4.0- Harry

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some mature content!

I didn't even know what time it was only that we had been in the bath until it ran cold. rosie's hair pulled up, curling around her ears from the steam that was long gone now. I lay down against her chest my hands resting on her legs as she traced the tattoos on my arms.

there was something very comforting about being here with her. my heartbeat was steady, neither of us moving to leave anytime soon. I hummed my eyes closed, her lips to my temple as she listened to me.

I could picture her under me earlier, her soft moans as my lips found her neck, soft skin now covered in my purple and red marks. she hadn't left me clean of any markings, my chest and neck having a scattering of them as well. her finger had run along my back when we had first gotten into the bath, apologizing for scratching me and leaving me covered in reminders.

but I could care less, and I definitely didn't care when she had done them, I wanted it all, nails digging into my back as she asked for more. and I had given it to her, moans like the sweetest sounds on earth pressed into my ear. I was addicted to the sounds she made, the way I made her feel, the way her body responded to me.

and I knew she loved the way she made me feel, her hand fluttering around my body, tugging on my hair watching me moan over her, under her, with her. and how when I let out drawn-out curses a smile fell on her lips that I couldn't even describe but only as satisfaction. she had me wrapped as tightly around her finger as I had her around mine.

I felt like I was in high school again my hormones wild. I was addicted to her, craving her after only small things. she had been laying on the bed over the covers, legs laid out and bare as she read a book leaning against the pillows. another one of my shirts draped over her body as I climbed over her laying between her legs resting my head to her stomach, arms going under her legs, and pushing her shirt up as I rested my hands on her lower back. she had dropped one hand from the book she held, hand in my hair.

I had kissed her clothed stomach before I pushed up the fabric more exposing the band of her underwear, kissing her right there on the edge to get her to pay me any attention. and it had worked only a bit as her legs tried to get closer together but I was caught between them. but she still was looking at her book, trying to ignore me.

I had let my teeth pull at the band of her underwear before letting them snap back lightly against her skin, I looked up at her as she let her arm holding the book fall to see me. "yes?" she asked looking down on me with a slight smile.

"you're ignoring me and I need attention," I made a soft pout and she chuckled brushing my hair away from my face.

"didn't I give you enough attention earlier?" she asked dimple on her cheek showing itself as she tried to hide her smile.

"no," I state letting my head fall forward again, her stomach now exposed to me as I place a scattering of small kisses. my hands still pressed to her back slid down to cup her backside before I let one hand slide further down her thigh.

she bit her bottom lip smile still there as she tried to conceal her happiness. I traced soft shapes on the back of her thigh and she raised her knee higher and I moved my head to press a light kiss on the inside of her leg. a soft sound coming from her throat barely audible.

"you have my full attention now," she whispered, eyes watching my every move.

and it hadn't taken much to have her asking me to touch her, nothing more than her words that had my mouth pressed right where she wanted me most, her legs shaking once I was done with her. she had let out her shaking moans, my name falling from her lips more than once. and only moments later did I have her asking me for more and I buried myself in her, both of us coming harder than the last time.

I was devoted to her, making her feel the pleasure she deserves, making her know how much I love her. and in the bath with her lips on my temple she asked me the question I had been waiting for. "what if...what if you..."

"what if I what?" I asked, her voice had been cautious, light as she tested the waters before her. I turned my head slightly to see her better and she shook her head. "just ask," I whispered knowing she was doubting herself.

"what if you moved in? or here..." she whispered cheeks pink as she said the words. and when I didn't say anything she tried to backtrack on herself, "I know maybe you shouldn't I mean you have an apartment in new york and all your stuff and your career-"

"I want to," I cut her off not wanting her to keep talking herself out of it for my sake. I had made the decision to leave new york even before finding out about sam and I certainly solidified it in finding out and staying here with Rosie. "I want to more than you think I do,"

"Really?" she asks shy now in front of me hands not moving anymore just testing on my shoulders lightly.

"Really, I want to if you want me to. I wanted to ask but didn't know how actually," I confess, my plans to leave new york already set up.

"Really?" her voice was a bit shocked as she asked again and I picked myself up a bit turning in her arms, the water sloshing around us as I did.

"Really Rosie, I want to commit to you both, I told you nothing is more important to me now," I took her hand in mine bringing her fingertips to my lips as I kissed them lightly, "literally nothing, not new york, not my apartment, not my career, nothing. I want to be here with you, stay here with you, grow old with you, I want you if you want me,"

"of course I want you, how could anyone not want you. I need you,"

thank you for reading :))

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