Chapter 30

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"Louis, can you walk me home?" Harry was standing in the middle of Louis's bedroom with his clothes in a plastic bag. Louis nodded and took the boy's small hand in his, leading him out of the room and down the stairs. They both waved goodbye to Fizzy sitting on the couch in the living room, watching tv. Then Louis walked the small boy across the street to his house, keeping a tight hold on his hand as he led him.

"Are your paren-" Louis was cut off from his question by a pair of plump lips on his own. Louis hummed and wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him closer. Harry looped his arms around the boy's neck to make the kiss deeper. The younger boy tugged at the small hairs on the back of Louis's neck making Louis gasp. Harry took that chance to slide his tongue between Louis's thin lips, swirling it all over the boy's sweet-tasting mouth.

The older lad squeezed the boy tighter and lifted him up, making the boy squeal into his mouth. "Louis!" Harry giggled as the boy swung him from side to side. Louis put the boy down and placed a wet kiss on his forehead. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." Harry punched the older boy in the arm."You should have just kissed me. Why did I have to be the one to kiss you?" Louis held Harry's hand up to his mouth and kissed it. "Because you have more confidence than I do." Harry huffed.

"But you're the prince and I'm the princess. The prince always makes the first move." Louis smirked and slid his hand down Harry's back to cup his bum. "Don't worry, love, I'll get to be the prince for other things." Harry gasped when he felt a pinch on his ass. "Do you want to come in?" Harry gestured to the door. "I don't know. What would be doing inside?" Harry tugged on the boy's hand, wanting to pull him inside. "Stuff." Louis winked and followed the boy through the door.

"I need to put my clothes in the laundry if you want to hang out down here. I'll be back in just a sec." Louis nodded and Harry pecked him on the lips lightly before dashing up the stairs. The older boy made his way around the living room having not gotten a good look at it last time he was at Harry's house. He smiled when he saw a picture of the boy with what looked like his sister. Louis paused when he saw a picture of Harry with a blonde boy. They had their arms slung around each other's shoulders and Harry was placing a sloppy kiss on the blonde's cheek. Louis thought this must be the Niall that he had mentioned before. He had never met the lad, but he seemed like a great guy from the way Harry talked about him.

Louis was interrupted from his thoughts when Harry came bounding back into the room. He stumbled slightly when he stepped over the rug and Louis reached a hand out to stable him. "Easy there, princess. Or should I call you Bambi?" Harry giggled and pressed his face into Louis's shoulder. "I like Bambi. One of my favorite movies. Mum won't let me watch the beginning, though. Too sad." Louis smiled and raked his hands through the boy's messy curls. Harry hummed and tilted into the touch.

"Do you want me to wash these clothes for you and then return them?" Harry gestured toward Louis's shirt and sweats that he was still wearing from the previous night. "No, love, keep them. I like you in my clothes." Harry nodded and pecked the side of Louis's neck. The older lad rubbed his sides soothingly. "You should show me your bedroom. I've seen it from my window, but I want to see it in person." Harry nodded and led the boy up the stairs. They paused outside of Harry's door, the boy's hand on the doorknob.

"It's a little messy in here and there's also some Liam stuff on my walls and desk. Just so you know." Louis kissed Harry's temple and motioned for him to open the door. Harry obeyed and they walked in. Louis thought that the room was just like Harry. Soft pink, stuffies everywhere, fuzzy carpeting, and a plush bed in the middle of the room. Louis went over to a corner of the room where Harry had a beanbag chair surrounded by stuffed animals. There was a record player on the shelf beside the chair with some vinyl stacked next to it.

Louis flipped through the records seeing Rolling Stones, Ramones, Clash, Duran Duran, Weezer, Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, and a lullaby album. He slipped the record out of the sleeve and placed it on the turntable, switching it on and setting the needle on top. Brahms' Lullaby came on and Harry's head snapped up. "What are you doing?" Louis smirked and went over to wrap his arms around Harry's slim waist, swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the song as he hummed softly in the boy's ear.

"Just playing a little music. Not great get down and dirty music, but it's good enough. Wouldn't be good to fuck to." Harry blushed and laid his head back on Louis's shoulder, dancing with him a little bit. "Fancy going ballroom dancing, love?" Harry turned around and grinned. "I thought you'd never ask."

Louis placed one hand on the boy's waist and held his hand with the other. Harry set a hand on Louis's shoulder and the older boy led them through a waltz around the room. Louis took his hand off of the boy's hip and twirled him, watching Harry's smile flash at him as he spun around. Then he took the boy and dipped him, admiring his exposed throat as he did so. The two continued dancing through the record, cheeks hurting from how hard they were smiling at each other.

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