Chapter 51

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Louis and Harry burst into laughter at the doctor's words. Harry couldn't be pregnant. It was just unlikely. He had a dick. How could he get pregnant when he had a dick? "That's ridiculous, doc. What's actually wrong with me?" The doctor sat down on the stool near Harry's bed and rolled closer. "Harry, I'm sorry, but I'm not joking. You are pregnant." Harry's head felt like it was filled with cotton. His mouth went dry. His hearing went fuzzy. He thought he was going to vomit again. "Haz? Haz, baby, can you hear me?" Louis's voice sounded far away.

The doctor opened a small jar of something and held it up to Harry's nose, making him perk up immediately. "What is that, doc?" The man smiled and shut the jar. "Smelling salts. It'll wake anyone up, even the dead." Louis nodded and turned his attention to Harry, who had regained some color in his face. "How you doing, bub? Feeling better?" Harry gave the older boy a small smile and then looked at the doctor. "Am I really pregnant?" The doctor patted his knee. "Sorry, son, it's true. It's up to you whether you want to keep it or not." Harry shook his head quickly.

"N-no no no, I want to keep it. I have to keep it. I don't know if I'll ever get this chance again. I need a baby." Louis shushed the boy and kissed him all over his face. "Shh, baby, calm down. You're fine, you can keep the baby if you want. You just have to calm down for me." Louis held Harry's juice up to his lips and the boy gulped, trying to prevent himself from getting hysterical. "Good, baby." Harry finished the juice and looked back at the doctor. "Um, how far along am I?" The doctor looked back at the clipboard and read over it again. "I'd say about six weeks. It's a bit harder to tell when there's no menstrual cycle involved, but based on the timing of the morning sickness, you're probably about six weeks along."

Harry smiled and pressed a small hand to his stomach. "Uh, doc, is this safe? Like, how is the baby gonna come out if Harry doesn't have a vagina? Is he gonna be ok? Is there a chance that he might lose it?" The doctor placed a calming hand on Louis's shoulder and squeezed. "The baby will have to be delivered through a C-section. Most male pregnancies have been very successful. The male miscarriage rates, though much fewer males get pregnant each year than females, are roughly the same as miscarriage rates in vaginal pregnancies. Harry is no less safe than if he had a vagina."

Louis nodded and placed a hand on top of Harry's. "It's mine, right?" Harry giggled and nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't you think it's yours?" Louis shrugged and kissed the boy's forehead. "Well, you boys are all set. You can get dressed and leave when you're ready." The doctor left the area and Harry slipped off the gown, putting it in the trash. Louis handed him the bag that had his clothes and helped the boy get dressed, knowing that he still might be in shock. He stopped the boy before he slid up his boxers. "Baby, your bum looks so good. All red and bruised for me."

Harry flushed all the way down his chest, embarrassed but happy with the praise. He put on his boxers and sweats, letting Louis tie his shoes for him, and the boys were all ready to go. "Baby, I think I need to get you back to your house. It's getting late and you probably have a lot to tell them." Harry grabbed Louis's hand tightly. "Want you to be there when I tell them." Louis kissed the boy's head and led him by the hand back to the car, strapping him into his seat before getting in on his own side.

Louis drove them back to Harry's house, the car silent the whole ride. Harry nervously tapped his fingers on his thigh and Louis kept complete focus on the road, not wanting to let his mind slip. He was going to be a dad, he needed to be more careful with everything he did. Especially when a pregnant Harry was in the car. The older lad couldn't imagine how happy Harry must feel. It was his biggest dream to have a baby in him. It was a dream-come-true for both himself and Harry.

"Louis? Before we go in there, do you promise to stay with me? To not dump me? To not leave me all alone with the baby?" Louis leaned forward and pulled Harry into a loving kiss. It wasn't dirty, and it didn't last that long. But it showed Harry how much Louis loved him. "I would never, baby. You are my everything, and that little guy inside of you is also my everything. I will do anything I can to protect you guys." Harry teared up a little bit, happy that he had caught such a great guy.

Louis walked with Harry up to the front door, his hand never leaving the small of the boy's back. Harry opened the door for them and they walked into the house, met with the smell of garlic chicken as soon as they came in. "Harry? Is that you, love?" Anne called from the kitchen. Harry went in with Louis and saw both of his parents sitting at the kitchen table with coffee and scones. "Oh, love, there you are. Where were you?" Harry hugged the woman and waved at Robin. "We were just hanging out."

The woman looked at Louis and pulled him into a hug as well. "Louis, darling, stay for dinner. I'm making garlic chicken." Louis smiled and nodded. "Of course. How could I miss out on Anne's famous garlic chicken." The woman blushed and smacked the boy's arm. "Oh, hush, you're making me blush. Go sit down, loves, the food will be done in a minute." Louis and Harry sat next to each other at the table, across from Robin. Anne placed plates of chicken and mash in front of them and both of them dug in, starving from the long day they had had.

"Mum, dad?" Anne and Robin stopped what they were doing and looked at their son. "Uh, Louis and I have something to tell you." The parents shared a look and gestured for the boy to go on. "I, uh, we, uhm..." He looked at Louis for help, who just held his hands up in surrender. "Uh, what I'm trying to say is...I'm pregnant. And it's Louis's," Harry spit out quickly, avoiding eye contact with his mum and dad. Louis felt like he was the most hated guy in the room at the moment.

Anne was the first to speak up. "How do you know? Why do you know?" Harry looked at Louis again for help. "Uh, Haz got really sick and threw up everywhere. I took him to the ER and they took some blood. The blood tests said he's pregnant. I'm sorry. I know you wanted us to use protection, but I was just stubborn. I'm so sorry." Louis started crying and Harry placed a hand on his shoulder. "Louis, we're not mad at either of you. This is our fault. We didn't tell Harry that he could get pregnant. We're sorry, love, we just wanted to wait to tell you. I guess we waited too long." Harry's eyes flashed.

"You knew? You fucking knew that I could have a baby and you didn't tell me? All my life, the one thing I have wanted the most is the ability to get pregnant! What was the point of never telling me? You could have only made me happier!" Anne and Robin looked down in shame. "Mum, dad, you know how much I wanted to be pregnant! I am...beyond pissed! Louis, we need to go. C'mon." Harry grabbed Louis's hand and led him away from his parents, out the front door and across the street. Louis opened the door to his house and pulled Harry close to him in the foyer. They just stood there for a long time, Harry sobbing into Louis's chest as Louis whispered soothing things into his ear.

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