0.5- Rosie

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three years before

I dont know how we ended up in the bath together only that we did. 

me laying on his chest, head resting on his shoulder, both of us playing with each other's fingers talking about whatever came to mind. 

"I teach elementary, I  have fifteen students in my class," I say as he presses his lips to my shoulder.

"fifteen?" he mutters dropping one of his hands to rest on the flat of my stomach under the water. my hand instantly following to rest atop his. I hum a response. 

"what does fletcher do now?" he asks and I shrug, "he's an accountant although I still dont know how he got the job," 

he chuckles, "and the twins? they graduated recently didn't they?" his voice a little strung at the thought of it. 

"yeah last month, fletcher brought a megaphone to shout at them," I laugh, I feel his chest shake on my back as he chuckles, placing another kiss on my shoulder. 

I felt so comfortable there. for years after I had left I worried I'd never be the same around harry again, believed I'd only be placed back in those horrible memories but I never felt any safer than I did here in his arms. 

I had worried about if he ever saw my body again I'd be ashamed over any scar left from seven years ago, but the second my dress was off, the second I was in his sight I knew I didn't care because harry never made me feel small or unwanted, never made me feel anything but pretty. he had kissed over every insecurity, every mark. 

never would I stop loving him. 

it was so strange to be here after so long of not seeing each other, of never doing anything like this before and yet it all fit so well, all made so much sense. and as we lay in bed he pressed his face to my neck, holding me to his body I couldn't help but be happy. 

harry was here, back with me even if it was just for this moment, I had him here. 

"and your music?" I whispered, the rest of the conversation now whispered in the dark of the hotel room. we laid in bed, harry in nothing but his underwear and me in my sleep shirt and underwear. my leg wrapped around him and he mumbled against my skin. 

"I like the job, it's wild to actually be doing something like it, I just wish I had spent more time with my family involved. I dont think they want me back after cutting them off," 

"They will always want you harry, you love them, they love you," 

"I still dont think they would want me back, I treated them like shit, cut them off. Karen doesn't even have my real number she has my mangers number, I'm a horrible fucking person," 

"no, you're not," my fingers in his hair trying to soothe him, "we all do things we regret," 

"I know but I'm an asshole,"  he mutters then he leaves a soft slow kiss to my pulse, "I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch," 

"at least you admit you're sorry, talk to them, start with fletcher, he'll understand," 

"I dont think I can admit when I'm sorry not unless it's you," he kisses me again, "and fletchers the one I'm worried about most," 

"dont be, truly harry he misses you, your whole family does you just have to put one foot out there and start the conversation," 

"I know love its just a bit difficult to do,"

"I know," 

we fall into a comfortable silence both of us close to the edge of sleep before he whispers, "Rosie you know it always just been you, you're always the one for me," 

"I love you," I whisper, "now go to sleep," 

he chuckles, laugh mixed with tiredness, "okay love," and slowly we drift to sleep. 

but in the morning when I opened my eyes I found myself in an empty bed. 

I sat up almost too fast looking around the room to see if maybe he was in the bathroom but the door was wide open, the lights off. I got up legs weak to look to see if his things were still here. 

no sign of any trace of him. 

his clothes had been scattered along the floor now only mine lay disheveled along the carpet. I went to the bathroom thinking this must be a dream, maybe I dreamt he had been here and yet the towels we had used after our bath we handing to dry, knew I was weak from only one thing. 

I moved to the bed looking around the room for any note, anything he could have left behind, and yet there was nothing. I pulled open the door still only dressed in close to nothing only to be faced with the cleaning lady tossing the sheets from Harry's room into her cart. "need a towel?" she asked pointing to her fresh folded laundry. 

"oh no, I um was just wondering did the guest staying in that room check out?" 

"oh yes, he was rushing all downstairs, dropped his shoes in the lobby, I had to rush to give them to him before his car left," 

I felt my heart sink, "so he's gone?" my voice a whisper as I looked to her hoping it wasn't true. 

"yeah sorry bout that hun," 

"it's okay," I said trying not to make it known that the second I closed this door I would be crying. 

and when I did I felt my throat get tight, felt my heart beat unevenly as I slid to the floor against the closed door not being able to hold my tears back. 

I thought everything had gone great, believed everything was going to go so well in the morning, and yet this was happening, I was left alone. revenge for what I had done to him seven years ago. 


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