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Rue's POV

I took a long shower after having fought Peter, and worked out for like two hours before. While I was in the shower, there was a knock on my door, and I sighed a little irritated, over the fact that I wasn't allowed to just enjoy my shower. I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around myself, before opening up the door just a smidge. Who should stand there, but Peter. He looked down at my bare legs and then at the edge of the towel, that was neatly covering my boobs.

"What do you want?" I asked, having run out of patience. He was no longer in his workout clothes, and he smelled nice from where I was standing, so I was assuming he had taken a quick shower before coming to my door. He was wearing jeans and a simple green teeshirt.

"I brought cards," he held up a deck of playing cards and smiled. I ran my hand longer up the door and shifted my weight onto my right hip, while looking at the cards.

"Fine, but I have to finish my shower," I sighed and he walked in, when I opened up the door. I went back and finished the shower, taking my time. The problem occurred, when I was done and noticed that I hadn't brought any clothes with me in there. Not even underwear. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Peter?" I yelled from my bathroom. "Can you grab me some... underwear and one of those big teeshirts I usually sleep in?" I continued.

"Uh sure," he yelled back, and I started hearing my drawers open and close.

"Fourth drawer!" I yelled and bit my nail. I heard it slide open at last. I opened the door when he told me he had it, and grabbed it from his hand briefly sticking in. I closed the door and dried my hair, before realizing that he had picked out the red panties, he told me he loved. Damn you Peter. I couldn't help but smile when I held them out in front of me. I slipped them, and the long black teeshirt on and walked out of the bathroom. He was sitting on the floor, looking at the bed bench, where he had put down a small pile for me and then one for himself. We got eye contact for a brief moment, as I walked out and sat down on the edge of the bed. "What are we playing?" I asked and he adjusted himself up a little straighter and told me it was go fish. I picked up my pile and we started playing. I suddenly found myself laughing at one of his cheeky comments, when he got a trick and it felt really... good.

"Got any sixes?" I asked and looked at him.

"Go fish," he grinned and looked up at me now. His arms were casually resting on the bed bench. I picked up a card.

"Got any... jacks?" he asked and I briefly scanned my cards.

"Nope. Go fish," I smiled as he unwillingly pulled up a card from the pile. A satisfied smirk appeared on his face, when he saw it and he then threw his last four cards down.

"I win," he was lifted up on his knees and his arms were stretched and leaning on the bench.

"What?" I asked not believing it and looked down at his cards. Four jacks were lined up. "You cheated!" I threw my cards at his chest as a joke, but I could tell he got confused.

"No I didn't," he immediately defended.

"You don't know the rules to this game? It's pretty simple actually," as I said that, he rolled his eyes playfully and his lips parted and he did that intriguing thing, where he places his tongue on his cheek teeth in a joking 'you are so dead' way. And sure enough he jumped up and tackled us back on the bed in an attack, making me shriek and laugh at the same time.

"You are so full of lies!" he grinned as he grabbed me on both sides of my waist over and over, in the way he knew tickled so crazily. "Submit!" he laughed.

"Never!" I screamed in between laughs, while trying to push away his hands. I succeeded briefly, but instead he grabbed my hands and pinned them down on the bed, on each side of my head. While I was still chuckling a little from the earlier tickling, he suddenly leaned his head down and kissed me very shortly.

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