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Rue's POV 

I walked down the hall crowded with people. I was holding my backpack up on my right shoulder, just minding my own business. I glanced down and rolled my eyes, when I spotted Flash, who was on his way to pass me. Very much on purpose, he bumped his shoulder into mine, making me drop my bag onto the floor. He shot me a mocking grin, as he kept on walking. I looked down at the bag with an irritated face, and angrily picked it up and returned it's weight to my shoulder. Finally, I spotted MJ, and headed straight for her. My back was leaned up against the locker beside hers, while I slowly turned my gaze to her. "I hate this school," I uttered, earning a snicker from her. She had found her chemistry book and closed the locker.

"Flash?" she asked, as we started walking down the hall.

"He's just such a jerk," I said and stopped, when we had reached where my locker was. She leaned up against the locker next to me, just as I had done moments earlier.

"His self confidence has got to be smaller than his weenie," she chuckled, as I smiled into my locker, while trying to find the science book I had to use for my next class. Like that's possible. "I mean have you seen what his new 'thing' is?" she asked, and clenched her book a little tighter. He had definitely knocked into her shoulder too, before he had done it to me.

"Is it the bumping into people's shoulders?" I questioned, and her eyes lit up in agreement.

"Yes! And you see this stain?" she opened her jean jacket's left side, showing a big brown stain basically covering her whole left boob. I slammed my locker shut, when the rage started flowing even heavier than before. "I had coffee in my hand," she exclaimed and let the jacket fall back to cover the stain.

"He'll get as he deserves someday," I said, still angry, as we started slandering down the hall, like we had done so many other times.

"Karma will get him, don't worry," MJ said, annoyed just by the thought of him. We turned a corner moving closer to the class she had to attend. "Did something happen this weekend? You have a scratch on your chin," MJ asked me curiously, having calmed down a bit. I shrugged and glanced up at her. She was eight centimeters taller than me, and she sure made fun of me for that a lot. It was harmless, and even though I expressed that I was annoyed by her making fun of me, I secretly found it funny too.

"Don't make fun of me, but I tripped on the street yesterday," I spoke in an embarrassed tone to make it sound more believable.

Okay let's get this straight. Seven months previous I was bitten by this freaky looking spider that I found out was radioactive. The next day I woke up with superpowers such as wall-crawling, enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, durability, stamina, healing, and agility. Awesome right? I created some web shooters, and then I basically just flew around town, trying to minimize the criminality that ran in the streets. What really happened to my cheek though... Well it was even more embarrassing than what I had told MJ I kinda smashed straight into a building, while I was flying around, because of a Calvin Klein billboard.

Anyway, I became Spider-girl or spider-woman... Whatever you'd like, and honestly it had been great so far, and I've managed to help a lot of people. You'd think I would need a special suit to do all of this spider-stuff, but I really didn't. I mean yes, it would've been great to have a real suit, but I didn't have that, so I just wore my red Nike Air Jordans, black leggings, a red hoodie with the hood popped up and lastly a black fabric face mask, to better hide my identity.

"Sounds like you," she chuckled.

"Oh shut it!" I laughed out defensively. "Try not to kill Flash!" I yelled to her back, as she was on her way into class, and she stuck her middle finger up in the air without turning. I smiled and rolled my eyes, as I headed to science class. I placed myself in the back corner as I always did, since everyone in that class was unbearable to talk to.

My school schedule went by quickly, and before I knew it, I was on my way home. I opened the door to complete silence, except for some cars in the streets outside. I had left my window open when I left that morning, so it was very cold in the apartment. I went straight to my room, as neither of my parents were home. They wouldn't be coming home until late that day, because of some big important meeting. Not gonna lie it didn't bother me at all, I wasn't going to be home anyway.

I slipped on my outfit and crawled out my window, down onto the fire escape that was right underneath my window. I closed it, and turned towards the city. There was nothing unusual to be seen, so I shot a web onto the building across from mine, and started swinging towards the kind of streets, where there were more people walking, more stores and overall just more life. Yet there wasn't much to see even in there, so I ended up just sitting and observing people from the edge of a building.

A grey shiny sports car caught my attention, and who should be driving it, but Flash. I rested my elbows on my knees, and leaned slightly forward, while furrowing my eyebrows a little at the sight of him. He was holding in line, and seemed pretty pissed about it, as he kept gassing up and honking. I stood up, now standing on the building and decided to have a little fun. I swung down to him, landing very roughly on the hood of his car.

"What the hell, this is my dad's car!" he yelled while desperately waving for me to get off. I had made a bump from the hard landing, and I casually got off of the hood satisfied with giving him what he deserved. I walked up to his window, and leaned my elbows on the car window.

"Sorry about that," I said very calmly, and pushed myself away from his car, so I was almost ready to leave. I put two fingers to my temple and swiftly threw them forward as in saying 'see ya'. He kept on staring confused at me with his jaw slightly dropped, when I shot a web and swung away. Man that felt good.

I slid up the window very slowly, so it wouldn't make any noise. When it was fairly open, I carefully stepped into my room, and closed it behind me. Voices could be heard from the other side of my door, confirming that my parents had come home. It was only seven o'clock? They told me they would be home around eleven. I took off my spider outfit, threw it onto my bed, and just as I had done so, my mom started opening my door. I ran to the door and pushed my body into it, making it slam shut. "What are you doing?" my mom exclaimed, very confused, but also with a sliver of anger in her voice.

"I just... What do you want?" I asked as I quickly took off my web-shooters.

"Dinner's ready," she said, clearly very suspicious of my situation. What would I have told her if she saw me? I wasn't good at coming up with lies in situations like those, so I had to make her avoid seeing me.

"Okay be out in a sec!" I said as I removed myself from the door, and quickly found some clothes to throw on. I exited calmly, and sat down at the table where my mom and dad were drilling their eyes right at mine. "What?" I asked, and started pouring some soup into my bowl.

"Is there someone in your room?" My mom asked. She was very strict about boys and dating. She always had been. I didn't really let it interfere with my life though. It wasn't hers to control.

"No I was just changing," I said and chuckled in my own defense, wishing they would buy it. Then again that was literally what I was doing, but they couldn't know what I was changing out of. Seriously if they found out about my powers, I would 100% be grounded for life, no doubt.

"Why?" my dad asked and began pouring water into his glass.

"I just wanted to wear something a little more comfortable," I casually declared, and they just nodded, silently.

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