Chapter 38

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Louis and Harry were relaxed in Louis's room. It was about a week after their punishment had been lifted and they had spent almost every minute together. Louis was sitting on his desk chair, rolling back and forth, and Harry was sitting on Louis's bed with Doris in his lap. The girl was very calm, to Louis's surprise, and she was entertaining herself with Harry's hand. She tugged on his fingers, occasionally putting one of them in her mouth, but Harry was always quick to take them out and wipe the slobber.

Louis was fascinated by the pair. He knew that Harry was good with kids, but his heart was hurting at how cute the interaction was. Harry was looking at Doris with so much love and adoration and Louis thought he was going to die. "Hazza?" The boy hummed as he moved Doris's hands so that they weren't slapping his face. "Uh, do you want kids when you're older?" Harry bit his lip to hide his huge grin as he nodded. "Yeah, I love kids. Have always wanted them." Louis smiled at the boy. "That's good. I want kids, too." Harry was screaming on the inside. Louis wanted kids! Louis was asking him about kids!

He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt the girl start to squirm in his lap. He tried to readjust her, thinking she was just uncomfortable, but then she started wailing loudly. "Looks like someone's tired, huh? Louis, can I go put her down for a nap?" Louis nodded and stood up. He led the boy down the hall and opened the twins' bedroom door for him. "Here love, let's get you changed into some comfier clothes. I'll just lay you down right here." Harry placed the girl ever so gently on the changing table and slid off her shorts and tank top. Then he checked her diaper, made sure she didn't need a new one, and grabbed a onesie out of the dresser's top drawer. Louis watched from the doorway as his sweetheart cared for his little sister.

"Alright, lovey, we got your ducky onesie on, so let's get you into your crib." He scooped the girl up and laid her down in the empty crib, making sure she was laying comfortably with her soft blue blanket up to her chest. Then he leaned down and pressed a light kiss to her forehead. Muscular arms slid their way around his slim waist and he melted into the hold. "My domestic baby. You're so good. Let's go back to my room, yeah?" Harry nodded and followed Louis back to his room. When they got in there, Louis led the boy to his bed and sat down on the edge, Harry standing between his legs.

"You know, Hazza, I've never felt this way about anyone before. You make me feel crazy things inside. Things that confuse me so much. But I'm sure of one thing, and that is that I want you. So bad, baby." Louis held Harry's hands in his, looking up at him like he was the sun. "I want you too, Lou-Lou. Wanna be with you and no one else. Please make love to me, fuck me, shove it up my ass. Whatever you want to call it. Just do it, Lou, I've been waiting too long." Louis shushed the boy and pet his side, trying to comfort him. "Shh, baby, I got you. I'll take care of you. C'mon, let me lay you down and 'shove it up your ass' as you said." Harry giggled as the boy tugged on his arms and pulled him down onto the bed.

"Can I take your shorts off, baby? Want you to be more comfortable." Harry nodded and Louis pulled the boy's shorts down by their elastic band. The younger lad squirmed around on the bed, excitement stirring inside of him. He was finally going to be fucked by the Louis Tomlinson. "So pretty, Haz. Pretty in your little panties. Always look so good." Harry whined and wiggled around on the bed even more. Louis trailed his fingers up Harry's thigh, making him sigh lightly.

The older lad kissed Harry's bony knees that knocked together whenever he moved and then traced a finger over the boy's hips. Every part of him was perfect. "L-Lou, need you to touch me more. Ah, I n-need it." Louis cooed and rubbed circles into the boy's hip. "Being a little greedy, Haz, aren't ya?" Harry whined and jerked his hips up, wanting something. "Shh, bubba, I'll touch you. Just let me get the stuff I need first." Harry nodded with a blank look on his face and watched sadly as Louis got up to go to his bedside table.

He slid the drawer open and pulled some things out, laying them on the bed beside Harry. Then Louis loomed back over the small boy and attacked his lips with a loving but bruising kiss. Harry spread his legs even more, falling pliant under Louis's touch. Harry would let the boy do anything to him. "Okay, Hazzy, let me get my pants off, and then I can open you up, okay?" Harry whimpered and squirmed even more as he saw Louis pull his pants down. "Boxers too. And your shirt." Louis shook his head at the boy and chuckled under his breath as he slipped his shirt over his head and slid his boxers down.

He resumed his previous position once he was completely naked, caging Harry with his arms. "I'm gonna take the rest of your clothes off, baby, and then I'll open you. Stay relaxed for me, okay?" Harry shivered as the boy pulled his shirt up and then hooked his fingers into his waistband. He pulled Harry's panties down, leaving him bare and exposed under Louis's hot gaze. He tried to cover himself but Louis was quick to pin his arms over his head with one hand. He took his other hand and grabbed the bottle of lube. "Stay there, baby. Don't try to cover yourself. Look so pretty like this, want to see you."

He poured some lube onto his fingers and rubbed it around, warming it up. Then he rubbed a finger around Harry's tight rim, making the boy gasp. His finger slid in and he pumped it sensually, wanting to make Harry feel the maximum amount of pleasure. He slowly worked the wiggly boy up to a second, then to a third. He thought he was ready then, even though it was going to be a tight fit. "I'm gonna put it in you now, baby. Tell me if it hurts, and if you can't tell me, pinch me. Okay?" Harry nodded frantically, wanting the boy to just get on with it.

Louis rolled the condom on, lined himself up, and slid into Harry slowly, groaning at how tight he felt. "God, Haz, so fucking tight. Squeezing me so good." Harry whined loudly and grabbed at Louis's back, nails scraping so much they drew blood. The older lad started to pound into him, making both boys cry out. Harry was clenching so much and it made Louis see stars. "Lou-Lou, fuuck, need you t-to touch m-me. Please!" Louis could do nothing but obey, so he trailed a hand down Harry's completely hairless chest and lightly grasped his cock. "Cute little cock, baby." Harry sobbed at that. "Say it again, Lou. Talk about my cock, make fun of it." Louis felt blessed by those words.

"Does that turn you on, baby? Getting made fun of for your little cock? It probably can't even make a teaspoon of cum. Pathetic little thing. I don't even need to use my whole hand to stroke it, only need two fingers. Such a weak little thing, couldn't choke me on it if you tried." Harry writhed around on the bed, crying and gasping. This was the most pleasure he had ever felt and he had barely been touched. Louis continued stroking Harry, this time with only two fingers, and thrust deep into his ass, hitting the boy's prostate on every other thrust. Harry was so vocal and Louis was loving it. He would let out loud whines whenever his prostate was touched and he was jerking around on the bed in the hottest way.

His cheeks were flushed, his lips bitten cherry red, and his cock was almost purple with how much he needed to cum. "I'm gonna ask you to cum for me, baby. Cum all over your wimpy little cock. Make a mess of yourself for me, okay?" Harry nodded and scrambled for purchase on Louis's shoulder as the boy tugged his cock particularly hard. "Cum, baby." Harry nearly screamed and came all over Louis's hand.

Louis fucked him through his orgasm, reaching his high as well. Harry's body trembled from the aftershocks and Louis knew that it was going to be a bit before he would recover from how hard he came. So, he decided to slide out of the boy, only receiving a small whine of protest, and walked to the bathroom to wet some washcloths. He wiped the boy down gently when he came back in, being careful of his deflated-looking cock, and then wiped himself down a little less gently. He slid the boy under the covers and got in beside him, spooning him from behind as he nuzzled his neck soothingly.

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