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"Okay what about this, we try sleeping separately, and if it's completely impossible for either one of us, we sneak into each others rooms?" I suggested as I stirred in the big pot on the high-tech stove. Peter was behind me with his back turned, cutting some cucumbers. 

"Okay," he said, sounding into the plan. "It's just feels like he's trying to keep us as far apart as possible," he then remarked and turned around, with the knife and breadboard, so we were standing on the same side. 

"I'm sure those rooms were just the one's that were left," I said and Peter shrugged not being sure if he agreed. 

"Yeah maybe. I don't care what he's doing, but he's not gonna break us up," he firmly said and cut harshly down in the end of the cucumber finishing it up. 

"Peter, even if that is his plan, it's never going to work," I snickered and looked up at him. He looked back at me and smiled only with his lips. "You've got some spice on your cheek," I chuckled and put my hand up, to it to gently wipe it away with my thumb. When I had put my hand back down, he pushed me close to himself by having his hand on my lower back. He chuckled as our faces were inches apart. 

"What are you making?" a voice interrupted and we let go of each other, and quickly went back to what we were doing before. 

"Just a lasagna," I smiled and looked up. Steve Rogers walked closer and up to the pot to look, even though I had basically just told him what was in it. 

"Smells great, would you save some for me?" he asked and smiled glancing at Peter who just smiled back. 

"Sure there's gonna be plenty of leftovers, so you could just join us instead," I suggested and kept on stirring it around. 

"Do you mind if Romanoff makes an appearance too? She told me earlier that she was starving," Steve then said and leaned forward with his underarms, on the kitchen island Peter was cutting vegetables on. 

"The more the merrier," Peter kindly said. I turned around and shot Steve a brief smile, to show him I agreed. He thanked us and left right after I had told him circa when the lasagna would be ready. 

"Okay I'm done," Peter said hand held the breadboard with all the vegetables collected on, up to the pot, about to pour it all in. 

"Whoa whoa what are you doing?" I broke out and pushed the breadboard slowly back down on the counter. "That's just for the salad," I chuckled and pointed briefly at it, with the spoon I was stirring with.

"I thought we were just having lasagna?" he said in confused tone. 

"Well we need to ingest some greens too, Peter," I chuckled. "I put a bowl over there on the counter, for you to put it in," I said and turned my head to the glass bowl with the spoon and fork already laying beside it. When he realized, he made an 'ohhh' sound, meaning he finally understood. It went pretty smooth when we were in the kitchen together, except for when he had to do the stuff involving heat. Somehow it would almost always end up burnt. He probably got that from May. 

"I was told a lasagna would be served out here," Natasha chuckled as she walked out of the hall and further into the big common area. I was just pulling out the lasagna when Steve came out behind her. 

"There's also salad," Peter added as he proudly put the bowl down on the dining table. I chuckled and placed the lasagna right on the middle of the table right after. "But yeah mainly lasagna," he admitted. We all chuckled and sat down at the table, and started pouring onto our plates.

"So how are you liking the place so far?" Natasha asked nicely, as we were eating. 

"It's really... neat," I said as I looked around a little, pretending I hadn't already scanned the room the first time I saw it. Peter agreed and added that it was very new. 

"I want to apologize for dropping that jetway on you two," Steve said and poured his second portion onto his plate. 

"Hey don't worry about it," Peter quickly said and waved it away. 

"You dropped a jetway on them?" Natasha turned her head to Steve and looked at him, with a kind of shocked expression. 

"Don't worry nothing happened," I assured and smiled, before taking a sip of my water. It had been goddamn heavy though, and if we hadn't been alerted immediately by our sense, it would've been our deaths. 

When we were all finished eating, they said that they would be cleaning up, since we had made the food. They insisted and Peter and I yielded. We had really gotten to know them a lot, by just that one dinner, so that was a great start. It had taken some time to both make and eat the food so by the time we were done, it was already around nine. As Tony had said, we needed to rest for... whatever we had to do the next day, so the dreaded goodnight had to be said. 

"Remember, you can come into my room if you want to. Okay?" I reminded him. 

"I know I know," he smiled. 

"Goodnight," I stepped forward and placed a light kiss on his lips. When I was about to step back, he placed both his hands on my cheeks and held my head in place, for him to deepen the kiss. I let him. I absolutely did not keep count of our kisses, but I knew that for every time he kissed me I loved him even more. He then let go and I closed my eyes, completely disoriented all of the sudden. 

"Goodnight," he smiled very well knowing what he had done to me and I turned around in a lousy swing, almost like a silly little girl right after her first kiss. "You okay?" he asked, as I started walking. I couldn't see his face, but I could hear by his voice, that he had been smiling while asking that question.

"Never better," I lousily and briefly put my hand up and turned the corner, so I was out of sight from him. "Oh god," I groaned and put a hand to my face in my own embarrassment. How can he still make me feel like this?

I was laying in bed, looking blankly up at the dark ceiling. There was no city glare from outside the window here, so it was darker than usual. I kept glancing to my right side, expecting Peter to magically lay there sleeping like I had gotten so used to. There was nothing, but complete silence in the room and it was stressing me out. I tried closing my eyes jus one more time, but it didn't take long before I had had enough and shot up from the bed and out of my room. I creeped down the hallways and eventually ended up outside Peter's door. I was just about to pull down on the doorknob, but my mind stopped me. Maybe he wanted to actually sleep alone. Maybe he was even sleeping right now, enjoying being alone for once. I removed my hand fully and looked at the way I had just come from. My body started moving away, and a noice woke up my ears. I quickly looked back at the door and it was open, with Peter standing there, looking directly at me. 

"I was just about to-" 

"I know. Thank god," I sighed and hugged him with my arms around his neck, while we moved inside and closed the door behind us. 

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