4.3- Rosie

754 33 6

tw// vomit 

I pressed my hand to my mouth and tried to hold back my laugh. 

"it's okay you can laugh, I mean come on how hard can it be to just admit you still listen to Disney soundtracks? everyone does it but he was trying so hard to hide his Spotify wrapped from me," maria chuckles both of us sitting on the couch in the living room. the twins had both gone home and Karen had taken both kids upstairs to Harry's old room which had turned into a play space. 

"he's scared to hurt his pride you know him, music is everything to him, Disney should be below someone who strictly says he only listens to as he puts it classics, "

" and I tried to explain that to him, Disney is classic, its impossible not to have one song at the least et stuck in your head that you love. it shouldn't be hard to admit," maria chuckled her wine glass pressed to her lips but before she took a sip she looked behind me eyes widening, "they are fighting I think," 

I turned to the large glass doors showing the backyard, fletcher had followed after his dad to speak with both harry and him but now it seemed as if they weren't just talking. I sighed turning back to maria who rolled her eyes. "I don't know why he won't talk about it with me, if he did I probably could convince him to forgive harry but he has so much pent up anger for whatever reason," 

"he won't talk to me about it either. harry wants to move past it all and I know fletcher is still hurt and that it will take time but-"

"oh my god!" maria shouts and I nearly have enough time to react as she stands up making her way to the back door. I turn not knowing what had happened and followed her. maria flings the door open and I look into the backyard, the blue light of the pool making everything glow in the dark. and when I do fletcher is jumping into the pool and his dad going around to the stairs to also climb in. 

"what the fuck!" maria yells as I stare at the scene in front of me. my stomach dropped as I watch fletcher pull Harry's unconscious body to the surface. 

all three boys soaked in water as they pull harry out to lay on his back on the patio. maria and I rush over, my knees shaking and I'm suddenly so cold, hands trembling as I watch their dad check Harry's pulse at his neck. "dad I was upset I'm-"

"shut the fuck up," he responds as he presses his ear to Harry's lips, "shit," he muttered before starting CPR. 

"fletcher what did you do?" maria yells but she's cut off by Harry's dad yelling, "someone call 911,"

I was frozen in my spot, watching as maria ran back into the house, frozen as I watched as fletcher paced back and forth, as his dad bit his lip pressing on Harry's chest. I wanted to scream but my throat was tights, my skin covered in goosebumps as I stood there watching what felt like one of the worst memories get burned into my skull. fletcher noticed me stuck in place and moved to me, panic in his voice, "Rosie I was angry and I didn't think-"

"shut up fletcher," my hands moving out to put distance between us. 

"please rose you have to know I didn't mean for this to happen I just-" he moved closer taking my hand in his gripping it tight, his palms still slick with water, I tried to pull away, as he continued, "please Rosie, believe me, I didn't mean it-"

"Stop it, stop," I didn't even notice I was crying, I pushed out at him, eyes squeezed shut, I didn't want to look at him, didn't want to look at their dad trying to save the one person I had never stopped loving. a cruel twist of fate if he was to slip away, lost once, twice, strike three and you're out. I was going to be sick. 

"please rose-"

"stop, shut up-"

"Rosie please," fletcher is crying, sobs falling from him as he holds my hand to his chest, each ripple in his breathing felt against my fingertips as I try and pull away. harry is only a foot away from us, his dad is bent over him trying to save his life when suddenly harry starts to make choking noises, water coming from his mouth. 

I push at fletcher falling to my knees next to harry as his dad tries to turn his face to one side. harry had thrown up not only the water he had swallowed but his dinner as well but he was breathing. all that mattered was that he was breathing. 

thank you for reading :)

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