2.2- Harry

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I felt as if something had awoken in me that night at rosies apartment. and as I went back to my hotel room I thought about us the night of fletchers wedding. how she felt in my arms, and in other places. it had been a long time since I felt this kind of craving for anyone, the last time had also been Rosie and I had given in, and she had let me. now I was to try and get her back the only way I knew how. flirting, and fuck did I love to see how flustered she got. I loved to see I still had a chance.

and she rushed through my mind like a colorful array of sunlight, every memory and moment more vivid than the last. I tried not to think of all the physical things we shared and focused on everything we had meant to each other. I wanted to feel that. wanted to get back to where we should have been all along.

so I texted her when I got back to my hotel. telling her how I had enjoyed the time I'd spent over with both of them and when was the next time I could come over.

I waited for her to text back as I laid out on my bed looking up at the ceiling. my phone buzzed next to me saying I was getting a call and I answered without even looking. disappointment set in when I realized it was Karen on the other end.

"you shouldn't be spending all that money on a hotel room when we have a perfectly fine guest bedroom for you to stay up at. I don't want to argue with you on the topic," she said hastily.

"Karen I don't want to be a bother-"

"and who would you be bothering? your father and I are happy to accommodate you harry, we want you to stay with us. I want you to stay with us,"

"I don't even know how long ill be staying, I have to think over a lot of things and-"

"then think them over here, I already have the bed made and tonight's family dinner do everyone will be over and I could care less If fletcher throws a fit you are a part of this family and you will be there," 

"Okay," I breathed knowing there was no fighting her when she started to get angry.

"I better see you here in two hours, I even made you shepherds pie," 

I chuckled, "thank you Karen ill see you in less than two hours," and I didn't even need to see her to know she was smiling. 

and it didn't take me long to get my small suitcase together of things and head out. I had gotten little sleep that night and I could feel the weight of the night on me. so I pulled over to the little coffee shop close to the house. 

rain already starting to come down I rushed inside as I tried to remember what Karen liked to drink so I could pick her up something as a thank you. after ordering I moved to stand by the counter to wait for the drinks when someone called out my name. 

looking over my shoulder I saw the same guy I had seen in Rosie's building. the one who had been looking at her up and down like she was something to eat. I didn't even remember his name as he nodded to me. 

"Funny running into you two times in a row," he chuckled, then noticing my face set in a bit of annoyance and probably mistaking it as confusion said, "it's Owen, Rosie's neighbor," 

I gave an awkward half-smile, "yeah funny seeing you here," 

"Rosie actually just ran to the bathroom," he smiled arrogance seeming to roll off of him like heat waves as he nodded to her coat placed over her empty chair. a cup of coffee half full on the table that I assumed was hers as he held up his cup with a smoothie in it. 

"oh," I said putting my hands into my pockets, I didn't want to seem bothered about it but it was bothering me she was here with him. 

the words she had muttered in the elevator ringing through my head "we broke up a long time ago," 

"uh-hum," he looked smug as he leaned back in his chair. 

"I bet you guys come here often she always loved when we went on dates here," I muttered as I watched his eyes examine my face. 

"first time actually but I'm sure it won't be the last," 

both of us were looking the other up and down. any other time I think I would have felt silly having some spitting contest with some half-decent looking man but he was really trying to piss me off it seemed because each word out of his mouth was like a challenge. 

"Harry?" the sound of her voice behind me made me turn, a smile breaking out on my face as I looked at her. dressed in black of all things. it made me smile even wider. 

"Rosie," the smile in my voice was evident, her cheeks turning pink as she looked at me. "we were just talking about how funny it was to run into each other," I point my thumb in Owen's direction who only grins back at her nodding.  

she gave a small awkward chuckle, and I took the opportunity to jump in front of Owen and speak to her. 

"will I see you tonight at dinner?" and I knew Owen had heard when her eyes flickered behind me to look at him. 


"Great," I smiled, "and I love the dress," her hand fluttering down the front of fabric as she looked down at it. "you know I always loved you in black,"

her face was almost bright pink as I said it. she had only worn black once that I could remember and it had been the night we had slept together for the first time. I could still remember how I hadn't wanted to take off her dress because of how good she looked. 

I smirked as she looked up at me in understanding, "thank you," 

the barista called out my name and I turned to Owen before throwing him a small nod. "good seeing you," a lift of my brow as I looked at the slight annoyance lining her features. 

I turned to Rosie again, "see you tonight," I picked up my drinks and smiled a sweet goodbye before exiting the building. 

and for some reason, I felt so fucking good. 

thank you for reading. :)

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