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My nose was tipped against Peters' when I chose to open my eyes. His eyes were closed and his breaths were slow and relaxed, meaning he was still deep in his sweet sleep.

Throughout the night I had rolled half my body onto his, with my right hand cupping on the back of his head, my leg bent almost up to my stomach, resting peacefully on his abs. I bent my head slightly up and pecked his nose. He scrunched it and opened his eyes just a smidge. When he saw me, a smile formed on his lips.

"Have you been up long?" He asked in a hoarse morning voice and adjusted himself, so he was laying on his side.

"No I just woke up," I sleepily groaned. A sudden knock on the door, made both our eyes widen, now being completely awake all of the sudden.

"You better be awake in there," Tony's voice was strict, but still casual in some kind of way.

"Shit!" I hissed and clumsily shot up from the covers, that were flying all around now.

"Just a second!" Peter yelled. When I looked to him for help, he grabbed my shoulders and led me backwards into the closet. He hurriedly kissed me on the lips, before shutting the closet doors. I heard Peters barefoot footsteps and then the door open. "Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter casually greeted.

"We need to run some tests on you and Rue today. Make sure to wake her up and be in the lab around... 11.30," Tony said. Just a second after, faint footsteps sounded.

"We'll be there Mr. Stark!" Peter yelled after him and closed the door. I opened the closet door, revealing much more light, than I had remembered being in the room, when I woke up.

"Tests?" I asked while Peter started putting on some more clothes. He sat down on the edge of his bed, when he got to the socks

"Yeah it's probably nothing," Peter comfortably assured and stood up from the bed. "Just some blood tests or something," he smiled and I shrugged not being sure. I glanced over at the alarm standing on Peter's nightstand. It was eleven exactly.

"I'll meet you at the lab, I have to take go take a shower," I informed Peter, who gave me a goodbye kiss before letting me leave. I very carefully closed his door, to not be caught by anyone. I tiptoed backwards a couple of steps before turning around, right into another female body. We both stopped completely in our tracks and while our bodies were still touching, I looked up and recognized Natasha freaking ROMANOFF! She shot me an awkward smile, and I quickly took a step back. "I am... so sorry," I forced out, while accidentally scanning her down and then to my left. The sign on the door read Banner.

"Don't be sorry," she smiled again and glanced at the door I had just looked at. "I just had to borrow some uh toilet paper, that's why I'm here," she ran a hand through her hair, wiping it away from her face. It was kinda tangled, as if she had just woken up. 

"Oh okay," I smiled with my lips pressed together, sensing the awkward situation. "I umm... had to make sure Peter was up..." There was a sudden silence, as we both nodded gently, trying to not catch eye contact. "Well I better-" I pointed behind her shoulder and started moving by her, while desperately pulling down on the teeshirt I had on, to cover up my bare skin.

"Yes, me too," she followed after me, since we live right beside each other. I'm not gonna lie it was all kinds of weird, walking with her in complete silence all the way to our rooms. When I finally arrived safely in my room, I had to throw my head into my pillow, just to comprehend the situation. And then after that, I don't know, maybe cry or scream a little?

"Can I ask a question?" I looked up from my stomach where Bruce was placing some kinds of suction discs. He sure didn't hold back and kept going, even though he had already put five on already. "Where's Thor?" I asked looking at Tony, since bruce was obviously busy. 

"Went back to Asgard," Tony simple answered and looked down on my stomach. "Yeah I think we're good with those," 

"Alright alright, I just have to make sure she won't just rip them off," Banner uttered while getting back up. 

"Why would I rip them off?" I asked and gestured my confusion with my hands. 

"We need you to experience pain, to get the results for this one kiddo," Tony answered as he typed concentratedly on his computer. I had already gone through five other tests, and was getting quite tired at this point, so I threw my head back and sighed. 

"This is the last one," Banner said and smiled at me very briefly. It wasn't very assuring to be honest.  

"Fine. Let's just get this over with," I said and adjusted myself in the chair. Peter had already been through all his tests earlier, but I hadn't been allowed to watch. 

"Okay you can do whatever you want, but you are not allowed to get up from this chair, so we're gonna tie you down, just to be sure," Bruce explained as he started fastening the belts around my feet. 

"A little old fashioned, don't you think?" I asked as I looked and he got up. He then tied my hands behind the chair with rope. 

"Tony are we even sure this is necessary? I mean Peter and her are the sa-"

"She'll be fine," Tony quickly interrupted. That's when I started getting worried.

"Wait what kind of test is this exactly?" I asked and glanced back at my tied up hands. Tony looked up from his computer, and directly into my eyes. 

"Durability," he said and closed the laptop down. Oh no. "Start in three... two... one... now," A stinging pain coursed all the way from my toes to deep inside my brain. It felt like I was slowly being ripped to pieces from the inside, while burning up at the same time. I screamed murderous, and leaned forward as much as I could, in desperate need of doing just about anything to stop it. After what felt like eternity had gone by, it suddenly just stopped and I was panting for air, still tied up. My body was shaking, as they untied my hands and legs. "Good job kid. That amount of power would've killed a normal human being in a second, but you managed to last for a total of ten minutes," he tried grabbing my hand to pull me up, but I quickly pulled it into my body. 

"And there was seriously no better way to figure that out?" I asked and got up from the chair. 

"Unfortunately no," Banner said, as he turned around from the screen he had been looking at. 

"Well I'm glad you got what you wanted," I shot a sarcastic smile, before grabbing my hoodie and walking out. "Assholes," I mumbled when I had exited and was already headed for my room again.


Bruh idk what tf this is, but there u go

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