0.3- Rosie

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three years before

"Rosie I still love you," his voice shaking as he said it. "I don't think I could ever stop loving you, not when you are the only person I have ever loved. I thought what people said about your first love was a fucking lie but it's not, I'll never stop loving you. and if you don't want me I understand and I will move on, I will I won't bother you again but I just needed to tell you, I'll never stop loving you and if you want me to stay I will, I always will," he bit his lip trying hard to keep himself together, hands trembling, leg bouncing.

I didn't know what to say, didn't know how to act at this moment. I knew I loved him, now and forever, knew I had worked past so much in seven years to try and grasp onto something with harry again. I wanted him, needed him in my life. but he was different now. he wasn't just harry styles he was harry styles. and I didn't know how I would fit into his new life just as he wouldn't fit into mine.

"I still love you too," my voice just above silence and he ran his tongue over his bottom lip waiting for more. "but I can't ask you to stay, I love you I do but I can't think of a situation where we can be in love together. your life is different mine is different and I won't ask you to change yours just as I hope you don't ask me to change mine."

"Rosie I don't give a fuck about my life if you're not in it,"

"Harry I can't let you do that, you left for a reason-"

"to give you space-"

"I left before that, you know that the town we grew up in is too small to hold someone like you,"

"Rosie just ask me to stay," he shook his head and for the first time, I watched as a tear slipped from his eyes and rolled down his red cheek.

"I love you harry but I don't want you to regret being with me,"

"I could never,"

"Harry..." I shook my head biting my lip.

"Can I kiss you? one last time..."

and I couldn't say no when I had been waiting for him to ask.

"yes harry, yes," and it had only been seconds before we were both standing, lips crashing into one another.

seconds before his hands cup my cheeks, till my arms wrap around his neck until my fingers twist in the curls at the base of his neck. his tongue sweeping my bottom lip before I opened my mount to him, one of his hands moving to grip my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I felt the heat rush all over me, felt that pull on harry could bring from me. no one had ever made me feel this way.

he pulled away, an apology on the edge mouth before I pull him down again, let my lips find the edge of his, let myself kiss down his jaw, "don't stop, please don't stop," the words lost in this dimly lit room. this orange glow only casing shadows all along the smooth curves of his features.

and he nodded muttering my name before kissing me behind my ear, leaving a trail down my neck and around my jaw. my hands sliding down his chest, pushing his coat to the floor.

I let myself fall into the temptations I had to be with harry. knew that I didn't care about what happened tomorrow as long as I had tonight with him. and so I asked him to stay.

"stay, stay with me, don't go," and he pulled away, one hand still cupping my cheek as he looked into my eyes and I looked back into his. he smiled, dimples and white teeth all for me.

"always Rosie, always,"

my heart was so full then, all the memories of us together in high school coming back, the memory of that everlasting love highlighted now in this moment. "I want you, Harry, in every way,"

"you already have me, love," and his lips were back on mine.

my fingers fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, him shrugging it off. I pulled back as he left marks on my neck, sent shivers down my spine, I traced his tattoos, the same after all these years, the ones I would never forget. he had more now and I traced the new ones, knew they would stay in my memory forever.

it didn't take long before I was taking off my dress, "Rosie we don't have to I dont want to pressure you into anythi-"

"I want to, I trust you harry, I always have,"


"I want you, Harry, I need you,"

"I need you," he muttered hands gripping my waist as I fumbled with his belt.


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