Chapter 34

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"Haz?" Harry hummed and turned toward Louis, giving him his full attention. "Uh, what are we?" Harry fluttered his eyelashes in confusion. "What do you mean, Lou?" Louis shrugged and looked at the abandoned swing set across from them. "I mean, what are we doing. Are we dating? Are we boyfriends?" Harry sighed and laid his head on the boy's shoulder. "We are whatever you want us to be. We could be boyfriends, we could just be messing around. All that matters is that we're together here and now." Louis rubbed the boy's thigh.

"I want us to be boyfriends. Not messing around. I want to be able to call you my boyfriend." Harry took his head off of the boy's shoulder and looked at him. "Then I'm your boyfriend. Call me that whenever you want." Louis smirked and stroked Harry's cheek. "I had some other names for you in mind as well." Harry giggled and kissed him gently. Louis took it as an opportunity to slide his hands down Harry's waist and grip his bum. Harry gasped into the boy's mouth, making Louis deepen the kiss.

Harry took it a step further and straddled the boy, making him squeak out in surprise. "Naughty boy, Hazza." Harry giggled and licked into the boy's mouth. Louis took control and held a death-grip on his doughy hips, squeezing them with the rhythm of Harry's figure-eight swivels. "Lou-Lou, want you. Want you to fuck me." Louis sighed at how innocent Harry sounded, even though his words weren't innocent at all.

"Not now, baby. Want it to be special." Harry whined and knocked his forehead against Louis's. "Harry, be good. We're in public. I'm not having sex with you for the first time on a park bench." Harry huffed but softened his kisses, being more gentle and less greedy. "Hazza, you're so pretty." Harry leaned into Louis's hand as he pet his cheek soothingly. "I mean it, baby. Can't believe you'd ever pick a chav like me." Harry giggled and pressed both of his hands to Louis's cheeks. "My chav. Best chav in my life." Louis snorted. "That's because you have no chavs in your life." Louis tickled Harry teasingly.

"So? You're still my chav." Louis shook his head at the boy and shifted around, gasping when he felt Harry's still-hard cock rub up against his own. "Baby, we need to fix that, don't we?" Harry cocked an eyebrow. "Thought you didn't want to have sex on a bench," Harry said condescendingly. Louis tsked and shook his head at the boy."I don't mean fucking you. I mean solving both of our problems at once." Harry looked at him, eyes full of confusion. Instead of answering the question looming in Harry's eyes, he decided to just show him.

Louis readjusted the boy so that he was straddling one of his thighs and began to rock him back and forth. Realization dawned on Harry and it was like a switch was flipped in his brain. He started grinding frantically on the boy's leg, whimpering loudly as he gripped the back of Louis's neck. Louis thought he could cum just from watching him. The boy looked absolutely euphoric. His mouth was open and his head was thrown back, whimpers and whines falling out of him at every jerk of his body.

"Uh uh, Lou, uh, need you to, uh, touch me." Harry's voice was high and raspy and Louis loved it. "Here, baby, use my hand." Harry unashamedly grabbed the boy's hand and held it to his crotch, making him gasp. "Louis, need it, needa cum." Harry was all over the place, his body writhing around. Louis put one hand on his hip, the other on his face, and pulled him in for a kiss. He helped him keep his rhythm and whispered soothing things into his ear.

"It's ok, baby, let go. You can do what you need to. I'm here to help." Harry whined and mouthed at the older lad's neck, trying to find something to comfort him as his body experienced so much pleasure. "Nngh, Louuu, gonna cum." He was so embarrassed with how public their display was. He knew anyone could just walk by and see what was happening. "C'mon, Hazzy, cum for me. I know you can do it."

Harry moaned out loudly, hands squeezing Louis's shoulders tightly. Louis watched in awe as the boy came in his pants like a hormonal teenager. He was going to lose his mind with this adorable boy. He even made orgasming look cute and hot at the same time. Who knew that was even possible?

The younger lad sagged onto the older boy from exhaustion, putting all of his weight on him. Louis cooed at the boy and held him closer. "You ok, baby?" Harry made no move to answer his question. "Tired? You did so good, baby. So good." Louis stroked Harry's hair and he started purring. Fucking purring. Louis sighed and kissed the boy's head. He knew he had to rearrange him to make him more comfortable, but he didn't want to disturb him.

"Haz? Can I move you?" The boy stayed still, still purring quietly, but Louis's legs were falling asleep, so he decided to just scoop the boy up and shift him a little bit. Harry whined quietly when he felt himself being moved, but other than that he made no other protests. Louis picked the boy up and moved him so that he was on the bench curled into the older boy's side. "Better?" Harry just curled closer to the boy, which Louis took as a yes. Louis settled in next to the boy and wrapped an arm around him.

"I'm so sorry tonight went off the rails. I really wanted to give you a nice dinner. Am I forgiven?" Harry stared up at the boy with glazed-over eyes. "I think you were forgiven when you made me cum in my panties like a pubescent boy." Louis smiled and kissed the boy sweetly. "You're the best, Haz. D'you know that?" Harry nodded happily. "I'm always the best." Louis hummed and inhaled Harry's sweet scent. "You are."

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