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Two whole months at the avengers facility had gone by. We hadn't officially been made members of the avengers, because Tony said we were still in training. I wasn't as desperate to prove myself as Peter was, nor was I as impatient. I had gotten used to the new life, and I'm pretty sure Peter was enjoying it too. I was really starting to hit it off with Wanda and Natasha especially, and Peter was kinda just friends with everybody. I mean everyone liked him, except for maybe Rhodey. He wasn't very fond of our age, but it didn't matter so much to us, cause we hit it off with the others. 

Last week Peter met this boy named Adam, while at the grocery store, and somehow they became friends. When he told me, I was exited on his behalf and couldn't wait to meet him, but he turned out to be... not as exiting, as I had expected him to be. He was kind of annoying and to be honest, he seemed like a fuck boy. I kept catching him, starring at my ass or boobs and I've been avoiding hanging out with him, for two weeks now. I hadn't told Peter why I didn't want to hang out with him, so I kept faking that I was too tired or just didn't feel well, whenever he had plans with him and invited me along. I told Wanda and Natasha all about it, and they both agreed that he was a total douche, that isn't worth spending time on. I had even called Mj and told her about it. She informed me, that he actually was new at their school and him and Ned were friends too. She absolutely hated him, and whenever he would sit with her and Ned in the cafeteria, he would literally just stare at her. 

"Peter where are you going?" I was holding my left EarPod in my hand, since I had pulled it out to stop the music from playing. He turned around without stopping. 

"To hang out with Ned and Adam," he turned back around and walked out the double doors, with nothing else to tell me. I was panting and still looking at the doors, when they closed and Peter was gone. I made a disapproving and annoyed nod and turned around to the boxing gloves, put my EarPod back in and then put the gloves on. We had been working out for an hour with only me, Rogers and Peter being in the room. Steve had been running on the treadmill, when we came in and had not stopped once, while we worked out. Not even to take a sip of water. I started hitting the boxing pillow repeatedly. It was a way of getting out the anger without me even knowing, and it may have gone over the line, when the boxing pillow flew across the floor. 

"What's bothering you?" Steve who had finally stopped running, asked me. I walked over to the pillow and picked it back up. 

"Nothing," I answered, clearly giving the vibe of not wanting to talk. He stepped off the treadmill and grabbed his bottle of water. 

"Is it because Peter is 'hanging out' with Ned and Adam?" he questioned further, and I hung the pillow back up, and lightly started hitting it again. 

"No," I simply answered and hit a lot harder. He nodded and stepped in front of me, to stop me from punching. "Would you move please?" I irritatedly asked and looked up at him. He didn't say anything or budge, so I sighed and started taking off the boxing gloves. "It's ridiculous anyway," I shrugged and took a sip of water. 

"Tell me what it is, and I'll judge whether it's ridiculous or not," he said and took down the boxing pillow, I had just hung up there. 

"Fine. That guy Adam. The truth is, I hate him. For very good reasons too, but he's all of the sudden one of Peter's 'best friends'," I took another sip and sat down. Steve sat down next to me. 

"Can I make a suggestion?" he asked and I kept staring straight ahead, with the bottle in my hand and my elbows down on my knees. 


"You're not gonna like it," he then said. I chuckled, sat up straight again and told him to just say it. "I think you should give him one more chance... And if you still hate him after that, you tell Peter," he then said and I thought about it for a second. It wouldn't harm anyone to just give him one more chance, would it? 

"Okay fine. He's hosting a party tonight, that both me and Peter are invited to. I'll go," I got up from the bench and started walking for the door. 

"You're welcome!" Steve yelled after me. 

"Thank you!" I yelled back and exited the gym, leaving Rogers alone in there. When I got back to my room, I called Peter and told him, that I would be coming to the party. He told me that he was so exited for me to be there and that he thought it was gonna be so much fun. It made me happy, that he loved the idea of me going so much, which just made me want to go even more. So I waited till it was a good time to get ready, and I took a shower. After the shower I put on the outfit I had planned out.

I told Tony about the party and he said it was okay that I was going, as long as I didn't drink or do drugs

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I told Tony about the party and he said it was okay that I was going, as long as I didn't drink or do drugs. He made Happy drive me, which actually was fine. I liked Happy.

"Isn't that skirt a little..." Happy uttered, as we were parked outside the house. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, only waiting for him to finish the sentence. "Short?" he finished and I rolled my eyes and opened the car door. 

"I'll miss you too Happy," I smiled and he chuckled, as I shut the door. I walked up to the house, where the music could clearly be heard from the outside. I opened the door and the party looked pretty decent, just like Liz' party. A few people playing beer pong, some dancing, others talking. As I said, pretty decent. While I'm looking around, Peter approached me and I instantly smile. He put a hand behind my head and pressed my lips against his for a few seconds. 

"Oh get a room," A familiar voice says in a disgusted, but also playful tone. Adam. Peter puts an arm around my waist and claims me, by pulling me close. "Here, have a drink!" He excitedly offers and I hesitate, when I hear Tony's voice in my head. "No drugs. No drinking." I think it'll be okay, and for once Adam says something that doesn't make me want to puke. 

"Thanks," I smile and take the drink, he'd been holding out for me. I take a sip of it. "What is this?" I ask and hold it out in front of me. 

"I believe it's called a Cuba Libre," he answered, and I looked back down at the drink. "The ingredients are Cola, lemon and rum,"

"So a rum and coke?" I then ask and he tells me, it's whatever I want it to be. I nervously chuckled, trying my best to be nice. He challenged us to some Beer Pong and I'm not one to turn down a challenge, so I of course dragged Peter with me. It was really fun playing, cause me and Peter mostly won. He suddenly told me, he had to go find Ned and Adam said we would just be playing together then. I had to give it a thought, but I gave in since he had seemed fun enough throughout the night. 

"Okay Rue you got this come on," he encouragingly whispered beside me, as I aimed for the last cup, with the pingpong ball in my hand. I threw it and it landed directly into the cup, making me and Adam jump up in excitement. "Yes! You are the! best!" he smiled up at me, while he glided the three cups on our side, over to the others. We watched the others chug all of the beer down, while laughing and high-fiving. We were both really good going, because of chugging all that beer ourselves. "There's something I want to say, but it's too loud in here," he said in my ear. I smiled and asked him what it was. "Come with me!" he yelled over the music and briefly grabbed my hand, to pull me with him for the first two steps. We walked up some stairs, me walking behind him. We reached a door, which he opened and I walked in and started looking around a little. 

"Is this your room?" I asked, as I sat down on the bed, with my red plastic cup in hand. I was feeling dizzy, and somehow it didn't make it better to sit down.

"Cool, right?" he asked in return, confirming my suspicions. 

"I like your poster," I smiled and pointed up at his The Matrix movie poster, that was framed and hung on the wall. He sat down right next to me on the bed, even though there was plenty of room on his side. 

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