3.3- Rosie

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sexual/mature content!

I don't know what made me want him so badly. didn't know why I was throwing out everything I had told myself not to do. I didn't want to rush things with him, not now, but I didn't care, and I could care even less when his mouth was on me.

I almost couldn't control myself as he sucked, lips on me in just the right way. my hands that had been gripping the covers of the bed moved to his hair and when I tugged on the curling strands harry let out a low moan that vibrated through me. the feeling made me gasp, my hips sinking, his hand that was holding my thigh squeezed me the slightest.

his free hand moved up and slowly he pressed his fingers into me, a moan was caught in my throat as he slowly began to work in sync with his mouth. every movement setting my nerves alight. I could feel myself getting close to the edge, felt it with each hum he let out at my reactions. and it didn't take long until I was coming undone. my body was heavy with the feeling but he did not stop.

mouth working on every sensitive area over again. and when I came a second time my legs were shaking, my eyes seeing spots of white as I tried to catch my breath. I felt so weak and alive all at once and still, I wanted him even more. needed him even more.

he got up from his knees and even if I felt heavy I sat up still only in my bra so that I was able to see him smiling biting his lip as he stood. I got up on my knees and pushed up his shirt. he lifted it off tossing it behind him before his lips found mine.

I could taste myself on his tongue as he kissed me. I let my fingers twist in his hair again as he pulled me closer to him, hands playing with the clasp on my bra. I pulled away letting him take it off of me and I let my hands fall to the button of his jeans. he kissed down my neck, hand cupping my cheek as I unzipped his zipper.

"tell me you want me," he whispered and I knew I didn't just want him anymore.

"I need you," and it was all I needed to say.

his lips found mine again as Harry's hands roamed my body, pulling me closer to him. he reached into his back pocket pulling out a foil packet. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "came prepared this time huh?"

"Hey at least I am prepared," he smiles before he takes his pants and underwear off slipping on the condom.

I lay back down on the bed feeling more comfortable in my body when I'm around him. he had already seen every bit of me and each time I knew there was no judgment. it was another reason why I loved harry so much.

harry leaned over me, face lowering down to place kisses over my stomach, one hand gripping my hip circling his thumb as he moved up to kiss up to the valley of my breasts. my hands brushing through his hair.

every touch was loving and wanting as he kissed up my neck, behind my ear, and up my jaw, hands caressing my sides. I could feel him pressed into my thigh and raised my leg to cause any friction, harry hissed in my ear as I made the movement again.

"tease," he whispered as I chuckled pushing his hair out of his face as he looked at me. eyes a darker shade of green with his pupils dilated.

"I love you," my voice small as I said it because I could feel my love for him like a solid weight in my heart. and his smile grew as he took in my words, dimples soft against his cheeks. he kissed me lightly before showering my cheeks with small pecks all over.

slowly he guided himself into me. harry pressed his face into the crook of my neck trying to silence his deep moan, my gasp let out as my arms wrap around his neck. for a moment we are both still, breathing deeply before harry began to find a rhythm in his thrusts. my nails began to scratch at his back, eyes closing as I gasped from the feeling of him.

harry left hot open-mouthed kisses on my neck that were broken up by his moans. one of his hands reached down to lift up my leg for me to keep up. the movement making him thrust deeper into me, making my back arch up as I let out another moan.

I was already so sensitive from moments earlier and Harry moved his hand to rub my clit in slow circles as I tried hard to stifle my whimpers by pressing my face into his shoulder. my body was filled with sweet fire even my own hand holding the back of my knee felt cold to my skin.

harry was letting out panting breaths mouth attached to my jaw before he let out a long drawn out, "fuck,"

I pulled on his hair with my free hand and I wanted more of him. needed more of him.

his face was pressed into my neck and I could feel a slight film of sweat on his skin, hot and flushed as he thrusted. "deeper," I panted, and without contest, his trusts slowed down only the slightest bit as he angled himself to trust deeper into.

I couldn't help but moan my body reacting to his in the best way possible. he was reaching the best spot, and each thrust was causing me to feel weak with pleasure. I couldn't help myself as my head rolled back his lips finding their place kissing my skin that was hot to the touch.

his fingers still on my sensitive clit he went in circles to match the pace he went in. I knew he was close as he twitched inside me making me whimper the slightest bit. he sped up his fingers and I felt so close to coming undone for the third time. my body felt full of electricity as he came and I soon followed as his thrusts slowed down his moans deep and rumbling through me.

both of us panting, I let my leg go, sore already from being held up. I felt so high and tired as I lay, his body heavy over me as he kissed me. I couldn't help myself from laughing our teeth brushing together as he laughed with me.

"I'm so tired now," I whispered as he pressed a long kiss on my cheek.

"let's take a bath before we sleep," he whispered, lips on my jaw as he kissed me more and more.

"my legs feel like jello," I laughed and he chuckled against my throat, hands brushing up and down my body like a feather. gentle as went over my heated skin. my fingers traced shapes on his back and he whispered he loved me.

we lay for only a second more before he stands up. I lay watching him from the bed before he grabs me up. I let out a shocked break hand covering my mouth from making any sound as he laughed at my shocked expression.

he carried me to my bathroom sitting me down on the toilet lid, I shivered from the coldness.

he turned on the bathtub and as I watched him I couldn't believe this was my life. everything I wanted laid out in front of me. I wanted to cry because I couldn't believe it was happening. when it was just me all I could think about was sam and trying to make it with just us. the last time I was in the bath I had cried about the life I could have had with harry if he had stayed together. now here he was drawing me a bath, naked and smiling as he did.

and as he walked over to me I couldn't help but smile. couldn't help but laugh as he lifted me up again both of us sinking into the tub. the warm water welcoming and coating my body in just the right way.

I lay my head back against harry's chest, closing my eyes as he kissed my bare shoulder and I thanked whoever was out there in the world who had made it possible for Harry to come back into my life.

thank you for reading :)

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