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Rue's POV

Peter had just left in a rush, leaving me alone at the gym. He wasn't supposed to hear me saying that she was a bitch... but she was. She had called Mj a frump, and me ugly. Was I supposed to think she wasn't a bitch? Peter could do so much better than her, and it's not like he talked to her anyways, so what was he so mad about? 

It was dark when I walked out of the gym, so I checked the time. 22.23. I didn't really worry since it was a Saturday, and my parents weren't home. I was still exhausted from all the training though, so I went straight home and to bed. 

I woke up by my phone buzzing, and I checked it. Peter was calling me, literally at seven in the morning on a Sunday. I swiped to take the phone call and put my phone to my ear. "Peter?" I asked with my ruffled morning voice. I heard some breathing on the other side, and I sat up in the bed a little more suspicious of why he had called me. "Peter are you okay?" I asked, and turned up the volume on my phone, to hear better. 

"Rue somethings wrong, come help me," he forced out, sounding in a lot of pain. He had hung up, right when the sentence finished, so I rushed out of bed, and out of the my door. I was wearing sweatpants and a t shirt, so I didn't really think much of it. I wanted so badly to just swing my way over to him, but I didn't bring anything to cover my face, so I was stuck with the subway. When I finally arrived at Peters place, the door luckily was unlocked. No one seemed to be home, right when I entered, so I ran to Peters room. Not there. "In here," I heard a faint voice call from the bathroom. I opened the door to see Peter sitting sloppily up against the bathtub, with sweat all over him, and his phone in his hand. 

"Peter what's going on?" I exclaimed worried, as I hunkered down in front of him, and placed my hand on his forehead. It was so hot I almost felt like I burned myself. He closed his eyes and his head was just about to fall down, but I lifted it up again. "Come here," I said with an enormous amount of pity in my voice. I put my arm under his, and behind his back and lifted his body up. He was a little heavy, but I could easily hold him up because of my strengths. Wait. That's probably it. He's getting his strengths now. 

I got him to take sloppy steps to their couch and carefully plopped him down. "Where's May?" I asked as I pushed back some of his hair. 

"Trip," he emitted in a hoarse voice. I poured a cold glass of water, and handed it to him. 

"It was like this for me too," I said and sat down next to him. He was so sick, he didn't even answer. "You're getting your super strength Peter," I leaned down to his face and whispered. He opened his eyes slightly, and I swear a teeny tiny smile appeared on his face. 

"Really?" he whispered smiling. At my first not he slapped my arm, making me exclaim an 'ow'. "Then why the hell didn't you tell me it was gonna be like this!" he hissed out. It had taken him a lot of physical power to say that, so he closed his eyes and groaned right after. 

"Sorry. I didn't want you to look forward to something so horrible," I chuckled and got up from the couch. There was a cloth on the kitchen counter and I quickly wetted it with ice cold water. "Here this'll help a little," I folded it and placed it onto his forehead. He had already fallen asleep again, so I sat down by him as I had done before. His face looked so peaceful but also so exhausted. I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed with my thumb, causing him to lean closer into it. A faint smile came out of hiding on my lips, and I slowly leaned down. I kissed his forehead slowly, and maybe a little too long, before leaning back up. 

I brushed it off, by putting on a movie, while Peter was sleeping. I didn't want to leave him alone, even though I knew he wouldn't be waking up soon. It was the movie Get out by Jordan Peele. It was weird how much I liked that movie. It won Best Original Script at the academy awards, so I guess it wasn't so weird after all. After that movie was done, I put on Modern Family just to chill a little, since I knew it so well. I realized I had been watching Modern Family for three hours, therefore I decided to take a shower. I hadn't had time to shower that morning and my hair was a little greasy, so I figured I could just borrow some of May's underwear, and then wear my sweatpants again, with maybe one of Peters hoodies over me. I turned on the shower and undressed before hopping in, and letting the warm water plash down over my body. When I finished I dried my body off, and put on the panties I had taken from May's closet.

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