Chapter 61

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2 Months Later

"Whatcha doin', daddy?" Harry came into the study and wrapped his arms around Louis from behind, kissing his cheek sloppily. "Nothing, baby, just a little work. Trying to see if maybe I can get another job since the bookstore isn't full-time. D'you need anything, love?"Harry shook his head and snuggled his face into Louis's neck, placing kisses all over the right side. Louis groaned and reached around, tugging on Harry's shoulder-length curls.

"Baby, I'm trying to work and you're distracting me. Just let me finish, ok?" Harry whined into Louis's ear and nibbled at his jaw, licking over the bite mark. "Daddyyy, 'm really horny. I tried to do it myself but I couldn't get the right angle." Louis gasped as images of Harry with his fingers digging into his hole, desperate to find his good spot, flashed through his mind. "You are very naughty, baby. Touching yourself without daddy's permission. Do you want daddy to help you?" Harry whimpered and nodded into Louis's neck. "Yes, please. Need you."

Louis got up from the chair and dragged Harry out of the room, pulling him into their bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind them, even though it was pointless since they were there alone, and helped Harry lay down on the bed. "Good job, baby, already undressed for me before we even started. So pretty. I love you so much." Harry giggled as Louis kissed him all over his face. The boy cried out when Louis slipped down his chest and bit his nipple. "Ah! Daddy, more!"

Louis hummed and toyed with one of Harry's other nipples, sucking lightly on the one he had already taken into his mouth. Harry fisted a handful of Harry's hair, tugging on it rhythmically as Louis swirled his tongue around the nipple. "Touch me, daddy! Can't wait much longer!" Louis released the raw, puffy bud from his mouth and licked up Harry's chest, trying not to put too much weight on Harry's stomach. "Oh, f-fuck, daddy!" Harry sobbed and Louis stopped, wondering what he had done that made the boy cry out like that.

He realized what he had done when he looked down and saw his knee rubbing up against Harry's tight panties. "Let me get these off for you, baby. Can't fuck you with your panties on." He slid the lacy underwear down Harry's legs, helping him lift his hips up to get them out from under his bum, and tossed them to the edge of the bed. They caught on the wooden knob of the bed frame, hanging off like a symbol of what they were doing.

Louis kissed all over Harry's inner thighs, sucking a few marks until Harry was practically sobbing, begging Louis to touch his leaking cock. "Daddy, please, need your hands." Louis shushed the boy with a bruising kiss and made his way down the lad's body, placing a kiss at the head of his nearly purple cock. He was about to suck the boy into his mouth when he felt something wet on his hand. "Baby? What's this?" Harry sat up and looked at Louis confused. "What's what, daddy."

Louis ran his hands over the boy's hole. "It's all- Oh my god." Louis jumped off the bed and started hopping around the room like a mad man, looking for something unknown to Harry. "Louis, calm down, just tell me- Oh, shit! Grab the fucking bags, Louis!" Harry wiped his hands on the sheets after he felt his hole. His water had broken. "I need to get dressed, Louis. Get me something from the closet. Calm the fuck down first, though." Louis paused and took a deep breath and then opened the closet, pulling out a maternity button-up and some leggings.

Harry took the clothes from him and pulled them on, telling Louis to help him out of the room once he had gotten the bags. There was no time for Harry to put on shoes or underwear. "Louis, get me to the fucking hospital now!" Harry shouted at the boy, who had just paused on the walkway to the car. Louis shook his head to clear his thoughts and led Harry to the car, helping him get in the backseat so he could lie down.

The older lad slid into the front seat and started the car, immediately flooring it out of the residential area. He sped to the hospital, surprisingly never getting pulled over, and got Harry out of the car. His contractions had begun and he was shouting, his fingernails cutting into Louis's arm as they walked up to the door of the hospital. They came into the building, Harry's yelling and groaning causing quite a scene, and a nurse rushed over to them with a wheelchair. "Here, sit down."

Hary sat in the chair and let out a sigh of relief, both glad that he wasn't on his feet anymore and that the contraction was over. "This is going to be a C-section, I assume?" The nurse looked at Louis who nodded distractedly, his focus on Harry in the chair. "Who is your doctor, sir?" Louis tried to answer but Harry stopped him. "I see Dr. Mason, but I don't know if she's available." The nurse nodded and handed Louis a clipboard. "Fill this out, sir. He will be in good hands, I promise."

Louis took the clipboard and thanked her, then he turned to Harry. "I love you, baby, and I am so proud of you. You have done amazing through this whole thing. You're going to do great in that OR. Knock 'em dead, kitten." Harry stuck his tongue out at the boy and waved as he was wheeled off the operating room. Louis sat down in one of the waiting room chairs, the bags at his feet, and texted everyone he could think of that Harry was finally in labor. Zayn was the first to respond, saying that he was on his way with Niall.

Liam showed up in less than five minutes, a bouquet of yellow roses in one hand and a ginormous chocolate bar in the other. He waved at Louis and sat down next to him, digging in his pocket for something. He pulled out a loose cigar and handed it to Louis. "It's customary for the father to smoke a cigar in the waiting room, so I, uh, got you this." Louis chuckled and took the cigar, holding it up to his nose. "Smells nice. Did you swipe this from your dad?" Liam nodded and settled back in his seat, waiting for the others to arrive so he would have someone to talk to instead of sitting in awkward silence.

Everyone else showed up over the course of the next twenty minutes, all of them spreading out in the waiting room. Jay and Anne, both wearing matching 'World's Best Grandma' t-shirts (ironically), sat together on one of the two-seater benches, chatting quietly. Zayn and Liam were watching something on Zayn's phone, probably a Marvel movie, with earbuds in their ears. Niall was sitting on the floor playing with a Batman toy that he had gotten for the baby. The dads, soon to be grandads, stood in a corner of the room talking about something animatedly.

Louis stayed in his seat, going through all of his pictures of Harry on his phone. He had pretty much cataloged the whole pregnancy in photos. There was a picture of Harry cooking in the kitchen in just his boxers, right after he had found out about the pregnancy, one of him relaxing in his beanbag chair with his hand on his belly, and a recent picture of the boy asleep on the couch, a baby book balanced on his big belly. He smiled, excited to fill his camera roll even more with pictures of the baby. His baby that was being born right at that moment, just in the other room.

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