Chapter 3

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 It was the last week of school and Harry was so glad. It's not that he didn't like school. Harry liked getting to see all of his friends, and he enjoyed some of his classes. Especially the classes with hot teachers. He just hated having to get up early every morning. Plus, summer break meant more time with Liam and more time spent at Liam's pool. It was a little inside joke between Liam and Harry that Harry only dated him for how rich he was.

He lived in this ridiculous mansion on the outskirts of town (Miss Taylor Swift who?) that Harry loved. He had a huge outdoor pool, a fully renovated basement that served as a rec room, and this amazing kitchen that was constantly filled with the best snacks. None of that stupid trail mix that Harry's mum loved to buy. Just because it was healthy didn't make it a good snack.

Harry always loved to spend more time at Liam's house than his own. Harry wasn't poor, per se, he just had a much smaller house than Liam, with a lot less fun stuff. His family wasn't wealthy, not even close, but they weren't struggling. He loved his house, though, because he grew up in it. A lot of memories were made in that house. He had his first steps in the upstairs hallway, he had his first kiss in the kitchen, and he even lost his virginity on the couch in the living room. Not the most enjoyable experience, but it was special because it was his first, and it was with Liam. The worst part of it was having to clean the jizz off of the cushions before Harry's mum got home.

Harry was headed over to Liam's house, his bag on the seat beside him. He had worked out something with his parents so that he could spend the week with "Niall" aka Liam, but he had to get a job once he got back. Harry had spent enough of his life living off his parents and they wanted him to learn how to provide for himself since he would be graduating next year. He had no problem with the deal since he had been trying to save money recently. So, once he got back home, he would be on a job hunt. Liam would probably be upset since it meant he would have less time to spend with him, but he would get over it eventually.

Harry pulled up outside of Liam's estate in his old clunker and pressed the button on the gate's speaker. "Name?" The man who was speaking sounded bored, most likely because he spent his days in an office asking people for their names and pressing one button to let them in. "Harry Styles." The man sighed. "Let me ask someone if you are permitted on the premises. I was given no instructions to let a Styles in." Harry groaned and banged his head on the steering wheel. Finally, he heard the speaker buzz again.

"We do not have your name in our books. We can not let you in. If you wish to return, make an appointment, and then come back." Harry was mad. "Look, I am Liam's boyfriend. I can call him right now and ask him to permit me." The man let out a chuckle. "Sir, we have cameras here, I can see your car. I can assure you, Mr. Payne has enough common sense to not date someone like you. I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises unless you would like to be taken into police custody." Harry sighed and reversed out of the driveway. He would just have to call Liam.

"Liam, hey, you need to help me," Harry said after he clicked on Liam's contact. "Baby? Where are you? You're late." Harry sighed. "I know. That asshole won't let me come in. He said I'm not on the list." Harry heard a loud grunt from Liam's side of the line. "Fuck. Baby, wait there, I'll talk to him." Harry nodded, even though Liam couldn't see him, then hung up. His phone buzzed a couple of minutes later with a text from Liam saying that he could come in.

He drove back up the driveway to where the gate was. It was already open so he just drove through, parking in front of the mansion. He was about to open his door when someone else pulled it open for him. "Sir, please forgive me. I was unaware of yours and Mr. Payne's...relationship. You may go in, Mr. Payne is waiting in the foyer." Harry nodded and stepped out of the car and walked up the steps into the familiar house.

"Hey, baby, sorry about that, he's new. He'll be fired, though." Harry nodded and went into the big man's open arms. Liam let go and looked down at the boy. "Let's go get your bag in my room, then maybe we can have a little fun." Harry giggled as the older lad pinched his bum then he followed the boy up the stairs and into his enormous room. Liam's room was always clean, unlike Harry's, but it was only because he had a maid. If he didn't have a maid, his room would be so disgusting that he probably wouldn't be able to live in it.

The room had a big, California king in the center and the walls were covered in bookshelves and boxing memorabilia. The shelves were filled with all kinds of toys and action figures. He had a full walk-in closet attached to his room and an amazing bathroom. There was a large picture window on the far left side of the room and a skylight right above the bed with a remote control cover. Harry loved Liam's room, mainly because of the bed. It was like sleeping on a cloud.

The second the boys stepped into the room Harry ran and jumped onto the bed, messing up the neatly made comforter. Liam laughed as he watched his childish boyfriend. "Baby, I love seeing you in my bed. You make it look so much more inviting." Liam slowly walked to the center of the room and looked down, towering over Harry. "You know I can't resist you when you look like that. Look so sexy all laid out for me. All mine." Harry bit his lip enticingly and Liam couldn't stop himself. He jumped on top of the boy, pinning him to the bed and attacking his plush lips.

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