4.4- Harry

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 my chest was killing me. the pressure there was like a weight I couldn't move. every breath I took like a knife to both my skull and my lungs. the groan I let out radiated through me causing even more pain in my chest. the brightness in the room made me squeeze my eyes shut, and I opened them to find Rosie at the end of my bed. 

she slept sitting in her chair, her head resting on her arms neatly crossed at my feet. I looked to the monitors next to me and looked to the other chair pushed into the corner of the room. there fletcher sat arms crossed over his chest and his head leaning on the wall as he slept. half the room lights are off, but the one directly over me was bright and giving me a headache. my throat was dry and rough as I let my hand, heavy with weakness move to rest on the center of my chest where the most pain was. 

I don't remember what happened after fletcher had pushed me, but I didn't think he pushed me hard enough to leave a bruise on my chest. 

I sat there for a few minutes trying to gather my surroundings and my thoughts. I turned to look at Rosie, her hair spilled neatly over her cheek. her eyes rimmed red and purple, lips dry and chapped, she was wearing the same clothes from dinner but Flecher was not. although wrinkled and the button on his shirt done wrong he still looked worst for wear. 

it was three in the morning or so the clock on the wall said. and I didn't want to wake up Rosie but my throat was in pain, my head was in pain, my chest was in pain. and instantly as the rough words left my mouth Rosie's eyes snapped open. 

"you're awake," she breathed moving from her chair and cupping my hand in hers. 

her fingers cold and stiff as she twisted them in mine, "barely," I muttered, tiredness seeping into every thought I was having, but the main one was pain. "my chest,"

"ill call the nurse," she muttered leaning over to the button next to me and pressing it. "you've been out for three days," 

"three?" I ask as she pushes back my hair, she nods chin quivering as she bit her lip. 

"yeah, you- you stopped breathing and-" 

"Hey, I'm fine now," 

"you shouldn't be the one comforting me, I should be comforting you. but I was so scared," her free hand wipes at her tears. "your dad did CPR on you, he fractured one of your ribs but he got you to breath again," 

"so that's why my chest hurts?" I ask and Rosie and I both look to the door as a nurse leaves a light rapping against the wood before coming in. 

the nurse stays for about an hour, Rosie sitting in her chair again watching and listening as I'm given medicine, explained what movements I shouldn't make, and given water. when the nurse leaves I reach my hand back out for Rosie. 

her hands had warmed up as she cupped both of them around mine. "wheres sam?" 

"at your parents, she is good she didn't see anything, and Karens keeping her well entertained," 

"have you been here the whole time?" I ask looking at her clothes, then at fletcher still asleep in the corner. 

"yeah I road with you in the ambulance and I haven't left, i-i didn't know what to do, and I didn't want to leave you and then you wake up alone and I just didn't want to leave. I was so scared they would call me and tell me something went wrong or just- I didn't want to go I didn't want you to be alone," 

I lift our intertwined hands to my lips, kissing her knuckles lightly, "you could have showered," I joked and it worked to break her mood, shaking her head as she chuckled. that laugh bubbling up from her as she lowered her head to examine her wrinkled top. 

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