0.7- Rosie

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three years before

on the drive home, I cried, a lot. 

not knowing what I had done, what I would do after this. I had to go to work, act as if I was fine as if I didn't just get my heart handed to me in the shape of an empty bed. and yet I had. 

he had left nothing, no goodbye, no anything. 

it was what I deserved for leaving him alone with only a phone call, but I hadn't even gotten that. I didn't even have his number, Karen didn't even have his real number. 

but nothing hurt as much as the remembrance of the night's events leading up. did he mean everything he said? all the I love you's and promises of staying? 

well obviously not seeing as he was gone, I'd never met a better actor it seemed. I truly had believed he would stay, truly believed he had loved me but I guess all he had wanted was to have sex with me, to hurt me like I hurt him. 

chin quivering with each flashback of us, laughing in bed, the sweet kisses he'd leftover me, the golden glow of light around us. 

I slept after getting back, curled into myself knowing this was some sort of punishment that had to have come around to me for leaving him. 

and I didn't want to tell fletcher, didn't want to ruin the honeymoon he was enjoying, didn't want to tell anyone about how badly I had been played. but I knew I would tell him eventually, he would know the second he saw me again. knew something would be up, knew that he would already want to discussed harry being at the wedding so late. 

but I would ignore the pain until then for now I'd work to clear my head, press on, and avoid everything. 

and so I worked waiting for the day Fletcher got back from his trip. 

"rose you have to take a trip I swear to fucking god you won't regret it!" Fletcher yells the second he makes it into my apartment. 

"don't yell I have neighbors," I chuckle and he shakes his head. 

"they need to go on trips too," he says scrunching his face before holding up the take out he had gotten. 

"Maria is at home with all her friends and so we have until," he looked at his wrist, "eleven before I get sleepy and have to go back," 

"sleepy? are you five?" I ask taking down some cups for us while he plops himself on the sofa already having his shoes off and on the coffee table. 

"nope just happily married," he singsonged. 

I hadn't seen him this happy since the day maria said yes to his proposal. the two of them having met at college and hitting it off fast, he'd never been so in love with anyone before. I was so happy to see him happy and not having another girl wreck his soft heart. 

I placed down his cup and mine, but then he looked up at me squinting his eyes, brows furrowed, "what the fuck happened when I was gone?"

I was taken back shaking my head, "what?" I hadn't expected him to be so forward and he shook his head. 

"something fucking happened to you, what happened? I can sense it like a secret best forend sense I have, did you get a promotion? did a kid bite you at work? or did you finally let Mr. whatshisface take you out?"

"no none of those things," I say shaking my head, sitting already not knowing how to bring up the heartache I had been feeling for the past week. 

"but something am I right? was it because harry came to the wedding? did you end up kissing cal when I said get a drink with him?" 

"no no god no I didn't kiss Calum," 

"so it's my stupid fucking brother then?" he says leaning back on the sofa, bringing his drink to his lips, peering over his glass at me. he snapped, " that it, its harry," 

I roll my eyes, he always found it so amusing to know me so well, but soon my mood changed as if it was flicked like a light switch. "y-yeah," chin quivering once more as I tried to hold back what I knew would come. 

"aw rose," he leaned over wrapping an arm around my shoulder, "what did the asshole say to you?" 

but that only made a sob fall from me as I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to squeeze my eyes shut to keep down the tears as long as possible. I had started to get sad almost instantly these past few days. my emotions going wild. 

"he-he said he still loved me," I muttered, and fletcher pursed his lips in a sad way, pulling my face into his chest hugging my head to him. "and that he wanted to be with me, stay with me," this time I couldn't help but cry, couldn't help but let it out now, I had waited for this moment to get it all out. 

"and I believed him, you know how much I still love him and I asked him to stay even if I knew it was stupid. I knew it was so so so stupid, he had such a great life without me already he doesn't need me, but I still told him to stay." 

fletcher rubbed at my hair, "rose-"

"and then we-we had sex and then we took a bath and he laid in bed with me-"I broke off again sobbing and Fletcher only pulled me closer. "then he wasn't there in the morning, after telling me he loved me, after saying he would stay," 

"rose he's an asshole," fletcher muttered and I knew he was angry, knew he would wish he could speak to harry but I knew he didn't know how to get in contact with him. 

"I believed him," I cried not knowing what else to say, not knowing what else to do. I'd have to go on, knew I'd have to cry today move on with my life tomorrow. 

"I know Rose, I know," 

"I can't believe I believed him, I wanted him so much fleth I wanted to believe I could be with him again. but I can't, we weren't meant to be together," 


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