3.2- Harry

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sexual/mature content!

when we got back to Rosie's apartment sam was fast asleep, tired from playing outside with the twins for what felt like hours and hours.

and Rosie opened a bottle of wine.

we drank out of mugs sitting on the couch as her head rested on my shoulder, we watched a movie on the couch. my hand on her knee still adorn in the sheer black tights, her dress riding up her thighs the slightest bit from her legs tucked up next to her. and after her second mug of wine she placed it down on the table and her hand found its way to rest on my stomach, warm and made me focus solely on it.

I could feel my pulse in my ears as my finger brushed her knee back and forth to make her pay attention to me. I knew as her breathing deepened that she was trying to control herself, her hand flexing the slightest bit. we were ticking time bombs sitting on this couch and both of us knew it.

but I said id be good and so because of that I wouldn't make the first move. she knew that.

when the movie ended, both of us both sat frozen, watching the screen roll credits, the clock on the wall showing how late it was getting but we still sat there the tension in the room thick and heavy.

the slightest bit her hand lowered on my stomach, pinky finger just barely brushing the button on my jeans. it made my breathing falter and I knew she could feel it, knew when the intake of my breath was visible.

my hand slid ever so slightly up from her knee to rest mid-thigh, her knees pressing together from the sensation. I knew the wine had set my senses to high alert, made me aware of every part of her touching me, made me want her so much more.

and I wanted her so fucking bad.

she moved her hand away from me, sitting up and standing in front of me. she reached out her hand and I took it without any thought. she walked me to her bedroom dropping my hand as I closed and locked the door behind me.

when I turned around Rosie was sitting on the edge of the bed watching me as I walked over to her. her hair falling around her flushed keeps, she bit her bottom lip lightly before letting it go, eyes looking up at me wondering what I was going to do next.

"tell me what you want love," I muttered softly as I went to my knees in front of her.

I watched her swallow before she breathed, "I want you," her hands already making fists in the duvet. I brushed my hands up her thighs. fingers just barely brushing up the edge of her dress.

"How bad?" I don't know why I even asked only that I wanted to hear her say it, hear her say she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

"worst than bad," her voice so soft I almost couldn't hear her. my hands moved up higher, pushing her dress up until I gripped her hips. she blinked a couple of times, flustered as I let my hands fall back down to her knees.

"will you let me touch you more than this?" and she nodded a breathless yes falling from her lips as I softly pushed her legs open a bit wider. hand cupping the back of one of her knees I lifted her leg resting it over my shoulder. still covered in her tights I placed light kisses over her exposed inner thigh.

"you're teasing me," she whispered and I couldn't help but chuckle against her knowing she would be able to feel it race up her leg.

"ever heard of foreplay?"

"Ever heard of 'take my tights off of me now'?" again I can't help but laugh against her, I kiss her thigh again before I let her leg fall back down.

"Impatient aren't we?" fingers hooking into the band of her tights. she lifts her hips as I pull them down slowly my hands brushing her legs and I take them off of her.

she doesn't say anything as I slip my hands under her dress to take it off of her. she helps toss it aside as she's left in her bra and underwear. I still couldn't get over how good she looked just sitting on the edge of her bed. me on my knees in front of her as she waited for what I would do next.

grabbing the back of her knees pulling her closer to the edge of the bed. I let my hand slide up her thigh, her hand found mine, fingers locking tight. she watched me looking up at her, her breathing getting heavier as I dipped my head low placing a soft kiss so close to where she wanted me. her hand flexed in mine.

I was so ready for this, found myself wanting her after every turn, I needed her, wanted her more than anything. with my free hand I reached up placing my thumb over her underwear, goosebumps raising over her thighs at the sensation.

slowly I start to rub circles over her clothed clit, her hand in mine tightening as I kissed over her freckles scattered around her thighs. her eyes fluttered shut as she swallowed I took the opportunity to pull away, her eyes jumping open. "don't worry I'm definitely not even close to done,"

"yeah cause that would truly be the worst kind of teasing," she whispered trying to collect herself a bit.

"lay down," I nod letting her hand go as she listened to what I said, hair falling around her on the duvet so dark against the white.

I hook my fingers in the band of her underwear pulling them down her legs. lifting one of her legs I place it over my shoulder my hand gripping her thigh to keep it in place. instantly I lick up to her clit. a shocked gasp leaves her mouth, her hips sinking into the bed. "you okay?" I ask and she responds with a soft yes.

I take the opportunity to let myself get lost in her.

thank you for reading :)

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