2.6- Harry

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I needed to get a fucking grip. but watching her, seeing her in nothing but her oversized t-shirt drove my mind wild. 

last night I had unpacked my bag at my parent's house and sat around mainly thinking. I didn't know what to do about work. my new manager said I could take all the time I needed. but now I felt as if I needed a lifetime, work the farthest thing from my mind. my apartment in new york would drive me insane if I went back now. now knowing I was a father, now knowing I had a chance with Rosie again. 

leaving now wasn't an option. 

that only solidified as Rosie came out with sam on her hip. sam was talking fast playing with the end of Rosie's hair. Rosie dressed in her jeans with her one-piece swimsuit underneath. she looked so fucking good. 

"Again I'm so sorry I slept in," Rosie said placing sam down on the couch to help her with her shoes. "Luckily I made sure to make the sandwiches last night and didn't leave them for this morning," 

"it's really no problem," I mutter moving over to the couch holding out the new coffee I had made for her since I had dropped the other. "sorry I broke your mug," a chuckle rolling off easily when I was around her. 

sam looked up at me from the couch, eyes wide as she examined me. "do you know how to swim?" she asks her hair a mess of dark curls framing her face. 

"like a shark," I smile and sams eyes squint at me. 

"What kind of shark?" at this Rosie chuckles. 

"you're very inquisitive this morning," she says, kneeling in front of sam and pulling her curls up and out of her face. 

"huh?" sam asks as Rosie ties her hair up for her. 

"asking a lot of questions," she clarifies softly pinching sam pink freckled cheek. 

"I just want to know what kind of shark," she says crossing her arms, pouting. she was so fucking cute. each movement of her head made her curls bounce, and her green eyes were always expressive as she made faces at Rosie. sam's voice was laced with a soft lisp that most young kids had but it only made her cuter. 

"a great white?" I ask and sam turns to look at me over her shoulder, eyes squinted before she nods turning back to Rosie.

"Tell him I can swim like a fish!" she whispers to Rosie who smiles back at her. 

"I think he already heard you, love," Rosie looks up to me, "she's good at swimming with the floaties on," 

"I can float on my back," sam smiles as Rosie stands. 

it was only moments later that we were getting into the car, me carrying the cooler with the food and drinks, Rosie carrying sam. 

sam buckled up in her car seat and me sitting in the passenger seat I can't help but think about how crazy my life is at the moment. 

"When did you learn to drive?" I ask and Rosie laughs buckling up. 

"weird huh? me driving you around," she puts the car in reverse and backs up. "fletcher taught me when I moved back after college," 

"so I should be worried," I joke and she lightly hits my arm.

"I'm actually a great driver thank you very much. I can get our daughter to and from places as well as make it safely to work," 

and I feel my lips trying to conceal the smile trying to break free. and then sam speaks up asking if Rosie can play some music. 

"what do you want to listen to?" 

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