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Peter's POV

I could smell her scent from her sitting at her desk, all the way to the bed where I was, without success, trying to nap. It was around 12.30, but she had woken me up with breakfast already at 08.00, so I was pretty tired, as I had had a hard time falling asleep the night before too. My mind wouldn't come to peace, with the fact that she was about to be exposed to danger and that I wouldn't be along to help her, if something went wrong. 

Even though she's never actually needed my help for anything.

I could hear that she was watching a movie on her computer, whilst eating a Ben & Jerrys completely careless of the calories it contained. But her body was gorgeous and her health was on point, so who says she can't slurp up a Ben & Jerrys once in a while? Nobody.

Suddenly a familiar song by Pixies play from her movie, but I still don't know what movie she's been watching the whole afternoon as I was falling in and out of sleep. "What are you watching?" I asked into the covers, without turning or opening my eyes. 

"Fight club... Sorry did I wake you up?" she asked and turned down the volume of the song. 

"No I haven't really slept yet," I mumbled. I was laying on my stomach, hugging my arms around the pillow my face was laying on. 

"I think you'd really like fight club," she then said and I finally got the strength to open my eyes and turn my head back to her. She was sitting with her bare legs and nike socks up on the desk leaned slightly back in her chair and the Ben & Jerry's in hand along with a spoon. She was wearing black sweat shorts and then my blue school hoodie. Oh how she looked so perfect in that hoodie. 

"Shut the movie off and get over here," I said and sat up on the edge of bed, waiting for her body to collide with mine. She sighed pretending it was so hard to get up from the chair and drag her feet over to me, and walked up to the edge of the bed in between my legs, so the school logo from the hoodie was right at my face. I put my hands up on her lower back and looked up at her, while slightly moving her closer. 

"You can't just have sex with me, every time I want you to watch a movie," she stated as I ran my hands up under the hoodie on her back, so the fabric leisurely slid up her stomach. I traced my finger along the line up her back very slowly and kissed her stomach, when the hoodie had been pulled up long enough, for her skin to show to right up under her breasts.

"Well It's worked worked every time, hasn't it?" I mumbled as I kissed her bare stomach, and then slowly got up from the bed, meanwhile pulling off the hoodie. I liked the effect I had on her and I imagined it was exactly as breathtakingly beautiful as the effect she had on me. 

"So the three times yesterday wasn't enough for you?" she asked as she pulled out her hair tie and let her hair dangle down by her shoulders. I put my hand gently on her throat and pulled her mouth so close to mine, that I could feel her breath on my lips. 

"Just tell me to stop," I whispered while looking down at the sparks, that were created between out lips. 

"I hate that you're all I can think about," she whispered back and engaged the kiss, that we had both waited impatiently for. She kissed me like I wanted to be kissed, like no girl had ever kissed me before. Soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in my cheeks as her tongue touched mine, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that laid within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of us. 

I subtly turned us around and she shrieked in surprise, when I pushed her down on the bed and pulled the shorts off in one pull and then hovered over her on the bed. She was only wearing the thong at that point and I was in my boxers. Her hands were all over my back and she made me a lot of room for me between her heated thighs. 

"You have a new message from Tony Stark. Should I read it out loud?" Friday asked out in the room, but we didn't let it stop us. "Should I read it out loud?" she repeated. 

"Ugh! Yes just read it!" Rue hissed at her, as we stopped kissing. 

"Reading message 'You need to get ready now. We're leaving in an hour.' end of message," We both sighed and Rue put a hand to her face in irritation. She then swiftly pecked me on the lips and rolled out from under me. 

"Stay," I grabbed her arm and pulled her back under my body, causing her to chuckle. 

"You know I can't," she tried getting up, but I pushed her down again. "Peter don't do this," she groaned and pushed her lips together. I tilted my head in one last try to make her stay, but she gave the same expression as before. 

"Fine," I sighed. I got up from the bed and started putting on my hoodie, that she had borrowed.  She came up from behind me hugging her hands around my torso and rested her chin on my shoulder. 

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" she whispered and kissed my cheek. I turned around and hugged her tighter, than I had ever hugged her before almost lifting her up a little. She hugged me back and kissed me, the moment I let go again. 

"You better kill it out there," I held her out by her shoulders and she smiled shyly. It wasn't often I would see her shy, so I enjoyed it a whole lot when she finally actually got shy. "Now go shower, I'm gonna go down to the gym," I kissed her quickly and started walking for the door. 

"Love ya," she said and I turned around in the door. 

"Love you too," I smiled warmly and then closed the door. 

"Using the L-word already I see," Wanda almost gave me a heart attack, just as I had closed the door carefully. When I saw that it was only her, I took a deep breath and calmed the nerve that was just about to tell whoever had caught me, that it wasn't like that. 

"Actually we've been using it for quite a while now," I explained as I rubbed the back of my head. She nodded and then looked at me very suspiciously. 

"Somethings bothering you, I can tell," she said and adjusted the long cardigan she was wearing. 

"I'm fine,"

"Is it because she got her first mission before you?" Wanda asked out of the blue. 

"I'm not that petty Wanda," I promptly responded. I could faintly hear Rue's shower turn on inside her bathroom. I'm pretty sure Wanda heard too, which weirdly made her tilt her head with raised eyebrows. "I know what you're thinking right now, but she's just getting ready for the mission. Not that it couldn't have- I mean it almost... yeah I'm just gonna... go..." I pointed over my shoulder, as I shortly walked backwards down the hall and lastly turned around, finally letting go of her awkwardly arranged features. I didn't blame her, cause I definitely should not have said that.


Idk why I felt the Peter and Wanda vibe for a sec there, but enjoy I guess

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