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Rue's POV

"Peter, Happy's gonna be here in five minutes, you better get out of that shower!" I yelled from inside his room, in the middle of packing the rest of my clothes down. He didn't reply but shortly after, the shower turned off and the bathtub curtain slid to one side, causing a small screeching noice. I had showered just before him, and I was all ready in my jeans, top and flannel. My hair was held up by a hair clip, Peter had bought me. A few strands would sometimes let loose and fall down in my face but I had gotten used to it.

"Didn't he say he'd be here at four?" Peter asked behind me, as he entered the room and shut the door. I closed my filled up suitcase and zipped it shut. 

"Yes he did. And it is now-" my eyes widened and I had no intention of going on with that sentence, as I had just turned around to see Peter, with only a towel wrapped dangerously low on his waist. He hadn't seen me stare, as he was in the middle of finding clothes from his closet. "Um like... 15.55..." I uttered completely standing on my own planet. 

"Alright, I'll hurry up," he briefly said, as he was checking out one of his teeshirts. I was still completely lost on the wet hair dripping and the drops tracing down his back. Just like when we worked out together and he would get too sweaty to wear his shirt. 

"Rue are you listening?" my eyes quickly shot up to his. And I tried recalling whatever he had said to me, with no luck.

"Mhm," I nodded and took one last glance down. He of course noticed. 

"You know that'll take more than five minutes," he said and smirked, followed by adjusting the towel further up, so it wasn't as risky. I shot him a playful smile and turned around to lift my suitcase down from the bed and place it on the floor. He starred at me intriguingly, as I rolled the suitcase with me on my way out of the room. I playfully pushed his head away, making him chuckle. I made sure to close the door, when walking out. 

"Is he ready?" May turned her head back to me from the couch, as I placed my suitcase at the door. 

"I swear that boy is never ready on time," I chuckled as I plopped down on the other side of the couch she was also sitting on. I looked up at the tv in an attempt to make time go faster. 

"Speaking of ready..." May adjusted herself to sit up in the couch, and then turned off the tv. "There's something I want to ask you, even though I really should be asking Peter," that's when I got a lump in my throat. "Now, I want you to think of me as your friend, as I'm asking you this..." the silence was so loud in the room. "Okay here goes... have you and Peter..." I raised my eyebrows and moved to the end of my seat, feeling very very uncomfortable. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's just you've been sleeping in the same bed and-"

"Yeah as much as I love having you as a friend...May... I'm just gonna go ahead and let you talk to Peter about this," I noted. 

"That's totally fine, but I just want you to know that it's completely okay," she said with her hands holding each other in her lap. 

"Okay," I smiled shortly and she turned the tv back on. 

"As long as you're using protection," she quickly added without looking at me, and turned the volume up. I smiled within, of how sweet she really was. But this conversation with May, was not my responsibility at all. 

Eventually Happy showed up and we said our goodbyes to May. I was kind of drained from tears, since a day earlier I had said goodbye to Mj, but Peter shed a tear when he hugged her, and May... well May was basically sobbing. It wasn't like we wouldn't be seeing them again, cause Peter still needed May and Ned, and I still needed Mj. But as Peter said, it would still change everything.

"Heyy! My favorite spiders have arrived," Tony greeted us with a smile, when Happy driven is to the facility and led us inside. "Let me show you to your rooms, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow," he said and put a hand on the opposite side of Peters shoulders, as we started walking.

"We have school tomorrow?" I said confused and naturally looked at Tony. 

"No you don't," he then said and we reached the elevator. 

"We do Mr. Stark," Peter supported me, and we all stepped into the elevator. 

"Oh right I forgot to tell you. You're not going to school anymore," he starred blankly forward at the closing elevator door. "I can't have you running around on some school, if I need you on a mission," he added. I looked at Peter and we shrugged at the same time. We never really liked that place anyway, except for some of the classes. The elevator doors opened back up and revealed, just a really big looking apartment. There was a kitchen to our left, when we walked further in. Some couches, a pool table and a big floor to ceiling window that gave the big area light. We walked through it and into a hallway, where a few doors were spread different places. "This hall is where we have Rogers, Maximoff, Banner and lastly Rhodey, living. Peter will be living here," he said as he opened up a door, to a very normal looking room. "You can decorate it if you want," he then said and gestured with his hand, for Peter to go in. My first thought was that it couldn't be right, since me and Peter always shared a room, but that was probably not what you should say to Tony Stark. 

"See you tomorrow Peter," I smiled. Peter told us goodnight and thanked Tony once again, before closing his door. I knew he was doubting the decision now, and to be honest I was too. We weren't even gonna be sleeping in the same room. "So where am I gonna live?" I asked as we turned a corner. 

"Just right down here," he said as we walked to another corner and turned it. "You will be living with Romanoff, Barnes, Vision and Wilson. Oh and be careful about Vision, he doesn't care for doors... or walls," he muttered the last part. Great. "Here we are, and the kitchen is open by the way," he opened the door just as he had done for Peter and I walked in, thanked him, said goodnight and closed the door. He could literally not have put us further away from each other.


Tell me what do you think of how the story is working out! I need to know if you like it or not so I can maybe improve my writing <3

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