Chapter 7

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"Loubear, can you put the rest of the bags in the car? I need to get the twins up and dressed." Louis nodded at his mum and then grabbed his suitcase and his mum's suitcase. He put those in the boot of the car then went to grab his twin sisters' Barbie and Mickey Mouse suitcases to put in the car. His sisters Lottie and Fizzy followed him out with their own bags and he lifted them into the car for the girls. He finally closed the boot and clapped his hands, getting all four girls' attention.

"Alright, loves, mummy is still inside getting Ernie and Doris, so let's all get strapped in so that we're ready to go when she comes out. Remember, we are going to have a long day of driving and then we have to unpack when we get there, so save your energy and don't be too rambunctious in the car. Okay, split."

He clapped his hands again and the girls ran to the car and strapped in quickly. He stayed out and waited for his mum so he could help her strap the twins in. Jay's husband, Dan, had already left to meet the moving truck and Jay was driving all of them so they would be a little more well slept. Both sets of twins were known to be fairly grumpy if it was too early.

"Oh my gosh, baby, you are a lifesaver. Here, you take Doris and strap her in. I'll take Ernie. We really need to get on the road." Louis nodded and took the redheaded one-year-old from her. The little girl looked up at him with drowsy eyes then nuzzled close to his chest. He cooed at her and pet her soft, thin curls.

He opened the right-side back door and set her in the car seat after struggling to release her little sausage fingers from his t-shirt. She let out a small cry when he strapped her into the car seat and he just leaned down and placed a light kiss on her forehead. "Lotts, can you keep her entertained?" Lottie nodded and took the diaper bag from the floor and pulled out some toys.

Louis shot her a thumbs up then went to his door and slid into his seat, clasping his seatbelt, and turning around to make sure that everyone else was strapped in safely. There had been too many previous occasions where either Phoebe or Daisy had accidentally gotten themselves tangled in their seatbelts, so he could never be too careful.

"Okay, loves, when we get there, you pick your rooms quickly and then we unpack. I want us to get settled in as soon as we can. Louis gets the biggest room other than Dan and I's room. Phoebe and Daisy, you need to share, and Ernie and Doris will get whatever room is closest to ours. Now please don't distract me, girls, I don't know this route very well and we are already late enough so we don't want to get lost. You hear me?" All of the girls said yes and Louis gave his mum a fist bump. The mother-son duo grinned at each other and Jay patted Louis's knee. Jay merged off of the street and onto the exit, starting their journey to their new home in Holmes Chapel.

"Alright, lovies, out of the car. You girls stay all together and you can go anywhere in this row of restaurants. No crossing the street, no talking to strangers, and Lottie is in charge. I will be going to the Gregg's over there with Ernie if you wish to join me. Louis will be with Doris. Be quick, we meet back here in 10 minutes, so we will be eating on the road." She blew the girls kisses and turned to go to Greggs. The four girls set off for the Taco Bell at the end of the row of shops and Louis went with Doris to the Nando's right behind him.

"Okay, love, what should Achoo get?" He pinched the redhead's cheek and she giggled gleefully. Louis nuzzled his nose with hers. "Should I get tenders or a sandwich?" The girl just stared at him, not understanding anything he was saying. "Ok, sandwich it is. And I'll get some fries so you can suck on them since you don't have proper teeth and all." The girl swung her feet a little and Louis readjusted her so she wasn't kicking him in the kidney.

"Oh my God, she's adorable." Louis turned and saw a woman, probably about twenty years old with blonde hair and a tragic fake tan, waving at Doris. Louis picked up Doris's hand to wave back at the woman, a fake smile on his face, then turned back to the menu, hoping that was the end of the interaction. However, his turning away from her did not stop the woman from coming closer.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" Louis rolled his eyes at the baby talk. He didn't like when people talked to babies like they were just little playthings and not humans. He always talked to Doris like she was an adult, just with a simpler vocabulary. That was the best way to get her to learn how to talk. "Her name is Doris. Now, ma'ame, I hate to be rude but-" The woman cut him off.

"Well, Doris, I think you're adorable, and your daddy isn't too shabby either." Louis shifted uncomfortably as the woman scanned him up and down. Was she seriously doing this in front of a small child? "Umm, I'm no-" He was cut off again. "What's your name, sexy? You know, I've been feeling awful single lately." She shifted around and pressed her boobs forward. Louis was uncomfortable, to say the least.

"Look, ma'ame, for one, I am her brother, not her dad, two, you are much too old for me, and three, I'm into dudes. I like it up the ass, so your flirting, if that's what you can even call it, is doing nothing for me." The woman gasped and stomped her foot, then stormed off back to her table. Louis was finally able to order his food in peace, minus all of the other loud customers in the place. After he got his food, he went back to the car and strapped Doris in, entertaining her with a set of colorful plastic keys while they waited for the rest of the family.

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