2.7- Rosie

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I didn't know what had made me get on top of him. didn't know what made me want him at that moment so bad. and maybe it was from the sun exhaustion that made me lose connection to my brain, or maybe it was just the way he had looked coming out of the pool, body dripping with water of his tanned chest, his swim trunks stuck to his thighs in just the right way. whatever it was led to this because now my hips were grinding into his, hands moved from my hips to my thighs, large hands squeezing me and pulling me closer to him. 

and the way he kissed me was unlike any other kiss we had shared. this ache for something more so present, the distance and time had brought this all on. and when we broke away he began to kiss down my jaw, making shivers fall over my body as I felt him press into my inner thigh. my hand pulling at his shirt, wanting to touch him so badly. and for a moment he pulled away from me ripping the shirt off of him for only a second before he was back with his hands touching me, wanting me. 

my hands fluttered over his chest, nails lightly scratching from his shoulders down. he hummed into my neck and I knew he would leave a mark there. then his hand reached around so that he could press it into my lower back, the movement pushed me further onto him and I let out a moan right into his ear just as he pressed his face further into my neck to cancel the sound he made. 

he moved, cupping the back of my legs before he rolled us over on the couch. my back flush against the sofa as he leaned into me. I was still only in my jeans and bathing suit now only him in his swim trunks as he pressed his hips into mine again causing me to gasp. mouth back to mine his hands all over my body as I tugged on the hair on his neck. 

I let one hand fall away moving to the place between us so I could unbutton my jeans and harry pulled away slightly hands falling over mine to take over. he leaned back on his knees as his hands found their way into the band of my pants. he made it so his hands brushed down my body, warm over my cool skin as he tossed the jeans to the ground next to him. 

his eyes raced up my body and as he reached my face I reached my arm out tugging him back down on top of me. I lifted my right leg locking it around his waist and as he pressed himself into me my head rolled back in a silent gasp. he took the opportunity to leave open-mouth kisses along my neck, to my collarbone, to the top of my chest. I kissed along his jaw and he leaned in closer to me nipping at my skin lightly. I moved my hips the slightest bit and he let out a deep moan into my skin, the hand that was on my hip squeezing me as he sank deeper before letting the hand go down my thigh to the back of my knee guiding it to lock around his waist just like my other leg. 

I was drunk on the feel of him, completely intoxicated by his hands, his body all over me. but then my phone began to ring loudly both of us startled by the sound as we jumped. my bag was right next to our heads on the couch and I reached up and pulled it out as harry pressed his face into my neck hot breath fanning my skin as he breathed deeply. 

"Hello?" I asked voice shaky as I tried to cover it up with a cough. my free hand in harry's hair as he lay still, body heavy against me. 

"Rosie sorry I'm calling you so late but I was wondering if you could take Dylan tomorrow? I have a company dinner I can't really miss and couldn't find a babysitter. it would mean a lot if you could take him and ill definitely owe you one," Ashton rushed over the phone. 

"yeah, I can watch him what time do you need me to pick him up?" I ask not even thinking straight, not when harry mouth moved to silently press a kiss at my throat. 

"um, six if that works for you? I need time to get ready and get my notes in order. ill make sure to pick him up," 

"he can sleepover you can get him in the morning when you take them to daycare. have a free night," 

"thank you so much Rosie you're the best. and truly any time you need me to take sam off your hands ill be ready,"

 "it's no problem ash, ill pick up Dylan at six tomorrow," 

and then the conversation was over and I let my phone fall to my side. harry chuckled against my skin, chest rumbling against mine. "I'm going to need a moment to clear my head," 

I couldn't help but laugh, "sorry the mood was interrupted," 

"oh no I could still go on I'm trying really hard to not lose my self-control and-" 

I swallowed as he cut himself off and I knew he could feel it with his face pressed into my skin. I wanted to continue but knew it was best if we didn't go further, but I couldn't help myself to ask him, "And what," 

I could feel him twitch against me, the feeling making me gasp the slightest bit. he leaned so his mouth was pressed to my ear, breath sending a chill over me, "and take you right here on your couch, completely losing myself in you," 

my breathing was uneven as he said the words and I let one of my hands slide down his side and he quivered over me. my fingers cold again this hot skin. "we shouldn't," and although it was true I knew that it was the farthest thing that I wanted to do. 

"I know and although I love our baby I don't have a condom," he chuckles and I can't help but laugh back with him, my heart swelling. 

I love our baby

"and I'm not on birth control," I say but as I do I roll my hips and he hisses into my ear. 

"and when did you become such a tease," he chuckles pulling up so that he could look at me. cross necklace dangling over my neck, his nose pressed to mine. 

"since you made me one," I smiled and he kissed the edge of my mouth, then my jaw, and down back to my neck. 

"then I created a fucking monster because I'm trying so fucking hard right now to keep my cool but if you reached one finger down to touch me I think id explode," 

"you want to test the theory," my hand moved to the band of his swim trunks and so fast his hand was gripping my wrist as I let out a laugh. 

"absolutely villainous," he mutters and suddenly he's tickling me on my side. 

I squirm under him as we both laugh and I surrender, legs unlocking and releasing him from being pressed to me. "okay okay you win," I say and he leans down placing a kiss onto my lips before he pulls away. 

we were silent there for a moment, eyes looking back into one another when he said, "I love you so fucking much Rosie," 

"I love you, harry," 

"ill move to be here, Rosie I swear it. I don't care about my life without you in it and if I have to come here, stay here with you I will. because even after all this time I still want to marry you, have even more kids with you, grow old with you. I want to get a house in this suburban neighborhood and- and make you scream my name in every fucking room. I want to watch sam get older and spend every waking moment in your presence because I won't lose you again. and I defiantly won't lose you to pricks named Owen. because I'm yours and I want you so badly to be mine," 

My hand moved to cup his cheek, his eyes fluttering closed for a second before opening, pupils dilated, the green darker than normal. "I've always been yours, but I can't ask you to give up everything you've become for me," 

"I'm the one who is making the decision, and I'm not doing it just for you, I'm doing it for sam, for myself because nothing brings me as much happiness as you here in my arms, laughing into my mouth, trusting me, loving me,"  he leans into my hand eyes closing, "every time we were apart it hurt like a bitch, but now, being this happy here, I want this forever, forever,

"I can't make solid promises when the future is always changing," I whisper and that's when I feel his tear land on my cheek. 

"I just want us to try, Rosie please," his voice shaking as he cried, his face pressed into my hand. I moved my other hand to wipe at his tears. "just to try,"

"We can try," I whisper and his lips are back on mine. the taste of his tears mixed in as our lips moved slowly together. so much love laced in between us. 

thank you for reading <3 

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