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I woke up in a completely white room. I forced my eyes open just a smidge, but quickly closed them again, because of the sharp white glare that penetrated them like a sharp knife. As I tried lifting my hand up to my head, I came to realize that I was bound to the bed. I lifted my head and opened my eyes. The sight wasn't pretty. I was wearing underwear, but other than that I was naked. My body looked like a street map of the scars, from cuts and bruises. My leg was completely healed. How had it healed so fast? I mean yeah my powers help my body heal very quickly, but a cut that deep would at least need a couple weeks.

A door opened. A woman who looked to be middle aged, came in and started looking around my body, without any expression on her face.

"Who are you?" I asked breaking the tension her entrance had caused. She looked at me for a good amount of five seconds, before she walked up to a screen beside my bed and began tapping on it, almost syncing a robots movements. "Answer me!" I demanded and turned my head to hers. My voice had not at all been intimidating, but rather raspy and hoarse like it had either been completely worn out or not at all been used.

"You've been in a coma for three months. Try and relax," in a cold tone she made me shut up. Three months! There was no way I had been asleep for a total of three months. Suddenly my healed body made sense.

The door opened again and a man entered. The woman greeted him nicely with a warm 'Dr. Hal!'. It was the one 'Boss' sometimes had brought in with him and he was wearing the usual white coat and that damn punchable face.

"Is she ready?" he asked the lady, in which she responded with a smiling nod.

"Ready? Ready for what?" I asked looking at the syringe he had just unpacked on a small table. It contained some blue sort of liquid. Two guards walked in the door and up to each side of the bed I was strapped to. I tried breaking myself free of the material that kept my feet and hands trapped, without luck. "Ready for what?!" I yelled again, as the men began rolling the bed towards the door.

"It's okay. She can know," the man said to the guards and stepped up next to me, right as the guards had stopped my bed. We had almost been at the door, but they immediately obeyed him. "I found your powers weakness," he chuckled down at me and pointed at his syringe proudly.

"It doesn't have weaknesses," I said, believing it was true.

"Ethyl Chloride pesticide. Ever heard of that?" he asked arrogantly. When I didn't answer as I was baffled by his words, he took it as a 'go on'. "Well since you're so interested, let me just tell you the whole plan," he chuckled. "You're right now going to what we call the 'erased room', where your mind will be emptied from useless memories. After that, we will inject you with my specially designed super soldier serum-" he pointed to the syringe. "-that contains ethyl chloride pesticide," he put his hand down and removed a strand of my hair from my eye. I took the chance and bit him as hard as I could on the side of his hand. As I bit further down he screamed and the guards forced my jaws open, so he could retract his hand pathetically.

"I won't let you make me one of your soldiers like you did to Bucky!" I screamed as I once again tried fighting myself free. No luck just as earlier.

"Oh you won't be like James. Even though he was a phenomenal winter soldier, you will be even stronger. I have developed the serum, making it even better and you Ms. Hart is the only one, who will be able to receive it, since you luckily already have an incredibly durability," he smiled smugly. "You will be trained the hardest. You will be the leader of the toughest troops. You will be the best assassin in Hydra history!"

"No," I whispered trying to push his words out of my brain. "NO!" I screamed as I failed to do so. His eyes showed no care or sympathy as they drilled into mine. He was in fact rather amused at the way I reacted. "I'M ONLY SEVENTEEN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!"

I was hurriedly rolled out of the room and down halls that looked just like normal clean hospital halls, but there was a single detail that threw that thought away from me.

A brisk French song played, almost working as elevator music. I didn't understand French, but the vibe of the music told me everything I needed to know. Other people, looking just as scared as me, was passed by us down the halls, strapped to their beds too.

"Why do you play that song over and over?" I asked searching for the answer from the guard walking in my left. I could tell he was resisting to answer me.

"It's called Tous les garçons er les filles. It's a way of telling patients like you, not to worry," he then answered not bothering to look down at me.

"You mean prisoners like me?" I corrected. He glanced down at me for a second and then back up ahead.

"Yeah..." he sighed. Did he just agree with me being a prisoner? "Look just relax and listen to the music," I let my head go and looked up at the lamps I was rolling under. My eyes started to sting and a shiver ran up my body.

"It doesn't work," I whispered not meaning for him to hear it and I don't think he did either 'cause he didn't respond. "You should put on some Springsteen, that might help," I caught him smiling, which shortly made me feel just a tad better.

"This is no time for chatting!" The other guard hysterically hissed, making me fall back into the evil truth I was about to face.

We arrived to the room that had a sign that read 'erased room'. I was drugged with something, that for just about minute, numbed my entire body and after that I was placed in a chair with a weird amount of machines around. As soon as my body got it's conscious back, I tried breaking free but it was impossible. The guards stayed in there and of course 'Boss' came into the room, along with Dr. Hal. A few other scientists came rushing in too, to not miss out on the misery I was about to face.

"Is she ready?" Boss asked and Dr. Hal who had just checked up on the machines nodded. "Turn it on," he bitterly said and my chest began rising and falling rapidly. Something that made sparks moved over my head and collided with my cheeks and forehead. I screamed through my clenched teeth and began tasting blood only seconds after they turned it on. I felt like my brain was being mushed to gravy meanwhile blood streamed out of my mouth from my teeth being totally wrecked by my own doing. Even though that hurt, it didn't beat the way that machine made it hurt. It was really happening. I would never see Peter again.

I would never see myself again.

𝐴𝐿𝐼𝐾𝐸 - Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now