucky enough I didn't make you walk there. God knows you need the exercise." Harry whined. "Hey, I exercise!" Niall snorted. "Riding Liam's dick does not count as exercise. You need to go to an actual gym, not Liam's California King." Harry crossed his arms and leaned against the window, refusing to speak to Niall for the rest of the three-minute-long car ride.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Niall leaned over and pecked Harry on the cheek. "Call me if you need me, babe. And if Liam and Louis get into a fight, make sure you film it for me." Harry kissed him back and slid out of the car, waving to Niall as he walked up to the entrance. He opened the door and was met with the overwhelming smell of grease and potatoes, but it was a familiar scent.

Harry looked around the joint and saw the other lads sitting in a booth at the back of the place. He walked to their table, feeling eyes on him the whole way, and stopped in front of them. The conversion between them stopped when they sensed the boy standing next to them. They all turned to greet the boy. Every single one of their mouths dropped open when they saw what he had on.

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