1.5- Rosie

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"she met him?" I asked and Ashton nods scratching his neck.

"I couldn't just sprint away I really didn't know what to do,"

"it's okay ash I have to tell him soon, he still hasn't called me back so," I shrugged, "really it's okay."

"I know I just feel so bad you know and-"

"don't, really ash, thank you for watching sam I can always take Dylan off your hands whenever you need some time,"

"Thanks, Rosie, and again I'm so sorry," I shake my head truly unbothered by sams encounter with harry. I was happy to find out sam didn't instantly go silent like a clam, like she usually does when meeting new people.

I put sam in her car seat and she went on about how excited she was to go to fletchers house. he always did his absolute best to make sam happy. he was one of sams favorite people. and when I pulled into his driveway way sam was trying to wrestle out of her car seat.

I chuckled getting out to help her down. "don't go too crazy, remember the baby," I say and she nods vigorously curls bouncing around her smiling cheeks. I couldn't help but plant a quick kiss on her forehead for how cute she looked. I placed her down and she sprinted to the house.

fletcher opened the door with his arms wide before picking her up and tossing her in the air. sam was laughing happily as fletcher placed her on his hip. "are you ready for this awesome movie I picked out for us?"

"and play?" sam asked waving her blue dinosaur around.

"of course," fletcher smiles as I walk up. he places sam down letting her run in before hugging me.

"so how was that amazing date? get laid?"

"fletcher," I mutter pushing at his shoulder. "for your information he didn't even try and kiss me,"

"oh so it was a horrible date?" he chuckled closing the door behind us as we made our way into his house.

"no, it was actually good, and we're going to go out again soon. I was glad he didn't try anything, I don't know how comfortable I am with all that just yet," I shrug and fletcher throws his heavy arm around my shoulder hugging me closer to his side.

"rose is getting all grown,"

"you know I'm older than you right?"

"psh by like three months but I'm still like some wise older brother,"

"I finished college before yo-"

"that does not count-"

"I had a baby before you did-"

"okay but-"

"I got my first apartment before yo-"

"Okay okay okay we don't have to rub all that in," he chuckles, "but I got a house before you,"

I stick my tongue out at him and he pulls a very proud face. "maria is out and the baby is asleep so for now the movie is perfect,"

we walk into the living room and sam is already setting up her toys, lining them up to watch the movie with us. fletcher brought over his baby. monitor showing me the screen, "look!" he says a wide grin on his face. 

I look at the screen tucker lying asleep on his cot. I knew they had rough nights with him and rough days with him, always not wanting to sleep so this was a win in fletchers book.  I remember when Sam was a baby and she wouldn't sleep through the nights for ages, crying and crying. whenever I came over now with fletcher going through the same thing I could see how much he was being drained. 

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