
692 17 1

Up, hit to the left, duck, move to the right, hit in the middle. I repeatedly moved my head to avoid Peter's fist that came to my face, meanwhile hitting his hands that were opened up in front of me. We were both sweating like crazy, and it was safe to say that I needed a break soon. 

"Stop stop stop," Peter straightened the legs that had been slightly bent before and put his hands down. "You gotta relax your shoulders," he said as he moved behind me and put both hands on my shoulders. I sighed and threw my head back, while he briefly massaged them. 

"We've been doing this for two hours" I said while catching my breath slowly. "Sorry if I'm a little tense," I quickly kissed him on the cheek, grabbed my water bottle, took a sip and put it back down. 

"Alright let's just do thirty more minutes," Peter said. I sighed and walked up to him again, while stretching out my arms. We were just about to start up again, when the door opened and we both turned our heads. Nat and Bruce walked in, talking and laughing together and now that we knew about them, they were so obvious. They would eat almost every meal together, workout together, and sit together at meetings. Just like Peter and I did. 

"Oh, hey you guys," Bruce articulated and they both stopped in their tracks, the moment they had noticed us. I leaned my arm up on Peter's shoulder and he crossed his arms. "We can come back later-"

"No no stay," I smirked and raised my eyebrows briefly at Nat, who shot a fake confused look back. I looked up at Peter shortly and noticed that he had the same expression as me, wiped all over his face. 

"You told him, didn't you?" Nat asked sighing, when she inspected Peter's face. 

"Told him what? I don't-"

"Cut the crap, you both suck at lying," Nat rolled her eyes and started walking up to the treadmill. "It's fine, but no more people can know," she didn't bother to look at us, while talking and Peter and I shared a look. 

"Alright," I shrugged and we turned back to our positions, so we could get those last thirty minutes over with. 

"You know," Bruce's voice interrupted and we both relaxed the muscles, that had just a moment ago been tense. "You two seem like you could be hiding something too," he continued and we both snickered like a fake 'yeah right' and didn't even hesitate to turn back around to our position. "No I'm serious," he stated and interrupted us once again. 

"Why would there be something going on between us?" Peter asked, finally giving Banner the attention he wanted.

"Maybe you're onto something. You two are pretty... handsy," Nat commented and suddenly joined the conversation. I looked at Peter with a confused expression in which he returned. 

"Excuse me, handsy?" I asked starring straight at Nat, who was smirking in enjoyment. 

"The way you're always together..."

"We're the same age?"

"And the way you're always looking at each other..."

"Just keeping an eye out for each oth-"

"Oh! And sometimes I hear you sneaking out at night," Nat pointed at me.

"Okay enough," Peter finally said, causing Nat and Banner to chuckle with each other. 

"Yeah Peter and I are best friends and we happen to really like each others company. There's nothing wrong with that, and it certainly doesn't mean that we're... 'together'," I defended and they nodded a little bit, but still with smirks on their faces. Banner turned around to lift one of the weights but turned back around only a moment after. 

"Alright fine," Nat raised her hands in defense and clicked a few buttons on the treadmill, before starting to run. I turned back around to Peter and we shared a look that definitely meant 'shit'. 

I started hitting his hands and ducking whenever he shot one at my head, just like we had done before. 

Ten minutes in, the treadmill behind us stopped and I could hear Nat drink water, so loudly in my brain that it was hard to concentrate. "You need to relax your shoulders," Nat voice annoyingly filled my ears and I stopped. If eyes could kill, she would definitely have been dead when turned around to her. 

"Jeez what's with you?" she chuckled and hopped off the treadmill to walk a little closer. She was sweating a lot just like I was. 

"Sorry, I'm just exhausted," I sighed and took a sip of water. 

"Here, let me help you," she walked up behind me, and put one hand on my shoulder blade and the other on my shoulder. "When you're punching you're tensing this whole area and what you need to do instead of thinking about the shoulder, try and think of the shoulder blade," she pulled my arm far back in a punching position. "Now try and relax your shoulder," when I attempted to do it, nothing happened. "You see? It's already relaxed. So instead of relaxing the shoulder, you're tensing up the shoulder blade instead, since that works better for you," she patted me on the shoulder and walked back to the treadmill. 

"Thanks Nat," I said and shot her a smile, which she pretty quickly returned. 

We kept going for the twenty minutes like we had planned, and then went up to Peter's room.  

"I. am. wrecked." I admitted and threw myself down on the bed. I had hardly laid down for two seconds, before Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me back up. 

"And you're sweating, so before you lay on my bed you're gonna shower," he chuckled and threw my arm a little forward towards his bathroom and I groaned while stumbling forward. 

"Fine... but you can't be in the bed either then," I remarked when he was just about to sit down. 

"Well then where am I supposed to be?" he asked and I leaned up against the doorway and looked at the shower. 

"You can... join me. If you want," I offered just before disappearing from his gaze and into the bathroom. I bit my thumbnail and smirked, while waiting for him to appear in the doorway. The next thing I see, is his head popping out from the side of the door and he throws his head back in laughter, when he realizes that I was keeping my eye on him. 

"Okay you caught me," he smiled wide, while walking strangely fast towards me. 

"Oh I think you got busted pretty good," I chuckled as my face quickly leaned upwards, trying to match his eyes as he kept moving forward and then intensely kissed me, causing me to take a few steps back in surprise, though still kissing him back. "So I take it you want to join me," I uttered as he kissed my neck and pushed me up against the chilly glass that separated us from the shower. He moved his head swiftly up to mine chuckling.

"Shut up," he grinned and kissed my satisfied smiling lips. I pulled his teeshirt over his head revealing the Sixpack that never failed to impress me, and he did the rest himself. Basically the same thing happened with me, as Peter pulled off my top and training bra, while I got the leggings off. Everything happened so fast I didn't even notice we were in the shower before he turned it on and the first cold water plashed down my back, making me let out a scream. 

"Shock..." I sighed and put a hand to my naked chest. He chuckled and kissed me again. Softer than before. He had realized that we had lots of time. 


I have so many upcoming ideas, so you have something to look forward to <3

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