Chapter 27

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2 hours and several more vodka drinks later and Harry was having the time of his life. He had already let some guys take a few body shots off of him and he let some cute guy in a rival school's footie jersey grind on him on the dance floor. The bass of the music made his head pound but he was feeling better than he ever had in his life

"Whooo! I love being single!" The people surrounding him cheered as they lifted their shot glasses, clinking them against each other and downing them quickly. "Fuck, yeah! Who wants to dance with me?" Harry reached his hands out and felt someone grab them, so he followed the unknown person blindly. He expected to be led further into where the loud music was coming from, so he was confused when he heard the music get quieter and felt a warm breeze on his sweaty skin. "Where're you taking me, stranger?" He heard a soft chuckle and then a familiar voice spoke.

"Don't worry, love, I got you." Harry gasped loudly and attacked the boy that was leading him with kisses. "Loubear! It's you!" Louis giggled as the boy pecked his cheek. "C'mon, love, let's get you home." Harry stopped in his tracks and almost started to cry. "Harry? Love, what's wrong?" Louis reached out and stroked the boy's cheek. "Can't go home. I don't want my parents to know I got drunk. I told them I was sleeping at Niall's tonight but I was supposed to go home with Liam." Louis nodded and tucked a loose curl behind Harry's ear.

"Do you want me to get Niall for you?" Harry shook his head and leaned on Louis's shoulder. "No. Don't want him to see me. Just want to sleep." Louis nodded and stroked his hair soothingly. "Okay, love. How about I take you to my house. My parents won't tell anyone if they find out about you drinking. You can stay in the guest room." Harry nodded and slumped onto Louis completely. Louis stumbled under the boy's weight and then scooped him up. Harry giggled at the feeling of being swept off his feet and wrapped his arms tightly around the older boy's neck.

Louis carried the boy to his car carefully and laid him down in the backseat, making sure he was on his side so he wouldn't choke on his own vomit if he had to hurl. He drove back to his own place slowly, being careful at every turn so as not to jostle the boy in the backseat. They arrived at his house a while later and he helped the boy out of the backseat, letting him lean on him heavily as they walked up to the front door. "You have to be very quiet, okay, love?" Harry giggled and Louis tried not to inhale the boy's smelly breath. "Shhh." Harry wobbled a bit and put his mouth on Louis's ear. "Shh, Louis." Louis nodded and patted the boy's head, much like an owner would do to their dog. "Yes, Haz, shh. We have to be very quiet. Like spies." Harry nodded seriously and followed Louis, tiptoeing like a villain in a children's movie.

The floor creaked underneath Harry's foot and the boy crouched down, shushing the old floorboard. Louis cooed at him and pulled him up. "Yes, love, be as quiet as you can. C'mon, up the stairs, bubs, one foot at a time." Harry stumbled a bit on the first step but they managed to make their way up the staircase with no serious casualties. Louis's arm was getting tired by then, though, so he just decided to put Harry in his room and he would sleep in the guest room. Louis laid the boy down and slid his Mary Janes off, marveling at the way the boy's legs looked in his short skirt and knee socks. Then he pulled the socks off and rolled them up, stuffing them into the shoes.

He contemplated taking off Harry's clothes to put him in something more comfortable, but he was scared that was crossing a line. He decided to do it when he looked at the line the skirt left on Harry's stomach. It was too tight for him to sleep in. He slid the skirt down the boy's legs, closing his eyes to not see anything, and tossed the skirt over to where his shoes were. Then he covered the boy's bottom half with a blanket and unbuttoned his top. The young lad whined and squirmed around, getting restless. Louis shook his head and went to his dresser to grab a shirt for him.

"Lou-Lou?" Louis stopped shuffling through the drawer and looked at the boy. "Yes, love?" Harry giggled like a child. "Like when you call me that." Louis smiled. "Good, because I like calling you that. Now, what did you want?" Harry shifted around under his blanket. "You're the reason I broke up with Liam. I stopped liking him and started liking you. Didn't like it when you and Zayn were together in your room. Wanted that to be me. Want you, Lou-Lou." Harry slapped his hands on the bed like a toddler throwing a tantrum when he whined that last part.

Louis had no idea what to say. He shook his head in confusion and pulled one of his huge band t-shirts out of his drawer. Harry wasn't in his right mind, so Louis didn't think he should believe everything the boy said. He was just drunk and tired. It was an emotional night for him and Louis just wanted to be there for him, no romantic feelings involved. Just love and care for the curly-haired boy he called his best friend.

Louis struggled to slip the boy's arms through the holes in the shirt but eventually did it, cooing at the way the boy looked, drowning in the large t-shirt Louis had given him with his curls all mussed up. He turned to leave the room when he heard Harry's voice behind him. "Stay, Lou-Lou." Louis spun around and looked at the boy, his eyebrow quirked. "What?" Harry whined and reached his arms out. "Stay. Wanna cuddle." Louis sighed but made his way over to the bed, toeing his shoes off at the edge. He went to climb in with all of his clothes still on but was stopped by Harry's whiny protests

"No. Take off your shirt and pants." Louis sighed but obeyed, taking off his clothes until he was in just his boxers, and then he slipped into the bed beside Harry with a good eighteen inches between them. Harry, ignoring the distance separating him from Louis, scooted over and laid his curly head on Louis's bare chest, sighing in content. Louis petted the little one's hair and listened to the boy's breathing slow until he was fast asleep. "Night-night, Hazza." He leaned forward and pecked the boy's curls and then laid back on his pillow, falling asleep almost instantly as his long finally night caught up to him.

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