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Wanda had knocked on my door an hour ago, asking me if I wanted to go on a run together. I had just been at the gym and I knew for a fact that she had already been there once today. I suggested that we just put on a movie instead and she happily agreed. I don't think she actually wanted to go for a run, but rather just have some company. 

"Okay that's pretty funny," she admitted and chuckled at Rizzo singing Sandra dee, acting all silly and maybe mocking sandy just a tad too much. 

"Told you it was good," I said and smiled at her sweet chuckles. 

"What is good?" Vision asked and walked up to us from behind the couch. We both turned our heads and a big smile appeared on Wandas face. 

"Grease," she answered joyfully and Vision sat down at the other side of the couch. Wanda and I were sitting with our legs up, next to each other. "It's really good," she added and laughed again at Rizzo, who moved weirdly around on the bed. 

"Huh... never heard of it," Vision said, while observing the big tv screen. "Well the reason I came in here, was because Tony wants to see you," he looked over at us and it could easily have been either one of us. "You," he chuckled and pointed at me, very well realizing his mistake. 

"Did he tell you what it was about?" I asked and lifted the blanket Wanda and I were sharing, away from my legs. 

"Unfortunately no," he responded truthfully and I got up from the couch. 

"Thanks Vision," I gave him a quick smile. "I've seen this movie a million times, half of them with Peter, so you can just go on without me," I told Wanda and she chuckled and shot me a reassuring nod. I left the tv room and headed for the elevator. "Friday, where's Tony?" I asked before pushing any buttons. 

"Already pressed the button for you," she answered and I looked down at the button that showed he number -1 in those unnecessary Roman numerals. It lit up in a banana yellow color, making it stand out from the others, so I knew it had been pushed. 

"Hey, you asked for me?" I remarked standing in the door, to just one of his three labs in the building. I noticed Banner standing over at some screens, moving some stuff around, but I didn't pay much attention to him otherwise.

"Yes," Tony turned around in his rolling chair and leaned back casually. "How good are you at acting?" I furrowed my eyebrows together at his sudden random question. My acting? 

"I would say I'm better at lying. Why?" I asked and he sighed heavily.

"How would you feel about going on an undercover mission? I heard him dig up something among the hundreds of items littering the room. I opened my eyes wider and looked in his direction, baffled by his sudden proposition. 

"Can I ask 'why me' first?" 

"We need someone the enemy won't recognize and for this mission we need someone young. I've been talking to the others and they think you and Peter are ready for your first mission, and I myself am beginning to think they're right... But Peter will not be part of this mission," he crossed his arms over his chest, not once breaking eye contact. It would be an amazing opportunity. Finally getting to step up my game and prove myself worthy, it'd be foolish not to take the chance. 

"When?" is all I could muster up to ask. He nodded to the seat next to his and I sat down. He collected a majority of the papers in front of him, placing them in a neat stack.

"Look this is a big step. I need you to be sure you can handle it," he handed me a manila folder, a look of uneasy on his face. 

"I can handle it," I grabbed the folder from him and flipped it open, scanning the front page. He sighs again. 

"We've got an intel, that a weapon cartel is going to infiltrate a ball, that's held in New York. We need someone," he gestured to me. "To get in and bust it," I scanned over the targeted men on the file. 

"You're sending me in alone for all of this?" I furrowed my brows, concerned. He shaked his head.

"Of course not. Barnes and Natasha will be in a building nearby, you'll have an earpiece and a parter to accompany you," I flip to the next page.

"So where does my 'acting' come into play here?" I scan the blueprint of the building as I get a sigh of mixed emotion from Tony.

"You'll be undercover, acting as an art connoisseur. And a wife to your partner," at his words I finally look up form the folder in my lab, disconcerted by his last statement. 

"You want me, to act as an art connoisseur, to a ball, with a fake husband?" I ask, emphasizing a couple of words. He gives one single nod followed up by the words. 

"Exactly," he has spoken like it was just an everyday scenario. Then again it probably was for him. It baffled me but I returned to reading through the files. The plan was to attend the event as Mr and Mrs Robertson. During the ball, there would be held an auction. The file doesn't list what's being auctioned but I have a feeling thats where the enemies will be. Our goal is to infiltrate, scout the area and capture the targets before any casualties occur.

"So who's my dear husband in all this?" I glance up, when I hear bruce's steps emerge. Tony purses his lips together in a tight line, seeming not happy with the answer he's about to give me. It almost made me nervous. 

"Barton," Bruce interrupts and sits down at the table. I had only met Clint three times, since he didn't live in the avengers facility. When I got that information I was told not to ask questions. So I didn't.

"I'm like half his age. No one will believe he's my husband," I said and put both my hands on the table. 

"You're half everyone's age on this team... except for Parker," Tony stated. It was true. "So Barton it is," Tony said and started looking through some other files on the table. I turned my head to Banner. 

"Look it's not uncommon for events like these to contain couples with big age difference. In fact it's even more common, than the two partners actually being the same age," Bruce started explaining, actually making me feel a little more comfortable with being partners with Barton. Besides this opportunity, is not one you let slip by.

"When do we leave?" I asked firmly and got up from the chair, holding the folder. Tony leaned back in his seat and locked his hands together. 

"Tomorrow night. Take that time to provide everything you'll need," I nodded and exited the room, with my head held high. I would need to get a dress, shoes, accessories, a goddamn purse... this is going to be a lot. Nat might have something I can wear, I'm gonna need the help I can get, cause I have absolutely no dresses. Plus she had done this many times.


Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. If you have any comments about things that aren't good enough, please let me know :)

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