2.5- Rosie

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the whole week I was busy with work, each day when I got back home I was struggling to stay up as I sat with sam at dinner. and when she finally fell asleep I picked up the apartment, finding time to shower and prepare for the next day's work schedule. but when it was finally Friday and I made it to the end of the day the whole week caught up with me. 

 once sam was down for the night I found myself falling asleep in the shower. body leaning on the wall as the warm water fell down on me, I felt my eyelids drop for only seconds and when they opened I was standing in cold water and my fingers were wrinkly from soaking. 

when I made it to bed I slept without even thinking about it. and it had been a long time since I slept in at all. and when sam found her way into my bed to snuggle like every Saturday morning before breakfast I hadn't even realized how late it was when my phone started to ring. 

sam was fast asleep curled into my chest like she was a cat. she always slept in on Saturdays since on Fridays Ashton liked to take the kids out to play after daycare so they can tire themselves out. it always worked and I got a few extra hours of sleep. I lifted my phone answering the call without looking at who was calling. 


"I'm outside your door," Harry chuckled over the other end, "I was knocking for a good minute and assumed you couldn't hear me," 

"oh my gosh, what time is it?" 

"eleven fifteen?" he laughs and I can only assume it was because of how flustered I was. 

I shot up looking around for the clock on my nightstand. sam moved in her sleep trying to reach out for me but grabbing the blanket instead. "ill be there in just a minute I'm so sorry I didn't even set an alarm and-"

"it's okay, I have time you don't have to worry," he says as I make my way to the door not even worrying what I was dressed in or in fact not in. I only thought about it when I pulled open the door and harry looked me up and down. 

only dressed in an oversized shirt and my underwear I felt a bit exposed. "sorry," I muttered hiding behind the door as I let him in. "I don't know what I was thinking not setting an alarm. I've just been so busy and with work were having to combine classes and it's just really hectic," 

"no, it's fine. you can take as much time as you need I'm in no rush," he smiled eyes again flickering to my legs then back up to meet my eyes, "can I get a drink actually?" 

"a drink? sure," I say waving at the kitchen, "anything you want is yours, I'm going to try and wake up sam and get us ready, I'm so sorry again," I say. 

I close the door, then moving to the kitchen open one of the cabinets, "sippy cups, regular glasses, cups, and mugs are all here. water in the fridge, apple, orange, and grape juice in the fridge, tea bags in this draw and coffee here," 

harry is lightly laughing to himself as I show him everything and I finally look at him. dressed in yellow swim trunks and a loose black t-shirt I can see the outline of his arms, his thighs. I let my eyes flicker back to the draw with the teabags to distract myself. it was always so exciting to see new tattoos on him. I knew he wasn't the same person I had seen three years and ago. just as he hadn't really been the same person I had met in high school. everyone was ever-changing and I loved knowing there were new things to learn about him, the tattoos were only a physical reminder that he had so many new parts of himself to discover. 

"I'm going to get changed," I say and his eyes on me almost like his hands. the way I could feel the line they traced up my thigh as if they could see right through my shirt as they racked up my ribs over my chest to my neck before they rested on my lips. 

we both stood just looking at each other for what felt like forever when I heard sam from the room call out to me. I watched as he swallowed, tongue darting over his lip slightly. 

it was a little much for my mind to comprehend when just woken up. 

I left harry in the kitchen as I rushed to get sam and me ready to go to the pool today.  

sam was up instantly when she remembered we were going to the pool today. running to her room to pull out her swimsuit. I changed quickly just pulling on jeans over my one piece and calling it a day. I went to the kitchen to pull out the meals I had made the day before so I could pack them up. 

Harry was leaning against the counter sipping from a mug. he smiled at me, dimples showing on his neatly shaven cheeks, "I made you a cup of coffee. I hope you still like it the same as I remembered," 

"one spoonful of sugar," we muttered at the same time. 

again we were stuck in that silence, I swallowed muttering a thank you as I reach out to grab at the mug from his large hands. our fingers brushing and suddenly the cup slipped from his grasp and clattered to the floor. "shit I'm sorry," he muttered both of us moving to pick up the now shattered pieces of the mug. 

"it's okay I didn't like that mug anyway," I try joking, and then his hand grabs at mine. 

"don't pick up the glass with your hands you might cut yourself," 

"how do you expect me to pick it up?" I say now looking at my hand in his, the way he lightly held my wrist with care.

"do you have a broom?" he asked looking up. we were so very close, the smell of orange juice on his lips. it all reminded me of something else. 

"do you remember our first date?" the question left before I even realized I was asking it. 

he chuckled then thinking about it more he laughed a bit harder. "I can never get a fucking grip can I?" 

it made me laugh, both of us in the same position as then only this time old and with a child. "and you still won't let me clean up," I say taking my hand back to pick up the larger pieces of glass to dump in the trash. 

I pulled a towel from one of the drawers letting it fall over the spilled coffee before harry bent to wipe it up. "I had been so fucking nervous that day," he whispered smiling to himself as he thought about it. 

"me too," I smiled taking the broom up from the corner to sweep up any more broken glass. "I take sam there, you know that one of the cats had kittens? now they have like five cats," 

"you take her there?" he looked up at me, green eyes round and questioning. 

"I remember what you said about your mom taking you, how much you loved going as a child," I shrugged, "I never did go a day without thinking about...you, I guess I was looking for some way to have sam know you even if she didn't know I was," 

"I never went a day without thinking of you," he muttered, " never went a day not loving you, not even now. even now I know ill always love you," 

thank you for reading :)

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