3.4- Harry

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I didn't fall asleep when we got into bed. I lay there looking up at the ceiling fan, Rosie's steady breathing against my chest keeping me grounded in place as I rest. 

my mind was so calm as was there and yet I couldn't fall asleep as if in sleep I was wasting the time I had with Rosie. I want this to be forever but as of now, it all felt too good to be true. I didn't know what I needed to do first to solidify this relationship fully. saying I love you was one thing actually committing to it was another. and I wanted to comment wholeheartedly and I'd do anything to make sure I could. 

because fuck I love Rosie more than I loved almost anything or anyone. almost everyone. 


because in just the room over was our daughter. fast asleep tired from a day of fun made with love, and whose little finger had me wrapped so fucking tight I was never going to be pulled away like one pulls a ring from their finger with ease. I was going to commit to her to sam. because I could feel the love I had for her like the world on my shoulders, feel it like the breath in my lungs when I focused, feel it like the soft gaze of her green eyes looking back up at me in question. I love her and it was so crazy just how fast you could love someone so soon. 

 id only known of her for a short time but I think I had in some way known. because that hole in my chest that I believed was for Rosie had become darker after I had left Rosie in that hotel room. now having Rosie back, after learning about sam, it was as if some piece of me had come back, fit itself into my heartstrings like it was always meant to be woven in the pattern of my heart. getting Rosie back was everything but finding sam, that was what was truly bringing in a new light to my life. and Rosie had brought her to me, held her, and kept her safe and I couldn't love someone more than I loved them. 

and when the sun started to pour in through the gauzy curtains Rosie had hung up around the window I slowly moved her so that she wouldn't wake as I got up. I slowly padded to her bathroom, brushing my teeth and making my way to the kitchen. 

first, I wanted to make them breakfast and second, I was starving. if I didn't eat soon the sounds my stomach was making would have not only woken Rosie but sam as well. 

so I made breakfast. I didn't know if it was overstepping seeing as it wasn't my house and I hadn't asked to use anything but I was so hungry I couldn't think straight. and halfway through making the food I was also eating the food, humming to myself not paying attention to anything but making sure I didn't burn the pancakes I was flipping. 

but then I jumped up frightened when I felt something cold press to my leg. when I looked sam was next to me rubbing her eyes with one hand and tapping me with her other. "can I have blueberry?" but her words were coated in sleep and a soft lisp as she said it, and I was caught there just looking down at her with her messy curls framing her face as her fist rubbed her eyes. when I didn't answer she looked up at me with her green eyes, my eyes,  looked up at me in question as if I didn't hear her. 

"blueberry?" I asked and she nodded her head lazily before turning to the fridge, moving and trying to pull the door open but having trouble. I stepped behind her pulling it open before she pulled out a small package of blueberries. 

"mama puts them in for me," she says passing them to me. 

"sure ill put them," I smile taking them from her before she whispered a soft thank you mixed in with a yawn. "why don't you go lay with your mom?" 

but sam shrugs, "I wanna stay with you," then she points to the stove, "can I flip one like in the movies?" 

"if you promise not to touch the stove," 

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