3.5- Rosie

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tw for throw up and sickness

I was starting to get a bit stressed out over work. every day I found it harder to get up and because of it, I was falling behind on a week's worth of lesson plans. before I had always found time between the days to map everything out, my schedule, sams schedule, lesson plans, and so on. but now I was finding it hard to find a good rhythm again. my life-changing in a way I wanted and yet I was slipping behind on so much. 

and every day when I left work, stressed and worried about having to work more to catch up on later in the day. it was only halfway into the week and already my sleep schedule was falling behind, and each day I wanted to sleep in, mainly because I was nestled between the two people I loved most in the world. 

I was used to waking up with sams curly hair tickling my nose as she snuck in between my arms, pressing her face into my chest to fall back asleep. but now I was waking up with the warmth from Harry's body pressed into my back, his slow breathing on my neck as he slept. 

but this morning seemed to be harder than the rest of the weeks. sams arms wrapped around me tight, the room was still dark as my alarm started to go off on the nightstand. harry was sleeping soundlessly, hand-pressed lightly on my hip. 

I reached out for my phone to shut the alarm off, sam whimpering against me for moving. as she nestled her face into my neck I could feel that she was burning up. I sat up, both harry and sam making soft noises in their sleep from the movement.  

I pressed my hand to sams forehead, her skin slick with sweat under my touch. I sighed already knowing she must be running a fever when she was this hot. it was five in the morning already and I would have to be at school by seven and that was the latest. I would need to call the school to call out, call the daycare to tell them sam wouldn't be going in, call Ashton to tell him he wouldn't have to pick up Sam, and to check on Dylan. 

sam reached out for me as I leaned against the headboard, phone pressed to my ear. I lifted her up so that she was laying on my chest, her skin hot and sweaty against mine. I climbed out of the bed holding her up as I talked to my boss over the phone. I went into the bathroom going through the cabinet to find some medicine for her. 

I ended the call with my boss, placing sam down on the toilet I nealed down in front of her. she started to rub her eyes, mouth already set into a pout as she sat there. I knew any moment she would start to cry, whenever she was sick she always did until she fell asleep again and I had limited time to have her take her medicine and wrap her back up in the bed. 

"hey love I need you to take a sip," I whispered pushing back some of the curls stuck to her cheeks, but sam only whimpered, trying to reach out to lean on me. 

"My tummy hurts," she muttered pushing my hand that held the medicine away. 

"I know but we have to take this to help our tummy," I say trying to comfort her but already her chin was quivering.

"I don't want to," tears welling up in her eyes, she sniffled, face red as she looked at me. I wanted so badly to take her pain away knew that when she got sick she just wanted to lay down together until she was better but I needed her to take her medicine before we could. 

"I know baby but we have to take the medicine to make us feel better, then I promise me and you can lay in bed ill put on your favorite movie," 

"I don't want to take the medicine," her lisp heavy on her words as she cried. I pulled her into a hug, her face pressed into my shoulder as she cried, I rubbed her back, skin hot even through her t-shirt. I let her cry, knew its what she needed when she didn't understand why she was in pain. 

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