1.2- Harry

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I couldn't bring myself to call her. I looked at the small paper fletcher had written on over and over. I had it memorized by my second night in my hotel room.

each time I would pick up the phone almost call and then didn't. I worried I would say something wrong, I didn't even know what to say at all. so I just didn't call her.

I tried to make the most of my time as well as distract myself by reaching out to old friends. Niall had even asked to get dinner even drinks after to catch up. I needed the distraction.

looking up at the damn ceiling listening to the hum of the tv in the hotel was driving me crazy. I went over to my parent's house, spoke with my father. it was what I had wanted and he had seemed distant yet happy for me to be back.

fletcher still wouldn't talk to me. I had seen him drop off his baby with Karen when both he and his wife had work. but he had said nothing to me as I sat at the kitchen table.

I didn't think I would leave until I spoke with him until I told him how I felt, till I knew how he felt. well told me with words I knew I could tell by his silence it wasn't good.

but Niall would be the best distraction to come my way.

we went out for dinner at a small place outside of town because there was nothing to do in town. we talked and I enjoyed the time.

then we went for drinks at a bar. it was a nice place not somewhere to party but to have a meeting. couples dancing to the soft jazz just swaying back and forth. Niall and I having a conversation at a small booth.

"your work is honestly amazing harry I didn't think that you would go that far,"

"Thanks," I muttered not wanting to be too full of myself.

we spoke a bit until the waitress came over with another round of drinks. that's when I saw them.

saying back and forth. her hand in his, his other on her waist, hers on his shoulder. she was laughing at something he said and I think that's what made me lookup. I don't think I could ever forget that sound. not when I had felt it rattle in my heart over and over.

I hadn't even noticed I was staring until I tipped my drink over. I cursed and Niall tried to help wipe at the mess. "fuck sorry I just-" I looked back up at where I had seen her. she was turned away from me but I knew it was her.

"it's okay man nothing to worry about," Niall chuckled, "you can calm down you look like you saw a ghost,"

"I think I did," I muttered not thinking he would pick up on it, he looked to where I been looking only moments before.

"ooh Rosie that girl you dated in high school, yeah I see her a lot her daughter goes to the daycare we take our son to,"

the words are like a punch in the chest.

"her daughter?"

"oh yeah she's a wild one I think she's in the group lower than James but I see her a bit,"

"is that her..." I asked nodding to the guy she was with. Niall looked up squinting.

"oh I don't know I never see him around but maybe? I don't really keep up with that shit you know?"

"yeah yeah," I say trying to brush it off but not being able to actually do so. I couldn't keep my eyes off of them and I hadn't even seen her face yet. all I could see was the fucker she was dancing with. he kept smiling and talking both of them just swaying side to side.

I wanted to talk more about it but Niall had already moved on to another topic. I tried to keep up but I was out of it.

she had a child, a baby with someone other than me. she had moved on. moved so much farther than I ever had. I was still stuck on some stupid teenage romance that hadn't left my system and she was probably married to this fucking prick of a guy.

I heard her laugh again, my heart pounding in that same way it always did at the sound. I looked up and when I did I finally saw all of her. they were walking away going to the door.

she looked good, so so so fucking good. motherhood filling out her hips, her breasts. but I didn't care about that because all I could see was that she looked happy, cheeks flushed, that smile on her face as she pushed her hair behind her ear, still as short as when I last saw her.

I tasted blood in my mouth and realized I had been biting my lip too hard. Niall was still talking to me as she walked out.

"you know I think it's best if I turn in now, don't want to keep you too long from your kid," I chuckled trying to play it cool even if I was feeling anything but.

"yeah it is getting late," he said looking down at his phone, "it was great seeing you maybe next time you can come over for dinner? I would love to keep in touch this time maybe even invite over the other guys?"

"yeah that would be great," I smile but my stomach was turning, I wanted to get back to my room at the hotel, wanted to be alone.

we left and I went to my room called the lobby to send up a bottle of whatever would get me drunk fastest.

I sat in the bed wallowing and drunk not thinking before I rang her number.


so sorry this took so long but I'm glad to be back :)))

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