4.7- Harry

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I'm so fucking deep in love I didn't think I could be any happier. that was until I watched Rosie turn around in the parking lot, her blue winter beanie with a pompom on top of her head and a smile directed at me on her lips.

"are you going to buy me a coffee?" my hands are not under my control anymore as I pull her to me. never before interested in PDA and yet here I was.

she laughed arms circling around my neck, "I'll think about it," her voice caught on the edge of her smile.

I needed to pull myself away from her, not stand so close. my self-control was on edge, for a whole two months we barely touched each other, especially in the first month. most movements had hurt if I wasn't just laying down so sex had been thrown out the window. and I didn't mind, Rosie didn't either so we had been content. but now I was fully healed and sexual tension was thick around us.

it was only moments after my shower I was needing to touch her and that was exactly what I had done.

I moved around Rosie so that my arm was thrown over her shoulder, her head tucked into my side. we stopped at the coffee cart grabbed our drinks and headed into the bookstore. the little bell ringing above us.

the checkout clerk not paying us any attention as we moved to the tightly packed shelves. we went around aimlessly, both of us browsing different books not saying much at all just appreciating the time.

we made it to the small children's section. the alcove packed full of books. a worn-out leather love seat was pushed into the corner. rosie leaned down to scan one of the shelves, slim finger reaching to tug on the spine of a book.

both of us sit on the loveseat. rosie places her coffee cup on the floor before flipping open the book. "sam loves to sit here," she smiles pushing her hair behind her ear.

I leaned my head on her shoulder. the fabric of her coat soft against my cheek as her head softly leans against mine. the book she had picked up was filled with photos and facts about the ocean and rainforest.

rosie traced a photo of a jellyfish, finger running over the thick glossy paper. "I can't believe it's already December,"

"sams birthday, your winter break, Christmas," I mutter. rosie hums in response turning a page. "maybe we should take her to the aquarium,"

"she'd love that and I love to see her watch things she loves. her eyes get all wide and look like they are so alive and bright," I can hear the smile in her voice, and my heart feels tight at the thought.

"I love her," the image of sam leaning over to try and tie her shoes in my head. the corner of her tongue sticking out, little fingers trying to work the laces before I had leaned down to help her. my hands so large in comparison as I guided her clumsily.

"she's hard not to love," Rosie chuckles shoulder shaking under me.

we sat there for a bit before picking out a few other books to get for sam. we make our way up the stairs in the back to the top level. the first time I had shown Rosie up here is fresh in my mind.

our coffees were finished, and cups are thrown in the trash. I carried sam's books tucked under my arm.

"do you remember asking me to be your girlfriend here?" Rosie asked turning to look at me from where she stood.

"like it was yesterday," I place the books on the sofa Rosie moves around to stand in front of me. "I don't think I've forgotten any memory that had you in it,"

"do you remember going to the lake? before...everything else?" her smile falters a bit but she looks back up at me smile showing that single dimple on her cheek. "you played music from the speakers of your car and you even packed me a change of clothes,"

I reached out for her, pulling her body closer to mine. "yeah I remember that and the time I tried to teach you guitar," I laughed remembering how little we had actually gotten through.

"and math class, all those times I passed my paper to you I remembered just being so shocked at how well you worked. and when we got partnered for English I was silently cursing at the universe trying to figure out why I was so confused about my feeling for you," her arms around my neck.

"I know me too I could not wrap my head around how some small, smartest in her class, could care less about me, girl had turned all my emotions and feelings on their head. I thought there was something wrong with me for thinking about you so often,"

"and the small part where you didn't even notice me before seeing me not at school but that little record store," she laughs and I groan at the thought.

"I wish that wouldn't be a part of my memory, I was so fucking stupid I mean you and fletcher had been friends for years," I rest my forehead against hers, smile stuck to my face.

"us staying up nearly all night playing cards and holding hands, falling asleep innocently,"

"chocolate milk and our first kiss,"

"my literal first kiss ever," she chuckles "and I had been so worried you regretted it instantly but you came back," she let out a small breath," you came back..."

Rosie pulls away slightly brown eyes glazed over with a film of tears yet to fall. "I pushed you away and you still came back even after so many years and maybe you didn't come back for me but-"

"I did go back for you," cutting her off. "the wedding was an excuse to see you, I knew you would be there. and I wanted to find you sooner, I did, I swear for nights I would stay up just looking at plane tickets let alone contemplating how I could find you, convince you that you needed me there,"

"I didn't want to hurt you, any more than I had at least and it was hard trying to accept what had happened. I couldn't put you through that,"

"I would have taken it," my voice caught as I whispered. "to be with you again,"

she laughed, her head falling to my chest as she did, "could you imagine if we hadn't had all that time apart?"

I wrap my arms around her tucking her closer to me. hand in her hair and the other around her waist as I chuckled thinking, "we probably would have more kids than sam,"

"God, and we would be married and hopefully we would have a nice house,"

"possibly a cat or two?"

"highly likely," she pulls away again, "but we didn't,"

"I want a future with you, a real solid future. I want that house and the cats," my words make Rosie smile rolling her eyes. "I want to get married and have more kids since sam is literally the cutest, coolest, child to ever exist. and I don't ever want to have another memory that doesn't have you in it,"

Rosie closes her eyes, her smile breaking up her features into a beautiful kaleidoscope of happiness. eyes opening she shakes her head, "you know I love you, so so so much?"

"no, I don't think you've ever told me that before," her eyes rolling again.

"Will you just shut up and ask if you can kiss me now?" both of us are stuck in this bubble of love and laughter.

"Can I kiss you?" the words are so familiar to my lips that it's almost as if I couldn't stop myself from saying them.

"yes harry, please kiss me," and I did kiss her, kissed her on the edge of her lips as she laughed, kissed her until we couldn't breathe, and I kissed her on the way to pick up our daughter. and over and over I would kiss her as much as possible to make up for any lost time, kiss her for any time I had been too afraid or nervous in high school, and I would kiss her until she asked me not to; although I hoped she never did. because I know there would never be a time I didn't love her, not after meeting her, not after losing her, and most certainly not after getting her back.

and I'd never let her go again.

          THE END.

thank you so much for reading!!!
all the love -c

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