4.6- Rosie

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two months later

I bumped my hip against the fridge door, hands too full to close it any other way. bowl of fruit I had cut up the night before in one hand, two mugs of fresh coffee held tightly in the other, and sams sippy cut pressed between my arm and ribs.

sock-covered feet moving against the hardwood floors as I used my back to push open the bedroom door. harry was leaning against his stack of pillows, sam pressed into his side. his finger twirling one of her dark curls lightly as she sucked on her thumb, green eyes still only half open. harry read from the book she had crawled into the bed with, some picture book
filled with facts about nature, his morning voice like a hum in the golden light.

"I brought coffee," I whisper even if it was only us, even if we were all awake, the moment felt too pure to speak any higher.

harry smiled lazily, laugh lines ghosting on his cheeks as he leaned his head back against the headboard. sam let her eyes open fully as she reached out for her chocolate milk. I moved around the bed placing down the bowl and mugs, handing sam her sippy cup, and leaning over harry to plant a kiss onto of her messy curls.

"no kiss for me?" harry mumbled voice so scruffy I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"nope," I smile as I prove myself wrong leaning down to meet his mouth with my own. his warm hand cupping my hip as I pulled away only for him to reel me back in.

"thank you," he whispers against my lips, a smile stuck on his face as I move away from him. this seemed to be our routine since he had come back from the hospital.

he had in most ways moved into the apartment, a few boxes of his things sent from new york only a week after getting back. it had been clothing for the most part but he had made his recovery in our bed, or on the sofa. now he was much better after being stuck when almost every movement caused him pain.

I had been going to work, sam to daycare and I'd come back to find dinner made the last few nights. a clear sign he was feeling better. enough so that he went grocery shopping on his own bringing back a large sheet cake for no reason at all but to decorate with sam. frosting all over both of them as they piped on little jellyfish shapes to their ocean scene.

now in the morning, I woke up with harry pressed into my back sleeping soundlessly. and as the sun rose sam would pad over to our room and sneak into the bed, curling herself up into my front before it was time to actually get up.

I was nestled into a perfect little cycle. tucking myself back into the sheets next to sam I sipped on my fresh cup of coffee. "we're going to have to get up soon, sam's gotta get ready for her play date with Dylan,"

"We're going to the arcade," sam smiled words mumbled from having her straw between her teeth. she had been excited since Ashton had asked if she would join them. I couldn't keep her from enjoying herself when I knew she would have a great time and ash was always great at watching her.

and it seemed at the mention of her upcoming plans she was more awake than ever. she placed her cup in my lap before making her way out of the bed and to her room skipping. harry chuckled before he took both cups from me. "you know I was drinking that," a smile hard to conceal as he rolls over snaking his arms around my center and pushing his head into my neck.

my fingers curl in his hair as he mumbles something I can't understand against my shoulder. I hum a question and he moves away just a bit so that I can hear him. "can I take you out today?"

I look down at him, his green eyes watching me as I smile letting a free hand cup his cheek. he had a light shadow of a beard showing and I couldn't help but love it. "I'll definitely have to check my schedule," and he rolls his eyes at my joke.

"I was thinking maybe we could go to the bookstore. I haven't been in forever and I just wanna spend some time with you,"

"of course," and I lean down to kiss his nose. "and we could go eat out at the diner,"

harry hummed in approval rolling his head back into my shoulder. sam runs into the room, she had dressed herself, shirt on backward under her overalls, bed head still very present, one sock turned inside out. I chuckled, "well look how good you dressed yourself, I love the colors,"

sitting up harry smiled, dimples showing as sam did a little spin. she climbed back into the bed moving to wedge herself between us again. harry passed sam the bowl of fruit I had brought and I leaned over to fix her socks. her small hand pressing a slice of strawberry into her mouth.

she ate and harry went to shower. ash came soon after to pick sam up after I had fixed her shirt and hair. I thanked ash and went to change.

I was buttoning up my jeans when harry's arms made their way around my waist from behind, his head resting on my shoulder. his lips on my neck as I relax into him. "if you want to go you shouldn't touch me,"

"and why's that?" he chuckles lips just behind my ear.

"you know exactly why," I laugh turning in his arms, I place my hands on his chest sliding them up to cup his cheeks. his hair still wet from his shower, a slight smirk on his lips.

"but you still want me to touch you..." his thumbs circled my hip bones before they slipped into my belt loops. he tugged me closer any distance that had been between us gone as he leaned down lips ghosting over mine.

I lowered one of my hands to his chest, his heart thumping fast under my palm. I couldn't help but smile, to know I made his heart race from nothing. you could see the faint outlines of his tattoos under his white t-shirt. over the time of his healing, I had watched the bruises on his chest turn from purple to yellow to red now completely gone.

"no comment," I mutter and he drops his head to my shoulder chuckling against my neck. he leans back before cupping my cheeks and kissing me on the forehead.

"you're right I really shouldn't touch you if I want to leave," he moves away grabbing his coat from the bed to shrug on.

"yeah and we definitely wouldn't want to be late to a bookstore," I joke turning away slightly before harry's arms sneak around my waist pulling me to the bed.

I felt a laugh bubble up from my chest as I'm laid back into the comforter. harry's body weight pressed on top of mine, his lips connecting with my jaw and working their way down my neck. my fingers curling in his hair, his hands slipping under my shirt warm against my skin as he pulls me closer.

thank you for reading :))

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