0.1- Rosie

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three years before

I looked back over my shoulder and there he was.

dressed in a simple black suit, an envelope in his hand as he stood still looking back at me with those green eyes, now highlighted in this faded moonlight mixed with the glow from the windows.


"Rosie." voice almost filled with something I hadn't heard in a long time. but I didn't want to get ahead of myself. there was no was that harry was still in love with me the same as I was with him. 

it had been seven years for crying out loud, he had moved on from not only from me but his own family. I knew that whatever had been between us in high school no matter how good it was he had moved on. 

"you missed the ceremony," I muttered not knowing what else to say, what did you say in this situation?

he pursed his lips nodding, "spent a while in the car," 

"I um- I can get Fletcher for you but he's a little drunk on champagne," 

I couldn't look at him, my eyes moving around the garden trying not to stare. he looked good, better than good, an indescribable kind of good. nothing had changed about how I looked except I kept cutting my hair short and harry had never seen that. 

"um I don't think I even have the courage to step in yet, I assume my parents are in there?" 

"your dad's drunk too," I chuckle remembering the sloppy speech he had given only moments before. 

"if only all my sons were here to enjoy this day,"

"of course he is," he chuckled but silence soon fell upon us. 

my hands twisting together over and over trying to distract myself with what was really happening here. after seven years of not seeing each other, we finally were here. him dressed in his dark tux hair curling around his ears, neatly cut and kept. the golden light washing over him and highlighting just how breathtaking he looked right now. he was biting his lip avoiding looking at me. 

"you cut your hair," he whispered his small envelope held tight in his grasp. 

my hand went to my hair and I nodded not knowing what to say. 

this was so horribly awkward. my insides flipping on each other over and over.  

"I like it," voice low and I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush. 

"thank you," he still had the same affect on me as he had then. 

and before I could say anything else the door behind me was opening and nearly everyone was rushing out the door. 

"rose we're leaving!" fletcher was yelling. I didn't even notice that harry had disappeared as the people began to come out. the car now waiting for the newly married couple. fletcher hugged me tightly to his body and I wrapped my arms around him standing on my toes. "what's wrong?" he asked trying to pull away, the chatter of people loud as his bride hugged her friends and family goodbye, but I pulled him closer not wanting him to see my face. 

"he came," the only thing that I could say. 

"what? who?"

"harry came, he's here," 

"oh," he muttered and he hugged me a bit tighter, "rose-"

"fletcher the cars about to leave!" 

I pulled away, "go, have fun, be married," I smiled trying to hide the fact my hands were shaking. 


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