1.6- Harry

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I felt my chest tighten, my vision began to wobble, I blinked rapidly to try and push away the spots I was seeing. I felt almost numb to what I was hearing. "h-her father?" 

Rosie stood there nodding, the child in her arms as she looked at me from the doorway. I was shocked to see her when she opened the door, shocked at how even up close she was just as beautiful as ever, the summer sun having blessed her cheeks with more freckles that I knew would have made their way to her shoulders, her hair curling slightly at her chin. and her child, tucked neatly in her arms, head of black curls resting on her. 

"I tried really I tried to get into contact with you-"

"Are you sure?" I asked voice strained as the words came out, my throat coated in uneasiness, I didn't know what was happening to me. 

"yes harry, I'm sure. it's not hard to tell she looks quite a bit like you," her voice was wavering as she said it and I knew it must have thrown her off a bit for me to ask but I didn't know what else to say. 

I had seen her not long ago dancing with some other man, seen her leave with him. it had been three years since I had last seen her and I didn't know who she had been with, it was a reasonable question to ask. 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"harry I tried and fletcher was even going to fly to new york to try and find you-"but she was cut off by fletcher who was suddenly behind her. 

"what the hell are you doing here?" he asked I could see the anger on his face, see the way his shoulders were set as if ready to fight. 

"fletch it's okay I just told him," Rosie muttered arms tightening around the child she held.  

the child, so fucking small in her arms. 

fletcher looked to me gritting his teeth before looking down at Rosie, "I'll take sam to lay inside," he muttered before I watched as Rosie handed the small being over to fletcher. she started to rub at her eyes, waking up slightly before they opened landing me before she fell back asleep against fletcher. 

there was no dought she had green eyes, eyes I knew Rosie did not have, eyes I knew I did. 

he closed the door behind him, taking the child with him and leaving me with Rosie. 

"you should probably sit you look sick," she muttered waving to the steps below us. 

and I did sit, my body heavy and coated in a thin layer of sweat. she followed suit sitting next to me. both of us not looking at each other. 

"Are you sure she's mine?" I asked looking over to her. 

she looked back with brown eyes the same I fell in love with. she was even better than what I had dreamed of missing. but right now I could feel nothing but my upset stomach over the news I was receiving. "yes harry I'm sure," 

"Are you sure sure," 

"Why would I lie?" she asked eyes not leaving mine as she looked back at me.

"for all I know she could be fletchers," the words leaving without me realizing the wight of them. I knew it couldn't have happened but still they came out. 

"why would you say that?" her voice broke over her words, face filled with hurt.

"you could want my money..." the words coming out without my control now it seemed but they held some grounds, I was thinking how I had been taught to think in my business. 

"If I wanted your money I could have taken sam to do that stupid paternity test to get the last three years of child support. could have done it to make sure she was financially covered until she was eighteen. but I didn't, because I would never do that, and I thought you of all people would know that" she stood shaking her head, I knew she was close to crying. "if you don't believe me you don't have to, sure she could not be yours, she could be fletchers or anyone else. I won't make you do anything, give me anything, I'm glad I even got to tell you. you don't even have to see me again," 

"Rosie please," but she shook her head biting her lip as I stood. 

"no harry I won't sit here and be told I'm a liar, I already sat through enough of it while I was pregnant, you have got a great manager by the way," sarcasm filling her words.

"Rosie i just- you have to see where I'm coming from," 

"no I know, I do get it, I mean I only assumed this would happen. but for you to say she could be fletchers, for you to think I'm out for your money..." she shook her head. "I don't need your money, I've been doing well on my own raising sam without it and I can continue to do it. I won't sit here fighting, I'm done fighting, I was done a long time ago," 

"Rosie please I swear I didn't mean it like that I just, I'm scared you know, I'm confused," 

"What is there to be confused about? we had unprotected sex, you left me alone in that hotel room, I found out, I tried calling, I was called a liar, and then I had our baby and gave up on trying to reach you. I tried, every day I called, every day, not just me. your parents, fletcher, I once even asked Calum try and ring for you but nothing. I was turned away each time. I get why me, but even your own parents. I know I hurt you, I know I left you so long ago but I had a reason, I left for a reason, you left with no reason," 


"no I don't really want to fight anymore, I have work tomorrow, and I have to give sam a bath," she whipped under her eyes clearing tears away that now ran down her cheeks, "you can call me whenever, I won't ever take away your privilege to meet sam but I won't be called a liar, not now, not ever," 

then she opened the door leaving before I could say anything else. 


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