Chapter 6

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Harry was finally back home from Liam's, much tanner than when he had left. His parents greeted him at the door and asked him how it was at Niall's. He fumbled for a second, forgetting his lie, and then told them that it was great. Then he excused himself to go unpack. As he was unpacking he remembered. He had to look for a job. Harry just sighed and finished putting away all of his stuff, then went online to see if any places in town were hiring. He saw a few places, including a book store, a local grocery store, and a local pizza place. But then he saw one that caught his eye. Miss Susan's Baked Goods. A bakery. He loved it.

Harry pulled his phone out and dialed the number on the website, hoping to get in for an interview. "Miss Susan's Baked Goods, Susan speaking. How may I help you today?" Harry smiled. She sounded sweet. "Hi, I'm Harry Styles and I'm calling to ask about a possible position that I could fill." Harry sighed. That was a mouthful. "Oh, love, no need to put on this posh and mature act. Of course, you can fill that position. I've been looking for someone for months. Why don't you come in tomorrow and I'll show you the ropes, yeah? Then you can show me if you've got the skills to be my assistant baker."

Harry breathed a deep sigh of relief. "Of course I can come in tomorrow. See you then." "Bye, love. See you tomorrow. Make sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes that are good for being on your feet for long amounts of time." Harry hung up and flopped back onto his bed. That went much better than he had expected.

He went downstairs and told his parents the good news. Harry's mum hugged him and gave him a wet kiss on the cheek and Harry's stepdad patted him on the back. "I need to go in tomorrow so she can show me how everything works." Harry's mum was grinning like mad. "Oh, my baby is growing up. Now, tell me, love, where is this job again?" "It's at the local bakery, Miss Susan's." Anne gasped.

"Oh my God, I used to work there when I was in college. Why didn't I think of that place before? Miss Susan probably recognized the name and gave you the job. I was engaged to Des when I worked there and I was pregnant with Gemma. Oh, you're going to love working there." Harry smiled. At least he knew that he wasn't going to have a terrible boss. And he also loved baking, so that was a huge plus.

The next day, Harry drove down to the bakery for his training. The bakery was in a small building in the middle of downtown, sandwiched between an antique store and a craft store. He opened the door and a small bell dinged above him. He was greeted by the lovely smell of freshly baked bread and then he heard a loud crash from the other side of the curtain behind the counter. "Oh, for Lord's sake, I thought I had those balanced!" Harry slowly walked up to the counter. "Hello? I'm Harry Styles. Is everything alright back there?" Harry flinched when the curtain was yanked to the side and an older, flushed woman burst into the room.

"Oh, Harry dear. You're here, love! Wonderful, wonderful! You look just like your mum, don't you? Adorable little cheeks, cute little curls." She pinched one of his cheeks and tugged on a loose curl.

"Well, love, let's get you acquainted with the place. I'm Susan, but you probably already knew that, and this is the shop. It's small, but it's worked well for years. Now, this is the sweets case." She gestured toward a large case filled with cookies and cakes. "This is where all of our desserts and sorts are kept. Over here is the bread case. Here is the thermometer and make sure it is kept between 20-25 degrees. We want the bread to still be fresh and soft when customers buy it. You can just shadow me today and retrieve things from cases from me. You can learn as you work. I'll teach you how to work the cash register when a customer comes in. I'll go grab an apron, you just have a look around." The woman went back behind the curtain and Harry looked around, admiring the skills displayed with the cake icing.

"Here, love put this on. It may not be the most stylish but it'll keep your cute clothes clean." Harry took the maroon apron with white stripes from her. "I love it. Do I get to wear a hat, too?" The woman smiled. "If you really want one, I have some baker's hats in the back. Didn't expect you to like them. Thought you might be too stylish to wear aprons." Harry shook his head.

"I love baker uniforms. I always wear an apron and hat when I bake at home." The woman patted his cheek. "Good, you have some experience with baking. Throw that on and then we'll go to the back so I can grab your hat and show you the kitchen. Maybe I'll have you bake a couple of batches of cookies instead of making you fetch stuff for me. We'll have a little taste-testing later." Harry nodded. Susan leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Taste testing is code for just sitting in the break room and gorging on cookies after closing." The two of them leaned into each other and giggled, already getting along really well. She gestured for him to go with him to the back, so he followed her through the curtain and into the kitchen.

When Harry got back home from work, the tips of his curls were covered in flour and he had smears of cocoa powder on his nose and forehead. He dropped his keys onto the table by the door and then went upstairs to shower off. It was warm back in the kitchen from all of the ovens and stoves, so he was sweaty on top of being dusted with flour and cocoa. After his shower he threw on some sweatpants and opened his laptop, opening an incognito tab and searching up his favorite porn site. He clicked on the top video, which was a smaller boy, probably 18 or 19, being fucked by a big, older guy covered in tattoos. Total daddy material, which was Harry's favorite.

He made sure his door was locked then put his earbuds in his ears, clicking on the video. He always skipped the beginning because the beginning of every porno was the same and he found them all so cringy. He started the video when the good stuff began and he slid a hand down his bare torso, working himself up.

The older guy in the video was slapping the younger one's ass, making it bright red, and then he went down on the boy making him scream out. His screams and moans were muffled by the gag in his mouth. Harry felt his dick fatten up as he watched the older guy tear his pants off and release his massive cock. It was almost as big as Liam's, nearly as thick as Liam's too, and Harry wanted it in his mouth.

The man fucked the young boy dry, slapping his ass and choking him with his ginormous hands. The small boy let out gargled sounds and tears streamed down his red face. Seeing that only caused the older man to pound into his small hole harder, making his small body slide up the bed with the force of the thrusts. It didn't take long for Harry to cum all over his small fist as he listened to the low moans of the older guy. What he would give to be fucked that good, even if it was just once.

Harry cleaned up again and closed out of the tab, then opened up a new tab and searched for Netflix. He clicked on New Girl and laid back on his pillows, just in his boxers now since he dirtied his sweats. New Girl was the best show to watch when Harry was calming down from a wank, since he didn't really have to pay that much attention to it. He closed his eyes and listened to Jess and Nick argue, quickly falling asleep.

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