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"do we have a cooking brush?" harry's voice came from behind me. I turn to look over my shoulder, curly hair a mess with flour dusting the strands as he leaned peeking around the door frame.

"cooking brush?" I ask sitting up from my position laying on the couch.

"you know paint brush thing?"  his eyebrow raised slightly as I giggled.

"the basting brush? yeah, we have one let me get it-" I moved to get up from the sofa I had been laying on forever. my body was sore from being in one position for so long but harry rushed around the couch.

"no no no I can find it you should just lay down-" he starts hands on my shoulder lightly trying to guide me back down into my spot.

"Really harry I'm fine and I'm sure you really couldn't find it if you're asking after kicking me out of the kitchen area," I chuckled I looked over harry's shoulder to see another head of messy hair. "I'm guessing you're not putting him down for a nap?"

"he sleeps longer when he's in the wrap carrier you know that," harry smiles turning to the side to let me see James fast asleep wrapped up against harry's back. even at two he still loves to be carried as he had been as a newborn. James' sweet delicate features clouded in sleep, full flushed cheek pressed to harry's shoulder blade.

I run my fingers through James' dark curls and I try and stand again. "Rosie please sit,"

"harry I'm pregnant, not incapable of helping out," I laugh hands placed on his chest as I stand on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek, "and I'm starving so whatever you and sam are making smells like I want to eat it,"

"it's not done yet I need the cooking brush, but I can make you a sandwich?"

"basting brush," a laugh bubbling up from my chest as harry leans down to kiss my jaw. his hand falling instinctively to my stomach before showering my cheek with light pecks.

"basting brush," he copy's mumbling against my skin. "now please sit before the surprise is ruined,"

"surprise? did I forget my own birthday?"

"nooo, sam and I wanted to bake you something just cause. now where is the basting brush?" thumb rubbing a soft circle against my stomach.

I was only five months pregnant, and my bump only finally looked like a bump and not bloating for the past couple of weeks. later today we would be dropping off both sam and James with fletcher to go to our next doctor's appointment. harry had been absolutely ecstatic to find out we would be having a third child. eyes filling with tears like I'd given him the best news he had ever heard.

it was so similar to when we found out I was pregnant with James. only a year after getting married, and moving into our home. sam had been so excited to be a big sister, even more excited by the fact we had a backyard. and when we had told fletcher he had picked me up and spun me around so happy for us.

fletcher had even married harry and me, getting his officiant license just for us.

"well then if you're still up for making me a sandwich..." I draw out a small smile on the edge of my mouth that harry kisses repeatedly.

"I'll get on it, grilled cheese?" he asks pulling away to turn back to the kitchen.

"with tomato slices and barbecue chips please," I say sinking back into the couch. "oh and the basting brush is in the second drawer on the left of the oven,"

"thank you and I'll get you that sandwich in a quick second," he smiles disappearing back into the kitchen before I hear sam's loud laugh ring out.

thirty minutes later harry's comes back in with my food. sam follows close behind him with a bag of chips. "dessert will be ready in fifteen minutes!" sam laughs crawling onto the couch next to me.

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