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"What's the matter with you two? You're so quiet," May said. We were out eating dinner, since she had burnt the meal, she had planned on serving for us. Yesterday Tony had told me and Rue, that we could join the avengers if we wanted to, but we hadn't really talked about it.

"It's the end of the week and we're just tired..." I smiled shortly, before letting my eyes focus back down on my bowl of spaghetti.

"May can I ask you something?" Rue then put down her silverware and said, looking up at May.

"Go right ahead," May happily said and look another bite of her burger. Rue adjusted herself in her chair for a short second, before going on.

"Okay so we ended up in a discussion in class today about..." she struggled to find the word. "jobs," she then added. May nodded, signaling for her to go on. "Okay so the teacher told us a story about how she and her boyfriend, had gotten this amazing job offer. But she was already comfortable with how the things were, so she didn't know what to do. What would you do?"

"Wait did they both get the job offer? Her and her boyfriend?" May asked seeming to be disoriented in the story.

"Yeah," Rue simply answered.

"Okay... well I would definitely take the job. Wouldn't you?" she then asked. I looked up now.

"Okay but what if taking that job would... change everything," I questioned and May leaned slightly forward in her chair, looking at me now.

"Are we talking hypothetically now?"

"Yeah, just curious you know," I said and glanced at Rue, who looked like she was interested in May's opinion on my question.

"Okay then... Here's what I would do. First I would talk to my boyfriend, and tell him that I'm taking the job. If he's with me, great and if he's not, well then he can do what he wants. And even though taking this job will mean a lot of change, I would definitely still take it, if it was so 'amazing', as you describe it to be," she explained, and Rue became a little quiet. "Did she take the job?" May then asked looking at Rue.

"She wanted to... but she didn't know what her boyfriend wanted, so... I guess she took too long and the job went to someone else," Rue said, and I looked back down at my food.

"Maybe she should have just talked to her boyfriend," I mumbled harmlessly.

"Well maybe he should have talked to her," Rue talked back, and I put my hands up in defense.

"I was just stating a fact,"

"So was I,"

"Okay what's with the tension between you two?" May then said, breaking our annoyed expressions. "Did something happen?" We glanced at each other, and went even more quiet. "Okay seriously, it's like a silent movie in here," she added and I looked at Rue again. She gave me a look that meant 'let's just get this over with' and I turned back to May.

"May.. there's something me and Rue haven't been completely... honest with you, about," I forced out and May already looked intrigued. The tv volume behind us, got turned up and she glanced back to see what it was. When she saw that it was a news cast about Spiderman and Spiderwoman, she paid her full attention to it.

"-our city remains safe and nearly crime-free, as the Spiderman and Spiderwoman are still running the streets stopping robberies, assaults, traffic disasters etc. Last night they together, saved a total of fifty people, from two burning buildings down in queens." It sounded, while a slideshow of pictures of me and Rue last night, was on the screen. We had barely made it out alive ourselves that night, and we were both completely drained from energy today.

𝐴𝐿𝐼𝐾𝐸 - Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now