2.1- Rosie

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sam was very happy as both harry and I played with her. giggles falling from her lips over and over as we went on and on playing. she thanked harry over and over when I showed her the cookies he had brought for her. then we had sat on the couch, watching a movie as she munched on said cookies, head resting on my lap and her feet pressed against Harry's leg. 

he had sat with his hands in his lap watching the movie but every once and a while his eyes slid to her as she dozed almost falling asleep, feet sometimes pushing at him. he looked up to me whenever he did look at her eyes finding me already looking to him. I tried to give encouraging smiles his way but I knew he still felt nervous around her. 

and soon sam was passed out and the movie over. both of us sitting not knowing what to do with ourselves. 

I moved sams head from laying on me to let her lay by herself on the couch. I picked up the empty cups and harry moved picking up the empty cookie box. both of us moving to the kitchen. 

"see it wasn't so bad was it," I smiled placing the cups in the sink then turning to take the box from harry to throw away. 

he chuckled, "I know I'm just, she just makes me nervous," 

I nodded understanding. I didn't know how to go about all this but I knew it wouldn't be easy. I leaned against the counter both of us not knowing what to say now, the room now so quiet, only sams breathing could be heard. 

"about my question earlier..." harry muttered and I felt my skin heat up. I had been glad when sam interrupted to have us play with her. I didn't know how to answer harry, my emotions were a mess around him more than anyone else. "do I still have some kind of chance with you?" 

I looked at him, really looked at him. he had grown so much from the teenage boy I had known in high school, who I had fallen in love with but he was the same, and all that love was still there after everything. but I couldn't bring myself to give a flat-out yes to him. not when I had to think about sam now, not when she meant more to me than anything else. "I don't think I could just..." I didn't want to say anything wrong to hurt our relationship, "fall back into a relationship with you, not now at least. and what happened after fletchers wedding only adds to it, I think both of us rushed it a bit much and I don't regret it, I mean we have sam now and that's exactly why I'm not going to give in to all my feelings so soon. if we wanted more I think I need time, you know, to just think over everything," 

he nodded slowly thinking over my words before he gave me a small smile, "I won't give up on us, ill do whatever I need to do to get you back, or at least put myself in your good graces," 

I chuckled, "well I hope you're up for a challenge, my heart is a lot more guarded than before," but my mind flashed to the kiss we shared yesterday, making my words fall weak. 

"you also seem to already have someone trying to take my place," but his words were anything but worried or angry as he said them, if anything they were cocky. 

"your place?" I asked crossing my arms, I watched as his eyes flickered down to my chest then back up to my eyes. I squinted at him, this side of harry new to me but somewhat familiar. 

"uh-huh," he smirked, "but I think you forget ill always be number one," 

his words made me laugh louder than I expected from myself and harry chuckled at the sound. "did new york make your ego larger than it already was last I saw you?" 

we had never really had banter like this before and I found myself enjoying it, a new part of myself opening up for harry. "maybe," he shrugged and chuckled again. 

we fell silent for only a beat before he muttered, "so I'm guessing asking you for a kiss is a bit of a far reach?" 

I rolled my eyes, "I think ill just keep you on your toes for that one," 

he laughed again before he tried to conceal his smile, teeth grazing his bottom lip, dimples showing as he looked me over once more. even if it was only him looking at me in my jeans and blouse I felt as if I was standing bare for him. arms still crossed I didn't know how to feel as he muttered, "did I tell you how stunning you look?" 

I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I tried to hug myself, "pregnancy made me gain a bit of weight," and I wasn't ashamed of it, I had filled out my once small frame to look more feminine now. a woman's body by the name of society, with hips and curves, everything I hadn't had before. it made me nervous, harry having been the only one to really cherish my body, but I didn't want that to affect me, if he did or did not like the way I looked it only mattered if I did. 

"you look really," he swallowed, "really good," 

I looked at him looking at me and felt as if the words I had spoken before would be lost, that id go against wanting to wait to be with him. never had I felt this way before this craving to have someone so close to me. but I tried to push away those feelings as I said, "if this is your way of trying to get back together with me, flattery is not all it's going to take," I say pushing off the counter and moving around him. his eyes following me. 

"But you can't deny you like it," he smiled, "you forget I know a lot about you Rosie, a lot more than I think any other man ever will," 

"oh, and what is it that you know?" I say turning around to face him again. heart fluttering in my ear. 

he took a step closer to me, I hadn't moved far away and I could feel the heat rising off of him. he leaned down a bit so we were face to face, my breathing was jagged as he smirked. this was a harry I saw in the halls of high school before we had ever talked to each other, a harry that had teased me as his lips fell on my neck in the front seat of his car so many years ago. and it still had the same effect even now. 

"I know that right now your heart is racing,"

"a good guess," I muttered but he only bit his bottom lip again at my words. 

"and I know you're thinking of kissing me," he leaned back smirk still present, "because even after all this time I can still see it in your eyes when you're waiting for me to ask permission," 

I swallowed and he surely knew his words were true. but I wouldn't give in so easy, I would follow my gut to hold out for myself and my sanity. "truly your ego is humungous," I whispered and he let out that laugh I had missed for years. 

thank you for reading :)

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